Prizm Content Connect
Namespace: PCCViewer

Namespace: PCCViewer


PCCViewer namespace




<static, readonly> EventType :string

The EventType enumeration defines eventTypes known to the PccViewer. Note: This enumeration is for convenience for API developers. Instead of using this enumeration, you can pass string values of the eventType (enumeration values)
  • string
Name Type Default Description
PageCountReady string PageCountReady “PageCountReady” event is triggered when the viewer has an actual page count from the server and the consumer can begin to interact with the viewer interfaces.

Augmented Properties of the event object for this event:

  • pageCount {number}

    The page count returned from the server.

EstimatedPageCountReady string EstimatedPageCountReady “EstimatedPageCountReady” event is triggered when the viewer has an estimated page count from the server and the consumer can begin to interact with the viewer interfaces

Augmented Properties of the PccViewer.Event object for this event

  • pageCount {number}

    The estimate page count returned from the server.

PageChanged string PageChanged “PageChanged” event is triggered when the viewer changed the current page.

Augmented Properties of the PccViewer.Event object for this event

  • None

PageLoadFailed string PageLoadFailed "PageLoadFailed" event is triggered when the viewer changed the current page.

Augmented Properties of the PccViewer.Event object for this event

  • statusCode {number}

    Indicates the HTTP page load failure error code returned by the image service.

  • accusoftErrorNumber {number} - These error numbers are for specific purposes. Accusoft 4XXX are returned with an HTTP status code of 480 and 5XXX are returned with an HTTP status code of 580. Note: This property is only provided when it is available. Therefore, it is recommended that you check if the event object contains this property prior to accessing it.

    The error codes in this category currently are:

    1. 4001 - Document requires a password (HTTP statusCode will be 480)
    2. 5001 - Unable to generate Page (HTTP statusCode will be 580)
    3. 5002 - Download of the file to the Image service failed (HTTP statusCode will be 580)

  • errorMessage {string}

    Description of the error provided by the Image service.

PageDisplayed string PageDisplayed "PageDisplayed" event is-triggered when the viewer has displayed a page. If the content of a page is large, for example an engineering drawing with several hundred nodes, then the browser may be busy still rendering/preparing the content when this event gets fired.

Augmented Properties of the PccViewer.Event object for this event

  • pageNumber {number}

    The page number of the displayed page.

PageRotated string PageRotated "PageRotated" event is triggered when the viewer has rotated a page by the specified amount.

Augmented Properties of the PccViewer.Event object for this event

  • pageNumber {number}

    The page number of the rotated page.

ScaleChanged string ScaleChanged "ScaleChanged" event is triggered when the scaling of the page in the viewer changes, after user actions. These actions could be either the zoom buttons pressed, zoom api called, fit type changed or the viewer mode changed.

Augmented Properties of the PccViewer.Event object for this event

  • pageNumber {number}

    The viewer returns a number indicating the displayed page number when the event occurred. This has significance because the zoom change only applies to the displayed page in the viewer.

  • scaleType {string}

    Gives an indication of whether the content was 'scaledUp' (got bigger) or 'scaledDown' (got smaller).

WindowModeChanged string WindowModeChanged "WindowModeChanged" event is-triggered when the .windowMode property of the viewer changed.

Augmented Properties of the PccViewer.Event object for this event

  • None

DocumentPrinted string DocumentPrinted "DocumentPrinted" event is triggered when the print button was clicked in the viewer’s print dialog. Please note, we have no way to know if the page(s) actually printed in the system print dialog.

Augmented Properties of the PccViewer.Event object for this event

  • pageNumbers {array of numbers}

    Gets an array containing the page number of each page that was printed. NOTE: In the PageView viewer, the array contains the current page only.

  • orientation {string}

    “portrait” or “landscape”

  • includeMarks {boolean}

    Gets a value indicating whether the marks were included in the printed pages.

TextSelected string TextSelected "TextSelected" event is triggered when the user completes text selection in the page by releasing the mouse button.

Augmented Properties of the PccViewer.Event object for this event

  • selectedText {string}

    A string value indicating the value of the selected text. This is plain text without any formatting.

MouseToolChanged string MouseToolChanged "MouseToolChanged" event is triggered when the mouse tool is changed. This change could be initiated either through the viewer’s toolbar, viewer’s context menu, or the viewer’s API.

Augmented Properties of the PccViewer.Event object for this event

  • mouseToolName {string}

    A string value indicating the name of the new mouse tool.

  • PCCViewer.PccViewer.on

<static, readonly> FitType :string

The FitType enumeration defines fit types known by the PccViewer. The PccViewer uses a specified fit type to set or update the scaling of the pages displayed in the viewer. Note: This enumeration is a convenience for API developers. Instead of using it, you can pass in the string values of the fit type (enumeration values) directly to the API.
  • string
Name Type Default Description
FullImage string FullImage "FullImage" - The viewer scales the page to fill height or width of the viewer. The page is scaled to the largest possible size so that the page is not clipped. The aspect ratio of the page is maintained through scaling.
ActualSize string ActualSize "ActualSize" - The viewer displays pages at their actual size. Clipping of the page may occur.
FullHeight string FullHeight "FullHeight" - The viewer scales the page to fill the height of the viewer. Clipping may occur on the right side of a page, if the aspect ratio of the page is wider than the aspect ratio of the viewer.
FullWidth string FullWidth "FullWidth" - The viewer scales the page to fill the width of the viewer. Clipping may occur on the bottom of a page, if the aspect ratio of the page is taller than the aspect ratio of the viewer.
  • PCCViewer.PccViewer.fitPage(fitType)



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