This function adds Presentation State tags to the DataSet of hIGearPresState, based on the display settings of hIGear, an ART marks attached to it.
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AT_ERRCOUNT ACCUAPI MED_PS_extract ( HIGEAR hIGear, HIGEAR hIGearPresState, DWORD dwFeatureFlags, DWORD dwGrpID ); |
Name | Type | Description |
hIGear | HIGEAR | Image whose settings should be exported to PS. |
hIGearPresState | HIGEAR | Image that will contain Presentation State DataSet. |
dwFeatureFlags | DWORD | Tells which features of PS to export - bit mask. |
dwGrpID | DWORD | Display Group ID. |
Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during the function call.
All pixel formats supported by ImageGear for C and C++.
If any of the tags are already present in the hIGearPresState, they are overwritten.
This function may add/update the following tags/sequences in the hIGearPresState:
To create a new presentation state DataSet, use the following steps:
To modify an existing Presentation State DataSet, use the following steps:
Use MED_PS_pres_LUT_set() to add Presentation LUT to the Presentation State HIGEAR.
Use general DataSet functions to add VOI and Modality LUT to the Presentation State HIGEAR.
Use ImageGear image saving functions (nFormat=IG_FORMAT_DCM) to save lphIGearPresState into a presentation state file (.pre).