Callback for custom tag creation. 0x1300 ∙ 4864
IG_ISIS_TAG_PIXFPACK_CALLBACK is used to create custom tags to be written into the image file. Writing tags to an image file is supported only by file types that contain tags (TIFF).
IG_ISIS_TAG_TYPE_LONG (value passed in must be of the type PIXIF_CALLBACK FAR *).
The callback has the form:
int_export_far_pascal Callback(HISISDRV hDriver, LONG lValue);
To write a custom tag into an image file, set IG_ISIS_TAG_PIXFPACK_CALLBACK to point to the callback function. When the callback is called, lpDriver will point to a driver on which you can create (using IG_ISIS_tag_create...) and set (using IG_ISIS_tag_set...) tags. Any tags so created will be written into the file. lValue will contain a LONG value which was set in the IG_ISIS_TAG_PIXFPACK_CALLBACK_DATA tag.