Number of allowed file formats. 0x1323 ∙ 4899
IG_ISIS_TAG_NUMALLOWEDFORMATS allows an application to specify how many formats to place into IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILFMTS.
IG_ISIS_TAG_NUMALLOWEDFORMATS is an integer value specifying the number of formats that should be returned in the IG_ISIS_TAG_AVAILFMTS tag. The defined constant IG_ISIS_NUMALLOWED_ALL (0L) means place all available formats in the list.
Use IG_ISIS_TAG_NUMALLOWEDFORMATS together with IG_ISIS_TAG_ALLOWEDFORMATS to design an application which displays a particular subset of the available file formats in its common Open or Save dialog. For each allowed format, your application must call IG_ISIS_tag_set_long(driver, IG_ISIS_TAG_ALLOWEDFORMATS, n, IG_ISIS_TAG_FILETYPE_name) where n is a sequential number from zero to IG_ISIS_TAG_NUMALLOWEDFORMATS - 1, and name is the name of one of the file formats to allow (TIFF, PCX, PDA, and so forth). See IG_ISIS_TAG_FILETYPE for a list of all available file types.
Because IG_ISIS_TAG_NUMALLOWED_ALL = 0, it is not possible to specify no allowed formats.