ImageGear for Java
ImGearARTPolyRuler Class Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see ImGearARTPolyRuler members.

Public Methods
Public MethodcloneCreates new object that is an exact copy of the current mark. (Inherited from
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)fromLegacyMarkConverts legacy ART2.0 mark into the appropriate ART 3.0 mark. (Inherited from
Public MethodgetAspectDenominatorXGets the mark's X aspect denominator value.

Integer value.

ART Poly Ruler object is designed to display the distance between points on the image. Point's coordinates are specified in image pixel units, and the Polyline Ruler displays the distance measured in these units.

AspectDenominator/AspectNumerator properties help to change measurement units from image pixels to more convenient measurment units like meters or inches.

The default value is 1.

Public MethodgetAspectDenominatorYGets the Mark's Y aspect denominator value.

Integer value.

ART Poly Ruler object is designed to display the distance between points on the image. Point's coordinates are specified in image pixel units, and the Polyline Ruler displays the distance measured in these units.

AspectDenominator/AspectNumerator properties help to change measurement units from image pixels to more convenient measurement units, like meters or inches.

The default value is 1.

Public MethodgetAspectNumeratorXGets the mark's X aspect numerator value.

Integer value.

ART Poly Ruler object is designed to display the distance between points on the image. Point's coordinates are specified in image pixel units, and the Polyline Ruler displays the distance measured in these units.

AspectDenominator/AspectNumerator properties help to change measurement units from image pixels to more convenient measurement units, like meters or inches.

The default value is 1.

Public MethodgetAspectNumeratorYGets the mark's Y aspect numerator value.

Integer value.

ART Poly Ruler object is designed to display the distance between points on the image. Point's coordinates are specified in image pixel units, and the Polyline Ruler displays the distance measured in these units.

AspectDenominator/AspectNumerator properties help to change measurement units from image pixels to more convenient measurement units, like meters or inches.

The default value is 1.

Public MethodgetBoundsGets mark's bounding rectangle in abstract coordinates.

com.accusoft.imagegear.core.shapes.ImGearRectangle structure object.

Type of the mark's coordinate system is specifying when using ImGearARTPage.addMark method.


Public MethodgetColorGets the color of the mark.

com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearRGBQuad structure object interface.

Public MethodgetEndLineLengthGets the length of the mark's end line.

Integer value.

The default value is 20.

Public MethodgetFontDisablePPMGets a value indicating whether the PPM option is disabled in font pointSize calculations.

Boolean value.

True - disables PPM and display parameters in font pointSize calculations for the current mark, False - enables font pointSize calculations. The default value is false.

Public MethodgetFontNameGets the font name of the text font.

String value.

The default value is "Arial".

Public MethodgetFontSizeGets the font pointSize of the text font.

Any positive float value.

Public MethodgetFontStyleARTGets the font style of the text font.

Aggregates of ImGearARTFontStyles enumeration value.

Public MethodgetHitTestBoundsGets the mark's boundling rectangle used for hit test.

com.accusoft.imagegear.core.shapes.ImGearRectangle structure object.

This rectangle adds a callout point to the mark's bounding rectangle. Type of the mark's coordinate system is specifying when using ImGearARTPage.addMark method.


(Inherited from
Public MethodgetLabelGets the mark label.

String value.

The default value is "%d mm".

Public MethodgetNumberOfPointsGets the actual number of mark's points.

Integer value.

Public MethodgetOpacityGets the opacity of the mark.

Integer value from 0 (transparent) to 255 (opaque).

The default value is 255.

Public MethodgetPointGets mark's point with the specified index.  
Public MethodgetPointsGets the raw points array.

com.accusoft.imagegear.core.shapes.ImGearPoint structure array. com.accusoft.imagegear.core.shapes.ImGearPoint

Public MethodgetPrecisionGets the number of decimal digits displayed for the mark.

Integer value.

The default value is 1.

Public MethodgetStartLineLengthGets the length of the mark's start line.

Integer value.

The default value is 20.

Public MethodgetStatisticsGets an object representing specific statistics information about the mark.

com.accusoft.imagegear.core.shapes.ImGearRectangle structure object.

(Inherited from
Public MethodgetStyleGets the mark's line style.

ImGearARTPenStyle enumeration value.

Public MethodgetTypeGets mark's type.

ImGearARTMarkType enumeration value. ImGearARTMarkType

Public MethodgetWidthGets the mark's line width.

Integer value.

Public MethodisVisibleGets a value indicating whether the mark is visible or not.

Boolean value.

Public MethodmoveMoves the mark by specified offset.  
Public MethodsetAspectDenominatorXSets the mark's X aspect denominator value.

Integer value.

ART Poly Ruler object is designed to display the distance between points on the image. Point's coordinates are specified in image pixel units, and the Polyline Ruler displays the distance measured in these units.

AspectDenominator/AspectNumerator properties help to change measurement units from image pixels to more convenient measurment units like meters or inches.

The default value is 1.

Public MethodsetAspectDenominatorYSets the Mark's Y aspect denominator value.

Integer value.

ART Poly Ruler object is designed to display the distance between points on the image. Point's coordinates are specified in image pixel units, and the Polyline Ruler displays the distance measured in these units.

AspectDenominator/AspectNumerator properties help to change measurement units from image pixels to more convenient measurement units, like meters or inches.

The default value is 1.

Public MethodsetAspectNumeratorXSets the mark's X aspect numerator value.

Integer value.

ART Poly Ruler object is designed to display the distance between points on the image. Point's coordinates are specified in image pixel units, and the Polyline Ruler displays the distance measured in these units.

AspectDenominator/AspectNumerator properties help to change measurement units from image pixels to more convenient measurement units, like meters or inches.

The default value is 1.

Public MethodsetAspectNumeratorYSets the mark's Y aspect numerator value.

Integer value.

ART Poly Ruler object is designed to display the distance between points on the image. Point's coordinates are specified in image pixel units, and the Polyline Ruler displays the distance measured in these units.

AspectDenominator/AspectNumerator properties help to change measurement units from image pixels to more convenient measurement units, like meters or inches.

The default value is 1.

Public MethodsetColorSets the color of the mark.

com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearRGBQuad structure object interface.

Public MethodsetEndLineLengthSets the length of the mark's end line.

Integer value.

The default value is 20.

Public MethodsetFontDisablePPMSets a value indicating whether the PPM option is disabled in font pointSize calculations.

Boolean value.

True - disables PPM and display parameters in font pointSize calculations for the current mark, False - enables font pointSize calculations. The default value is false.

Public MethodsetFontNameSets the font name of the text font.

String value.

The default value is "Arial".

Public MethodsetFontSizeSets the font pointSize of the text font.

Any positive float value.

Public MethodsetFontStyleARTSets the font style of the text font.

Aggregates of ImGearARTFontStyles enumeration value.

Public MethodsetLabelSets the mark label.

String value.

The default value is "%d mm".

Public MethodsetNumberOfPointsSets the actual number of mark's points.

Integer value.

Public MethodsetOpacitySets the opacity of the mark.

Integer value from 0 (transparent) to 255 (opaque).

The default value is 255.

Public MethodsetPointSets mark's point at the specified index.  
Public MethodsetPrecisionSets the number of decimal digits displayed for the mark.

Integer value.

The default value is 1.

Public MethodsetStartLineLengthSets the length of the mark's start line.

Integer value.

The default value is 20.

Public MethodsetStyleSets the mark's line style.

ImGearARTPenStyle enumeration value.

Public MethodsetVisibleSets a value indicating whether the mark is visible or not.

Boolean value.

Public MethodsetWidthSets the mark's line width.

Integer value.

See Also


ImGearARTPolyRuler Class Package



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