ImageGear for Java Package
Inheritance Hierarchy
The ImageGear ART package allows you to add redlining and annotation capabilities to any application built with ImageGear. If you have an application that can read, display, and print images, then with ImageGear ART package enabled, you can add marking capabilities, such as lines, arrows, highlighting, and sticky notes to document images, and use them as though you were working on printed sheets of paper.
ImGearART Provides general ART functionality and access to the global properties and methods.
ImGearARTArrow Represents legacy ART Arrow mark.
ImGearARTAudio Represents ART Audio mark.

ImGearARTBorder Provides mark's border attributes.

ImGearARTButton Represents ART Button mark.

ImGearARTCallout Provides text mark's callout attributes. Callout is the shape object that points to the object it tells about.
ImGearARTCurve Represents ART Curve mark.
ImGearARTDroppedAttributeEventArgs Provides data for the DroppedAttribute event.

The DroppedAttribute event occurs only when you call the loadPage method and the unsupported annotation mark attribute is being dropped.

ImGearARTDroppedMarkEventArgs Provides data for the DroppedMark event.

The DroppedMark event occurs only when you call the loadPage method and the unsupported annotation mark is being dropped.

ImGearARTEllipse Represents ART Ellipse mark.
ImGearARTEncryption Represents ART Encryption mark.
ImGearARTFilledEllipse Represents legacy ART Filled Ellipse mark.

ImGearARTFilledPolygon Represents legacy ART Filled Polygon mark.

ImGearARTFilledRectangle Represents legacy ART Filled Rectangle mark.

ImGearARTFreeLine Represents legacy ART Freehand line mark.

ImGearARTGroup Represents a collection of annotation marks united into a single group.

This class provides methods and properties generic for the annotation group.

ImGearARTGroupArray Represents an array of annotation groups.

ImGearARTGroupEnumerator Provides marks iteration capabilities over the annotation group.

Group enumerator is used for ImGearARTGroup to iterate through the collection of marks by using foreach statement.

ImGearARTHighlighter Represents legacy ART Highlighter mark.

ImGearARTHollowEllipse Represents legacy ART Hollow Ellipse mark.
ImGearARTHollowPolygon Represents legacy ART Hollow Polygon mark.

ImGearARTHollowRectangle Represents legacy ART Hollow Rectangle mark.

ImGearARTHotSpot Represents ART Hot Spot mark.

ImGearARTImage Represents ART Image mark.

ImGearARTImageEmb Represents legacy ART Embedded Image mark.

ImGearARTImageRef Represents legacy ART Image Reference mark.

ImGearARTLine Represents ART Line mark.
ImGearARTLoadEvents Contains fields that can be used to pass event delegates to loadPage method of the ImGearART.
ImGearARTMark Provides the abstract base class for all annotation marks. Clients can register for notifications of property changes through this class's IImGearNotifyPropertyChanged interface.
ImGearARTMarkStatistics Represent specific statistics information about ART marks.
ImGearARTMeasurementUnit Represents a measurement unit, such as Meter, Inch etc.

Measurement unit is defined by its name, abbreviation, and aspect values. Several most commonly used measurement units are available as static properties.

ImGearARTNote Represents legacy ART Attach-A-Note mark.

ImGearARTPage Represents a collection of annotation groups.

This class provides methods and properties for accessing to annotation groups and individual marks on the page.

ImGearARTPage is completely independent from com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearPage class and can be associated with one or more com.accusoft.imagegear.core.ImGearPage class objects.

ImGearARTPageEnumerator Provides marks iteration capabilities over the annotation page.

Page enumerator class is used for ImGearARTPage class to iterate through the collection of marks by using foreach statement.

ImGearARTPin Provides text mark's pin attirbutes.

ImGearARTPinUpText Represents legacy ART Pin-Up-Text mark.

ImGearARTPoint Represents ART Point mark.

ImGearARTPolygon Represents ART Polygon mark.


ImGearARTPolyline Represents ART Polyline mark.

ImGearARTPolyRuler Represents ART Polyline Ruler mark.
ImGearARTProtractor Represents ART Protractor mark.

ImGearARTRectangle Represents ART Rectangle mark.

ImGearARTRedaction Represents legacy ART Redaction mark.

ImGearARTRuler Represents ART Ruler mark.

ImGearARTSelection Provides the abstract class that defines mark selection interface.
ImGearARTText Represents ART Text mark.

ImGearARTTextCallout Represents legacy ART Callout Text mark.
ImGearARTTextFromFile Represents legacy ART Text From File mark.

ImGearARTTextStamp Represents legacy ART Text Stamp mark.

ImGearARTTypedText Represents legacy ART Typed Text mark.

ImGearMarkEventArgs Provides data for the mark events.
ImGearMarkPointEventArgs Provides data for the mark point events.
IImGearARTCurve Defines ART Curve mark interface.
IImGearARTEllipse Defines ART Ellipse mark interface.
IImGearARTLine Defines ART Line mark interface.
IImGearARTPoint Defines ART Point mark interface.
IImGearARTPolygon Defines ART Polygon mark interface.
IImGearARTPolyline Defines ART Polyline mark interface.
IImGearARTPolyRuler Defines ART Polyline Ruler mark interface.
IImGearARTProtractor Defines ART Protractor mark interface.
IImGearARTRectangle Defines ART Rectangle mark interface.
IImGearARTRuler Defines ART Ruler mark interface.
IImGearARTText Defines ART Text mark interface.
ImGearARTAccess Specifies annotations group access level.
ImGearARTBurnInOptions Specifies options to burn in annotations.
ImGearARTButtonState Specifies button mark's state options.
ImGearARTCalloutType Specifies callout types.
ImGearARTCoordinatesType Specifies mark's coordinate types.
ImGearARTFontStyles Specifies text font style information. Normal text is represented by an empty EnumSet<ImGearARTFontStyles>

ImGearARTLineHeadType Specifies line mark's head types.
ImGearARTMarkHitTest Specifies hit test results.
ImGearARTMarkType Specifies types of annotations.
ImGearARTPenStyle Specifies pen styles.
ImGearARTPinAlignment Specifies an alignment of the pin icon.
ImGearARTSaveType Specifies annotations save formats.
ImGearARTTextType Specifies a type of string in the text mark's "Text" property.
See Also


ImageGearJava Project



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