This guide explains how to configure the viewer UI to include only the features you want.
Configuring the UI requires a Professional license. You can evaluate Professional features by setting licenseKey
to 'eval'
when creating the viewer.
To configure the UI, use the allowedControls
option when calling create
(async () => {
// Create the viewer
window.myViewer = await PdfViewerControl.create({
container: document.getElementById('myContainer'),
// URL or Uint8Array for a PDF
// Use a Professional license key or the value 'eval'
licenseKey: 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY',
// Specify the UI controls to include or exclude
allowedControls: {
// These are included by default; you can remove by setting to `false`
fullScreenToggle: true,
nextAndPreviousPageButtons: true,
pageNumberAndCount: true,
printing: true,
search: true,
thumbnails: true,
zoomInAndOutButtons: true,
// These are removed by default; you can include by setting to `true`
ellipseTool: false,
freehandDrawingTool: false,
freehandSignatureTool: false,
lineTool: false,
rectangleTool: false,
textHighlightTool: false
For more information about what each of these options mean, see the API reference for create
Disable printing and full screen mode:
(async () => {
window.myViewer = await PdfViewerControl.create({
container: document.getElementById('myContainer'),
licenseKey: 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY', // or 'eval'
allowedControls: {
printing: false,
fullScreenToggle: false
Adding the line tool and removing search:
(async () => {
window.myViewer = await PdfViewerControl.create({
container: document.getElementById('myContainer'),
licenseKey: 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY', // or 'eval'
allowedControls: {
lineTool: true,
search: false