Accusoft PDF Viewer Documentation


Using a Bundler

This section explains how to get started when using a bundler, like webpack.

  1. Install the @accusoft/pdf-viewer package:

    npm install @accusoft/pdf-viewer
  2. To ensure the best experience on mobile devices, make sure your application defines a meta viewport tag in the head of your HTML, like this:

    <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" name="viewport" />

    Without this, the viewer UI may appear very small and be unusable on a mobile device (if you are already developing a web application for mobile, you likely already have a tag like this defined).

  3. Define an empty container DOM element where you want the PDF viewer to be located:

    <!-- NOTE: The viewer will only fill the size of your container.
         Make sure your container has a defined width and height! -->
    <div id="myContainer" style="height: 800px;"></div>
  4. Import PdfViewerControl:

    import { PdfViewerControl } from '@accusoft/pdf-viewer';
  5. Create a viewer:

    (async () => {
      // Create a viewer
      window.myViewer = await PdfViewerControl.create({
        container: document.getElementById('myContainer'),
        // URL or Uint8Array for a PDF
        sourceDocument: ''

    Optionally, use a licenseKey of 'eval' to evaluate Professional features, enabling the allowedControls you want, such as annotation tools:

    (async () => {
      // Create a viewer
      window.myViewer = await PdfViewerControl.create({
        container: document.getElementById('myContainer'),
        // URL or Uint8Array for a PDF
        sourceDocument: '',
        // Evaluate Professional features (page contents will be watermarked)
        licenseKey: 'eval',
        // Configure the UI:
        allowedControls: {
          // Enable or disable annotation tools (all false by default):
          ellipseTool: true,
          freehandDrawingTool: true,
          freehandSignatureTool: true,
          lineTool: true,
          rectangleTool: true,
          textHighlightTool: true,
          // Enable or disable other parts of the UI (all true by default):
          fullScreenToggle: true,
          nextAndPreviousPageButtons: true,
          pageNumberAndCount: true,
          printing: true,
          search: true,
          thumbnails: true,
          zoomInAndOutButtons: true
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