Interface HealthCheckInterface

    • Method Detail

      • checkAvailable

        ContentHandlerResult checkAvailable​(ContentHandlerInput input)
                                     throws VirtualViewerAPIException

        Returns null, or an empty ContentHandlerResult for a successful "healthy" result, or throws a VirtualViewerAPIException for an "unhealthy" result. This interface will alow monitoring software to check VirtualViewer's content handler availability. It is up to the content handler implementation to determine what constitutes "healthy and available". For example, the sample FileContentHandler will always return a result--it is pure Java and therefore always available. On the other hand, the RestfulHttpContentHandler will ping the remote content handler and throw the "failure" result if it encounters an problem with the ping.

        input - ContentHandlerInput containing no values.
        null, or ContentHandlerResult with no values. This is considered a successful connection check.
        VirtualViewerAPIException - on failure--this is considered a failed connection check.