Class ImageUtils

  • public class ImageUtils
    extends java.lang.Object
    Contains utility methods used for sizing and adjusting images.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static boolean adjustForXYDPI​(RasterMaster snowImage)
      This method resizes an image that has an X-DPI that is different the Y-DPI.
      static int getAdjustedHeightForYDPI​(RasterMaster snowImage)
      Returns height of image adjusted to match the X-DPI (instead of the Y-DPI).
      static int getLargeImageScaleFactor​(int width, int height, int bitDepth, long maxImageSize)
      Call if scaling is configured (rpConfig.isScalingConfigured()) to determine the scale factor.
      static java.awt.Dimension getThumbnailSize​(int maxDimension, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, int xDPI, int yDPI)
      Calculate the best dimensions for a thumbnail of a document page with the given width, height, and DPI.
      static byte[] increaseBytes​(byte[] inByte)
      Return a new byte array with the same contents, double the size of the original.
      static byte[] trimBytes​(byte[] inByte, int realSize)
      Trim provided array to the provided size.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getThumbnailSize

        public static java.awt.Dimension getThumbnailSize​(int maxDimension,
                                                          int imageWidth,
                                                          int imageHeight,
                                                          int xDPI,
                                                          int yDPI)
        Calculate the best dimensions for a thumbnail of a document page with the given width, height, and DPI.
        maxDimension - maximum size thumbnail can be scaled to - either width or height, depending on the original image's aspect ratio
        imageWidth - original image's width
        imageHeight - original image's height
        xDPI - horizontal dots per inch
        yDPI - vertical dots per inch
        Dimension object containing width and height
      • adjustForXYDPI

        public static boolean adjustForXYDPI​(RasterMaster snowImage)
                                      throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method resizes an image that has an X-DPI that is different the Y-DPI. If a resize is necessary, then the Y-DPI will also be updated to match the X-DPI.
        snowImage - RasterMaster object containing the image to scale
        true if an adjustment was made.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if the calling thread is interrupted
      • getAdjustedHeightForYDPI

        public static int getAdjustedHeightForYDPI​(RasterMaster snowImage)
        Returns height of image adjusted to match the X-DPI (instead of the Y-DPI). Will return the original height if both DPIs match.
        snowImage - RasterMaster object containing the image to measure
        adjusted height measured by X-DPI
      • increaseBytes

        public static byte[] increaseBytes​(byte[] inByte)
        Return a new byte array with the same contents, double the size of the original.
        inByte - byte array to copy and double
        equivalent byte array of double the size
      • trimBytes

        public static byte[] trimBytes​(byte[] inByte,
                                       int realSize)
        Trim provided array to the provided size.
        inByte - array to trim
        realSize - size to trim array to
        trimmed array
      • getLargeImageScaleFactor

        public static int getLargeImageScaleFactor​(int width,
                                                   int height,
                                                   int bitDepth,
                                                   long maxImageSize)
        Call if scaling is configured (rpConfig.isScalingConfigured()) to determine the scale factor. This is only called for images/text rects going to the client, not being exported etc
        width - Width of the image in pixels
        height - Height of the image in pixels
        bitDepth - Bitdepth of the image
        maxImageSize - The maximum image size-- width times height -- that should be sent to the client
        An integer scale factor, to be used in the denominator