Accusoft TwainPRO 9
TwainPro Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method AboutBoxDisplays an "about box" describing the control and displaying pertinent information.
Public Method CancelPendingXfersMoves the Data Source from the Image Transfer state to the Capability Negotiation state. (Before StartSession is called)
Public Method CloseSessionDisables and closes the current data source and Data Source Manager.
Public Method CopyToClipboardCopies the current image to the clipboard.
Public Method CutToClipboardCuts the current image to the clipboard.
Public Method DisplayUIDisplays the user interface.
Public Method GetCustomDataSourceDataGets custom data (current settings, e.g., DPI, paper size, color format) from the source to the application. The source settings will be returned in a format that is source dependent and not defined by TWAIN.
Public Method GetExtendedImageInfoGets the Extended Image Info, such as barcode and patch code data, for the current page.
Public Method GetExtInfoGets the Extended Image Info, such as barcode and patch code data, for the current page.
Public Method GetImageLayoutGets the Left, Top, Right, and Bottom sides of the Image Layout rectangle for the current Data Source.
Public Method LoadSettingsLoads settings for the filename given.
Public Method OpenDSMOpens the Source Manager.
Public Method OpenSessionOpens the Data Source Manager and Data Source, placing TwainPRO into the Capability Negotiation state.
Public Method SaveFileSaves the current acquired DIB as a file given a path and file name.
Public Method SaveSettingsSaves settings for the filename given.
Public Method SaveSourceCompressedImageToFileSaves the Source-compressed image as a file given a path and file name.
Public Method SaveSourceCompressedImageToHandleSaves the Source-compressed image to a handle.
Public Method SaveSourceCompressedImageToHandle64Saves the Source-compressed image to a handle in a 64-bit environment.
Public Method SaveSourceCompressedImageToVariantSaves the Source-compressed image to a variant.
Public Method SaveToFileSaves the TwainPro-compressed image as a file given a path and file name.
Public Method SaveToHandleSaves TwainPro-compressed image to a handle.
Public Method SaveToHandle64Saves TwainPro-compressed image to a handle in a 64-bit environment.
Public Method SaveToVariantSaves TwainPro-compressed image to a variant.
Public Method SelectSourceDisplays the TWAIN Data Source Manager's Source Selection User Interface (UI) so the user can choose which Data Source is the current Source.
Public Method SetCapOutSet the current capability using the container specified by CapTypeOut and the values in the various Cap Out properties.
Public Method SetCustomDataSourceDataSets custom data (current settings, e.g., DPI, paper size, color format) of the source from the application. The source settings are in a format that is source dependent and not defined by TWAIN.
Public Method SetDataSourceSelects a TWAIN Data Source from the DataSourceList property as the current Data Source.
Public Method SetImageLayoutSets the Left, Top, Right, and Bottom sides of the Image Layout rectangle for the current Data Source.
Public Method SetOEMLicenseKeySets the control runtime OEM license key.
Public Method SetSolutionKeySets the control runtime license deployment solution key.
Public Method SetSolutionNameSets the control runtime license deployment solution name.
Public Method StartSessionEnables the Current Data Source and places it into the Image Transfer state.
Public Method ToHdibReturns the handle to the current DIB (Device Independent Bitmap).
Public Method ToHdib64Returns the handle to the current DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) in a 64-bit environment.
Public Properties
Public Property Capability

Gets and sets which Twain capability to negotiate.

Public Property CapAdvancedGets or sets the advanced capabilities.
Public Property CapDefaultGets the default value for a capability.
Public Property CapDefaultFrameBottomReturns the default bottom value for the frame capability.
Public Property CapDefaultFrameLeftReturns the default left value for the frame capability.
Public Property CapDefaultFrameRightReturns the default right value for the frame capability.
Public Property CapDefaultFrameTopReturns the default top value for the frame capability.
Public Property CapDescGets the description for the specified constant for the current capability.
Public Property CapExtInfoCount

Gets or sets the number of extended image information requested from a TWAIN Data Source that supports getting extended image information.

Public Property CapExtInfoIndexGets or sets the current position in the previously allocated extended image information array.
Public Property CapFrameBottomReturns the current bottom value for the frame capability.
Public Property CapFrameBottomOutSets the current bottom value for the frame capability.
Public Property CapFrameLeftReturns the current left value for the frame capability.
Public Property CapFrameLeftOutSets the current left value for the frame capability.
Public Property CapFrameRightReturns the current right value for the frame capability.
Public Property CapFrameRightOutSets the current right value for the frame capability.
Public Property CapFrameTopReturns the current top value for the frame capability.
Public Property CapFrameTopOutSets the current top value for the frame capability.
Public Property CapItemGets legal values for the specified capability.
Public Property CapItemFrameBottomReturns the bottom value for the frame capability at the specified index in the collection.
Public Property CapItemFrameBottomOutSets the bottom value for the frame capability at the specified index in the collection.
Public Property CapItemFrameLeftReturns the left value for the frame capability at the specified index in the collection.
Public Property CapItemFrameLeftOutSets the left value for the frame capability at the specified index in the collection.
Public Property CapItemFrameRightReturns the right value for the frame capability at the specified index in the collection.
Public Property CapItemFrameRightOutSets the right value for the frame capability at the specified index in the collection.
Public Property CapItemFrameTopReturns the top value for the frame capability at the specified index in the collection.
Public Property CapItemFrameTopOutSets the top value for the frame capability at the specified index in the collection.
Public Property CapItemOutSets a new legal value for a particular capability when CapType = TWCAP_ENUM or TWCAP_ARRAY.
Public Property CapItemStringGets legal values for the specified capability.
Public Property CapMax

Gets the maximum value in a range when the CapType = TWCAP_RANGE.

Public Property CapMaxOutSets the maximum value in a range when CapTypeOut = TWCAP_RANGE.
Public Property CapMinGets the minimum value in a range when the CapType is TWCAP_RANGE.
Public Property CapMinOutGets the minimum value in a range when CapTypeOut = TWCAP_RANGE.
Public Property CapNumFrameItemsOutSets the number of items in an enumeration for the frame capability.
Public Property CapNumItemsThe number of items in a list or array when CapType = TWCAP_ENUM or TWCAP_ARRAY.
Public Property CapNumItemsOutSets the number of items in a list or array when CapTypeOut = TWCAP_ENUM or TWCAP_ARRAY.
Public Property CapStepGets the step value in a range when the CapType is TWCAP_RANGE.
Public Property CapStepOutSets the step value in a range when CapTypeOut = TWCAP_RANGE.
Public Property CapStringGets the current string value for a capability.
Public Property CapStringOutSets the current string value for a capability.
Public Property CapSupportedGets whether the current capability is supported by the TWAIN device.
Public Property CaptionGets and sets the text placed on a still frame.
Public Property CaptionHeightGets and sets the height in pixels of the clip rectangle used to write a caption to a frame during a frame capture.
Public Property CaptionLeftGets or sets the x or left offset in pixels to write the caption to a frame during a frame capture.
Public Property CaptionTopGets and sets the y or top offset in pixels to write the caption to a frame during a frame capture.
Public Property CaptionWidth

Gets and sets the width in pixels of the clip rectangle used to write a caption to a frame during a frame capture.

Public Property CapTypeGets the type of container used to transfer capability information from the Source.
Public Property CapTypeOut

Gets and sets the type of container used to transfer capability information to the Source.

Public Property CapValueGets the current value for a capability.
Public Property CapValueOutSets the current value for a capability.
Public Property ClipCaptionGets and sets whether the Caption is clipped by the CaptionWidth and CaptionHeight properties or clipped using the right and bottom edges of the frame.
Public Property CloseOnCancelGets and sets whether the Twain User Interface should be closed when the operation is cancelled.
Public Property CloseSessionAfterAcquisitionGets or sets a value indicating whether the session with the data source and data source manager will be closed before returning from the StartSession method.
Public Property CurrentDataSourceGets the index of the currently selected Data Source.
Public Property DataSourceCountGets the number of TWAIN Data Source product names.
Public Property DataSourceListA string array of Data Source product names.
Public Property DataSourceManagerVersionSpecifies what version of the TWAIN Data Source Manager is used, by default it is set to LatestSupportedVersionAvailable.
Public Property DataSourceManagerVersionInUseSpecifies what version of the TWAIN Data Source Manager is in use.
Public Property Debug

Gets or sets an indicator which determines if the component writes information to a DebugLogFile or not.

Public Property DebugErrorLevel

Gets or sets the error level of items that the component should write to the debug log file.

Public Property DebugLogFile

Gets or sets the filename of the debug log file.

Public Property EnableExtCapsGets and sets an indicator if the extended capabilities for feedpage and clearpage are enabled.
Public Property EnableExtendedImageInfoEnables if extended image info attributes can be retrieved from the source.
Public Property ErrorCodeGets the extended error code returned by the Twain Source.
Public Property ErrorDescriptionGets a description of the extended error code returned by the Twain Source.
Public Property EvaluationModeGets and sets how the control will behave when in evaluation (non-licensed) mode.
Public Property FontGets and sets the font used to draw the Caption on the current still frame.
Public Property ForeColorGets and sets the color used to draw the Caption on the current still frame.
Public Property FTPPasswordGets and sets the password used to log into an ftp site.
Public Property FTPUserNameGets and sets the user name used to log into an ftp site.
Public Property HAlignGets and sets the horizontal alignment of the caption within the clipping rectangle.
Public Property hDIBGets the Window handle to the current DIB (Device Independent Bitmap).
Public Property hImageGets the Window handle to the current compressed Image, either in TIFF or JPEG format.
Public Property hParentWndGets and sets a window handle to the TwainPRO object for applications that create TwainPRO in-process rather than placing it on a form.
Public Property IBPPGets the bits per pixel of the current image.
Public Property ICompressionGets the compression format of the current image.
Public Property IHeightGets the height of the current image.
Public Property IPixelTypeGets the pixel type of the current image.
Public Property IResXGets the X resolution of the current image.
Public Property IResY

Gets the Y resolution of the current image.

Public Property IWidthGets the width of the current image.
Public Property ManufacturerGets or sets the manufacturer string for the application identity.
Public Property MaxImages

Gets or sets the maximum number of images expected from a TWAIN Data Source that supports multiple image scanning.

Public Property PendingXfersGets the number of image transfers the TWAIN Data Source is ready to supply to the TwainPRO control.
Public Property PICPasswordGets or sets the password for an ePIC file.
Public Property PictureGets the picture object containing a copy of the current frame buffer.
Public Property ProductFamilyGets or sets the Product Family string for the application identity.
Public Property ProductNameGets or sets the Product Name string for the application identity.
Public Property ProxyServerMany organizations use a proxy server to allow individual computers to access the Internet through the local LAN.
Public Property RaiseExceptionsGets and sets whether exceptions are raised.
Public Property SaveFileTypeGets and sets the type of file to save.
Public Property SaveIFDOffsetGets and sets the location to append the next TIFF page when fast saving of multi-page TIFF files is invoked.
Public Property SaveJBIG2EncodeModeCompressionGets and sets the encoding mode to use when creating JBIG2 compressed files.
Public Property SaveJBIG2FileOrgCompressionGets and sets the file organization when saving a JBIG2 compressed file.
Public Property SaveJBIG2InvertedRegionGets and sets an indicator if the bits should be inverted prior to symbol analysis.
Public Property SaveJBIG2LoosenessCompressionGets and sets how loose to be when matching symbols and compressing text using either of the lossy text region encode modes.
Public Property SaveJPEGChromFactorGets and sets the chrominance quality setting for saving JPEG and ePIC files.
Public Property SaveJPEGLumFactor

Gets and sets the luminance quality setting for saving JPEG and ePIC files.

Public Property SaveJPEGProgressiveGets and sets whether JPEG or ePIC files are to be saved as standard files or progressive files.
Public Property SaveJPEGSubSamplingGets and sets the desired sub-sampling.
Public Property SaveMultiPageGets and sets if a TIFF file should be saved as the next page in an existing file.
Public Property SavePDFCompressionGets and sets the compression type for saving a PDF file.
Public Property SavePDFSwapBlackAndWhiteGets and sets an indicator if the pixel value of zero is set to black or white.
Public Property SavePNGBackgroundColorSpecifies the background color for the image.
Public Property SavePNGFilterGets and sets the filter used for PNG compression.
Public Property SavePNGInterlacedSpecifies if the image is saved as interlaced or not.
Public Property SavePNGSwapRedAndBlueSpecifies if the image's Red and Blue pixels are swapped.
Public Property SavePNGTransparencyColorSpecifies the transparency color for the image.
Public Property SavePNGUseBackgroundColorSpecifies if the image is saved with a background color or not.
Public Property SavePNGUseTransparencyColorSpecifies if the image is saved with a transparency color or not.
Public Property SaveTIFFCompressionGets and sets the TIFF compression type for saving a TIFF file.
Public Property SaveUseIFDOffsetGets and sets an indicator to enable fast multi-page TIFF writes.
Public Property ShadowTextGets and sets if a drop shadow should be placed under the caption.
Public Property ShowUIGets or sets whether the TWAIN data source displays its user interface when invoking the StartSession method.
Public Property TransferModeGets or sets the transfer mode for scanning.
Public Property TwainConditionCodeGets additional TWAIN error information from the data source.
Public Property TwainConditionDescriptionGets the TWAIN error information description from the data source.
Public Property VAlignGets and sets the vertical alignment of the caption within the clipping rectangle.
Public Property VersionReturns the version of the TwainPro control at run-time.
Public Property VersionInfoGets or sets the version information string for the application identity.
Public Event PostScanRaised after a scan or transfer ends.
Public Event PreScanRaised before a scan or transfer begins.
See Also

TwainPro Object



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