Accusoft TwainPRO 9
hDIB Property
Gets the Window handle to the current DIB (Device Independent Bitmap).
Property Type
Read-only property
Visual Basic
Public Property hDIB As Long
Return Type
A long value which represents the window handle to the current DIB.
The StartSession method is used to scan a DIB into the control. If the hDIB value is 0, a bitmap does not exist. Use the hDIB property to copy the image data from the TwainPRO control to other image controls.

After the assignment, the hDIB property is set to zero, so you must check it by assigning it to a temporary variable as illustrated below. The following example assigns the hDIB to an ImagXpress control:

Dim hDIB as long

hDIB = TwainPRO1.hDIB

if (hDIB <> 0) then

ImagXpress1.hDIB = hDIB

end if

See Also

TwainPro Object  | TwainPro Members



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