Accusoft TwainPRO 9
MaxImages Property

Gets or sets the maximum number of images expected from a TWAIN Data Source that supports multiple image scanning.

Property Type
Read-write property
Visual Basic
Public Property MaxImages As Long
Return Type
A long value which represents the maximum number of images expected from a TWAIN data source.

This property is negotiated with the TWAIN Data Source during initialization (OpenSession) and should be set prior to invoking the OpenSession method.

This property is only used when the OpenSession method is invoked. To set the transfer count after calling OpenSession, use the TWCAP_XFERCOUNT capability.

A value of 1 indicates the application is willing to transfer multiple images.

A value of 1 indicates the application wishes to transfer only one image per session.

See Also

TwainPro Object  | TwainPro Members



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