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The options offered by a Data Source device. For example, devices may have automatic document feeders, may enable single or multiple image transfers, support color images, etc.

Capability Container

Capabilities have one of four containers, that define the structure of information. Containers include:

  • TW_ONEVALUE - a single value
  • TW_ARRAY - a rectangular array of values
  • TW_RANGE - a range of allowed values
  • TW_ENUMERATION - a list of valid values

Capability Negotiation
The application influences the data source's capability settings through capability negotiation. By determining if the source supports a capability, checking the current value of that capability, and setting the capability to the desired value, then verifying that new values have been accepted by the source.


Data Source (DS)
The image acquisition device, written to comply with the TWAIN specification.

Data Source Manager (DSM)
The software that manages interactions between the application and the Data Source. This code is provided in the TWAIN Developer's Toolkit and should be shipped for free with each TWAIN application and Data Source.


Extended Information
Information associated with the image on the page, such as a barcode.


An application using this component can use multiple controls running in the same process, where they don't interfere with each other. The thread creating the control owns the control and is the only thread that can interact with it.

Transfer Mode
Describes how data is transferred from the Data Source to the Application. Three modes are available: native, disk file, and buffered memory.

TWAIN Identity
A unique identifier of the TWAIN application or Source.




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