Accusoft TwainPRO 9
TP_SaveJBIG2FileOrgCompression Enumeration
Option values which determine the file organization when saving a JBIG2 compressed file.
TP_SaveJBIG2FileOrgCompression_Default0Default, sequential organization
TP_SaveJBIG2FileOrgCompression_RandomAccess2Random access organization
TP_SaveJBIG2FileOrgCompression_Sequential1Sequential organization

A JBIG2 compressed file may be organized in two ways: sequential or random access. Sequential organization is intended for streaming applications, where the decoder reads and decodes the file in order as the data is received. Random access organization permits the decoder to know the entire file structure, without having to read the entire file, and then uses that information to access the required data in a random-access fashion. This organization is useful for applications such as decoding only odd-number pages.



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