AccusoftTwainPro9 ActiveX DLL : TP_ConditionCode Enumeration |
Member | Value | Description |
TWCC_BADCAP | 6 | 6 - Unknown capability |
TWCC_BADDEST | 12 | 12 - Unknown destination Application/Source in DSM_Entry |
TWCC_BADPROTOCOL | 9 | 9 - not 7, Unrecognized MSG DG DAT combination |
TWCC_BADVALUE | 10 | 10 - Data parameter out of range |
TWCC_BUMMER | 1 | 1 - Failure due to unknown causes |
TWCC_CAPBADOPERATION | 14 | 14 - Operation not supported by capability |
TWCC_CAPSEQERROR | 15 | 15 - Capability has dependency on other capability |
TWCC_CAPUNSUPPORTED | 13 | 13 - Capability not supported by source |
TWCC_CHECKDEVICEONLINE | 23 | 23 - The device went offline prior to or during this operation |
TWCC_CUSTOMBASE | 32768 | 0x8000 (32768) - Custom base |
TWCC_DAMAGEDCORNER | 25 | 25 - Document has a damaged corner |
TWCC_DENIED | 16 | 16 - File System operation is denied (file is protected) |
TWCC_DOCTOODARK | 28 | 28 - Document is too dark |
TWCC_DOCTOOLIGHT | 27 | 27 - Document is too light |
TWCC_FILEEXISTS | 17 | 17 - Operation failed because file already exists |
TWCC_FILENOTFOUND | 18 | 18 - File not found |
TWCC_FILEWRITEERROR | 22 | 22 - Error writing the file (meant for things like disk full conditions) |
TWCC_FOCUSERROR | 26 | 26 - Focusing error during document capture |
TWCC_INTERLOCK | 24 | 24 - Cover or door is open |
TWCC_LOWMEMORY | 2 | 2 - Not enough memory to perform operation |
TWCC_MAXCONNECTIONS | 4 | 4 - DS is connected to max possible applications |
TWCC_NODS | 3 | 3 - No Data Source |
TWCC_NOTEMPTY | 19 | 19 - Operation failed because directory is not empty |
TWCC_OPERATIONERROR | 5 | 5 - DS or DSM reported error, application shouldn't |
TWCC_PAPERDOUBLEFEED | 21 | 21 - The feeder detected multiple pages |
TWCC_PAPERJAM | 20 | 20 - The feeder is jammed |
TWCC_SEQERROR | 11 | 11 - DG DAT MSG out of expected sequence |
TWCC_SUCCESS | 0 | 0 - Success |