Modify Thumbnails

Modify Thumbnail Properties

A thumbnail's properties can be modified, to include a different Descriptor or UserTag.

Modify the Thumbnail Image

If the thumbnail image was loaded from file, the thumbnail image can be replaced by a different page in the file by updating the Page property of the ThumbnailItem. A new image is generated for the ThumbnailItem, and display is updated on the next paint.

If the thumbnail image was loaded from file, the thumbnail image can be replaced by a page in a different file by updating the Filename property of the ThumbnailItem. A new image is generated for the ThumbnailItem, and display is updated on the next paint.

If the thumbnail represents a page in a CAD file, the thumbnail image can be replaced by a different layout in the file by updating the CadLayoutNumber property of the ThumbnailItem. A new image is generated for the ThumbnailItem, and display is updated on the next paint.

If the thumbnail image was loaded FromStream, the thumbnail image can be replaced by an image from a different stream by calling FromStream. A new image is generated for the ThumbnailItem, and display is updated on the next paint.

See Also



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