Manage End User Navigation

ThumbnailXpress™ enables end-user navigation of thumbnails via standard Windows control events within the ThumbnailXpress object. To specify how the ThumbnailXpress control interprets end-user actions, be sure to set user interaction behavior.

End-User Scrolling

The application end-user can scroll through thumbnails in the thumbnail control window, using the supplied scrollbars. Alternatively, the end-user may use the arrow, page up/down, home, and end keys to navigate thumbnails within the control window. 

End-User Selecting

The SelectionMode property specifies the behavior that is desired when an end-user selects a thumbnail. The application end-user selects thumbnail items using a combination of mouse click with control and shift keys.

End-User Drag and Drop

The application end-user can drag and drop thumbnails within the ThumbnailXpress control, between multiple ThumbnailXpress controls, and between the ThumbnailXpress control and other applications, by holding the mouse down over a thumbnail, moving the mouse, then releasing the mouse in the desired location. Set the user interaction behavior to specify desired support for these features.

End-User Directory Drill Down

If DblClickDirectoryDrillDown is enabled within the ThumbnailXpress object, then when the end-user double clicks on a folder icon in the ThumbnailXpress component, the thumbnails of images within the directory will be displayed. This enables the end user to navigate through folder structures to locate thumbnails of interest.   

See Also



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