Set Thumbnail Appearance

The application controls the appearance of thumbnails in the display using properties in ThumbnailXpress™.

ThumbnailXpress Control Window Appearance

The appearance of the ThumbnailXpress control window is controlled as follows:

Thumbnail Cell Appearance

The appearance of each individual thumbnail is defined using the "Cell" properties. The following can be specified:

Thumbnail Descriptor Appearance

The appearance of each thumbnail's descriptor is specified using the "Descriptor" properties:

Set Icon Display Appearance

ThumbnailXpress provides the application with the option to display a pre-image generation "placeholder" icon while the image is being loaded and the thumbnail generated. When ShowImagePlaceholders is set to true, a placeholder image is drawn while waiting for the thumbnail to be generated and a cancel icon is displayed if the generation is cancelled.

 - The thumbnail image is being generated. Once generated, this icon is replaced with the thumbnail image.

 - The thumbnail image loading was cancelled.

The application can also specify the desired action to take when an error occurs during image loading or thumbnail generation. ThumbnailXpress can either display an error icon to indicate that the thumbnail did not load, or simply abort the loading process without displaying any icon in the control window. When ErrorAction is set to UseErrorIcon, the following icons are displayed, depending on the error encountered:

 - The thumbnail image was not loaded, due to an error.

 - The thumbnail image was not loaded, because the required software is not licensed by the application.

If the image file type is not supported by ThumbnailXpress, then the icon that is associated with the file in Windows Explorer will be displayed.

See Also



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