Overview of ThumbnailXpress

ThumbnailXpress encapsulates powerful thumbnail capabilities within a set of classes, described below:


The ThumbnailXpress class provides methods and properties for managing thumbnail generation and viewing, as well as licensing of the control.  Each ThumbnailXpress class has two collections of ThumbnailItems (Items and SelectedItems), and a collection of Filters.


The ThumbnailItem class exposes properties for accessing individual thumbnail item data, including image filename, item type, page number, bitmap, page count, and processing status.

The ThumbnailItemCollection, SelectedThumbnailItemCollection, and ThumbnailItem classes enable the application program to access and manage the thumbnail items.


The Filter class exposes methods and properties for specifying match and comparison image file criteria that may be imposed when thumbnail images are loaded from a file system directory using the ThumbnailItemCollection.AddItemsFromDirectory method.

The FilterCollection and Filter classes enable the application program to access and manage the file filters to be used when generating thumbnails from a directory.



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