Accusoft.ThumbnailXpressSdk Namespace : ThumbnailXpress Class |
For a list of all members of this type, see ThumbnailXpress members.
Name | Description | |
AccessibilityObject | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
AccessibleDefaultActionDescription | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
AccessibleDescription | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
AccessibleName | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
AccessibleRole | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
ActiveControl | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl) | |
AllowDrop | This generic control property has been replaced by four new properties specific to ThumbnailXpress that allow a finer granularity of control over the types of drag/drop operations the control will allow. The new properties are: IntraComponentThumbnailDragDropEnabled, InterComponentThumbnailDragDropEnabled, EnableAsDragSourceForExternalDragDrop, and EnableAsDropTargetForExternalDragDrop | |
Anchor | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
AnnotationSearchOrder | This property allows you to specify the different places, in order of importance that ThumbnailXpress should look for associated annotation data when rendering a thumbnail. For each thumbnail that is being rendered, the first rule in the list that successfully points to annotation data will be used to draw those annotations on the thumbnail. | |
AutoScaleDimensions | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl) | |
AutoScaleMode | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl) | |
AutoScroll | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl) | |
AutoScrollMargin | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl) | |
AutoScrollMinSize | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl) | |
AutoScrollOffset | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
AutoScrollPosition | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl) | |
AutoSize | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.UserControl) | |
AutoSizeMode | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.UserControl) | |
AutoValidate | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.UserControl) | |
BackColor | Overridden. Gets and sets the control's unselected items cell background color. | |
BackgroundImage | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
BackgroundImageLayout | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
BindingContext | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl) | |
BorderStyle | Gets and sets the control's border style. | |
Bottom | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
BottomMargin | Gets and sets the margin on the bottom most side of the control. | |
Bounds | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
CameraRaw | Gets and sets enabling or disabling of the camera raw image type detection algorithms during thumbnail image generation. | |
CanFocus | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
CanSelect | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Capture | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
CausesValidation | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
CellBorderColor | Gets and sets the border color of the cells in the control. | |
CellBorderWidth | Gets and sets the width of the cells in the control. | |
CellHeight | Gets and sets the height of the cells in the control. | |
CellHorizontalSpacing | Gets and sets the spacing between columns. | |
CellSpacingColor | Gets and sets the control's cell spacing color. | |
CellVerticalSpacing | Gets and sets the spacing between the rows in the control. | |
CellWidth | Gets and sets the width of the cells in the control. | |
ClientRectangle | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
ClientSize | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
CompanyName | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Container | (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component) | |
ContainsFocus | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
ContextMenu | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
ContextMenuStrip | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Controls | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Created | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
CurrentAutoScaleDimensions | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl) | |
Cursor | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
CustomErrorIcon | Specifies the icon to use for errors instead of the stock error icon. ErrorAction must be set to 0 - use error icon. | |
CustomGeneratingIcon | Specifies the icon to use for the pre-image generation placeholder instead of the stock 'generating' icon. ShowImagePlaceholders must be set to true. | |
DataBindings | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
DblClickDirectoryDrillDown | Gets and sets enabling or disabling directory navigation initiated by double-clicking on directory place holder thumbnail images. | |
Debug | Gets and sets the on/off state of the logging system. | |
DebugErrorLevel | Gets and sets the level of detail written to the error log. | |
DebugLogFile | Gets and sets the log file location. | |
DescriptorAlignment | Gets and sets the alignment of the descriptor text. | |
DescriptorDisplayMethod | Gets and sets the method allowing selection of the source of the descriptor text content. | |
DisplayRectangle | Overridden. Gets the current area being displayed. | |
Disposing | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Dock | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
EnableAsDragSourceForExternalDragDrop | Gets and sets enabling or disabling the component acting as a drag source for dragging thumbnail images to other applications. Any application that supports acting as a drop target for the CF_DIB clipboard/drag-drop format can be a thumbnail image drop recipient. | |
EnableAsDropTargetForExternalDragDrop | Gets and sets enabling or disabling the component acting as a drop target for other applications to drag files onto the component to display those files as thumbnail images. | |
Enabled | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
ErrorAction | Gets and sets the type of display action taken when a thumbnail generation error occurs. | |
Filters | Gets the FilterCollection object to access a collection of filters. | |
Focused | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Font | Overridden. Gets and sets the thumbnail descriptor font. | |
ForeColor | Overridden. Gets and sets the controls foreground color. | |
FtpPassword | Gets and sets the FTP password. | |
FtpUserName | Gets and sets the FTP user name. | |
Handle | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
HasChildren | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Height | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
HorizontalScroll | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl) | |
ImeMode | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
InterComponentThumbnailDragDropEnabled | Gets and sets enabling or disabling the component acting as a drag source or drop target for thumbnail image drag and drop operations between other instances of the ThumbnailXpress component. | |
IntraComponentThumbnailDragDropEnabled | Gets and sets enabling or disabling support of drag and drop move operations amongst thumbnail images in the same instance of a ThumbnailXpress component. | |
InvokeRequired | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
IsAccessible | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
IsDisposed | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
IsHandleCreated | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
IsMirrored | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Items | Gets the ThumbnailItemCollection object to access a collection of thumbnail items. | |
LayoutEngine | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Left | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
LeftMargin | Gets and sets the margin on the left most side of the control. | |
Licensing | Gets the Licensing object to allow user to license ThumbnailXpress. | |
Location | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Margin | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
MaximumSize | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
MaximumThreadCount | Gets and sets the maximum number of concurrent worker threads allowed for thumbnail bitmap generation. | |
MaximumThumbnailBitDepth | Gets and sets the maximum bit-depth allowed for the thumbnails. | |
MinimumSize | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Name | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
NotateXpressInstance | The instance of NotateXpress, this should be set to the Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.NotateXpress.InstanceHandle property. Once set annotations can be drawn on thumbnails. Note: NotateXpress is a separate control. | |
Padding | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Parent | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
ParentForm | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl) | |
PdfPassword | Gets and sets the PDF password. | |
PdfRepair | Read/write property accessing the PDF repair flag. | |
PreferredSize | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
PreserveBlack | Gets and sets enabling or disabling the PreserveBlack algorithms during thumbnail image generation. | |
ProductName | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
ProductVersion | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
ProxyServer | Gets and sets the name or IP address of an optional proxy server. | |
RecreatingHandle | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Region | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Right | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
RightMargin | Gets and sets the margin on the right most side of the control. | |
RightToLeft | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
ScrollDirection | Gets and sets the current direction of scrolling. | |
SelectBackColor | Gets and sets the control's selected items cell background color. | |
SelectedItems | Gets the SelectedThumbnailItemCollection object to access a collection of selected thumbnail items. | |
SelectionMode | Gets and sets the item selection mode for the control. | |
ShowBusyCursor | Gets and sets the displaying of a busy cursor when thumbnail images are being loaded from a directory or file. | |
ShowHourglass | Gets and sets the displaying of an hourglass cursor when thumbnail images are being loaded from a directory or file. | |
ShowImagePlaceholders | Gets and sets the display of a pre-image-generation 'placeholder' icon. | |
Site | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Size | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
TabIndex | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
TabStop | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Tag | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
TextBackColor | Gets and sets the control's descriptor text background color. | |
ThreadHungThreshold | Gets and sets the elapsed time threshold (in milliseconds) beyond which a request to obtain a thumbnail should be abandoned. | |
ThreadStartThreshold | Gets and sets the elapsed time threshold (in milliseconds) beyond which a request to obtain a thumbnail should be considered of "extended duration". | |
Top | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
TopLevelControl | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
TopMargin | Gets and sets the margin on the top-most side of the control. | |
TopVisibleItem | Gets the thumbnail item of the top-most visible thumbnail item. | |
UseCameraRawThumbnail | When CameraRaw is true, setting this property will load the embedded thumbnail of the camera raw image which typically loads faster than the full-size image. | |
UseWaitCursor | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
Version | Returns the version of the ThumbnailXpress control at run-time. | |
VerticalScroll | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl) | |
Visible | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) | |
VisibleColumnCount | Gets the number of visible thumbnail columns. | |
VisibleRowCount | Gets the number of visible thumbnail rows. | |
Width | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |