| Class | Description |
| AnnotationSearchRule | The AnnotationSearchRule class is an abstract class to be inherited by the InternalAnnotationSearchRule and ExternalAnnotationSearchRule classes. |
| AnnotationSearchRuleCollection<T> | |
| ErrorEventArgs | ErrorEventArgs is the argument information for the ThumbnailXpress.Error event. |
| ExternalAnnotationSearchRule | The ExternalAnnotationSearchRule class is used to specify the annotation type, the prefix pattern, the suffix pattern, and if the original file extension is included in the external annotation file to be searched for by ThumbnailXpress. If a file is found that matches the criterion then it will be used to draw annotations of the thumbnail. |
| Filter | This class exposes methods and properties for specifying match and comparison image file criteria that may be imposed when thumbnail images are loaded from a file system directory using the ThumbnailItemCollection.AddItemsFromDirectory method. |
| FilterCollection | This class provides access and manipulation functionality for one or more filter objects. Filtering criteria for all enabled filter objects in the collection are applied to all image files that are specified by a ThumbnailItemCollection.AddItemsFromDirectory method call. |
| FilterCollectionEnumerator | The FilterCollectionEnumerator class provides a lockable IEnumerator interface for the FilterCollection class. When locked, the FilterCollectionEnumerator provides thread-safe read-only access to the FilterCollection. |
| InternalAnnotationSearchRule | The InternalAnnotationSearchRule class is used to specify the annotation type to be searched for in the TIF or PDF file being thumbnailed by ThumbnailXpress. If such annotations are found then they will be drawn on the thumbnail. |
| ItemCompleteEventArgs | ItemCompleteEventArgs is the argument information for the ThumbnailXpress.ItemComplete event. |
| Licensing | The Licensing class provides ThumbnailXpress licensing methods and properties access. |
| LoadFromStreamEventArgs | LoadFromStreamEventArgs is the argument information for the ThumbnailXpress.LoadFromStream event. |
| SelectedThumbnailItemCollection | SelectedThumbnailItemCollection class provides selected Thumbnail Item manipulation functionality. The collection provides access to the selected thumbnail items in the list display. Adding or Removing selected items will cause the list display to update if appropriate |
| SelectedThumbnailItemCollectionEnumerator | SelectedThumbnailItemCollectionEnumerator class provides a lockable IEnumerator interface for the SelectedThumbnailItemCollection class. |
| ThumbnailItem | The ThumbnailItem class exposes properties for accessing individual thumbnail item data, including image filename, item type, page number, bitmap, page count, and processing status. |
| ThumbnailItemCollection | ThumbnailItemCollection class provides thumbnail item manipulation and image presentation functionality. |
| ThumbnailItemCollectionEnumerator | ThumbnailItemCollectionEnumerator class provides a lockable IEnumerator interface for the ThumbnailItemCollection class. |
| ThumbnailXpress | The Thumbnail User Control provides displaying of supported image types as thumbnails inside individual cells in a scrollable collection. |
| ThumbnailXpressEvents | This class implements the ThumbnailXpress events. |
| ThumbnailXpressException | Summary description for ThumbnailXpressException. |