What is SmartZone OCR?
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Glossary Item Box

SmartZone™ OCR Version 4 performs OCR recognition in user defined area of interest, or "zones". SmartZone OCR can be easily integrated with other Accusoft components into a robust forms-processing product.

New Features in Version 4

Primary Features

SmartZone OCR Editions

Additional Accusoft Components Shipped with FormSuite™

Only binary images are supported in this release. The component will return an error when asked to process a color or grayscale image. Conversion from color or grayscale images is available by using the included ImagXpress or ScanFix components.

Additional Accusoft Demonstrations in FormSuite

FormAssist is a program provided with source code by Accusoft to demonstrate the capabilities of FormSuite. FormAssist illustrates best practices for the integration of all the FormSuite components, as well as an example workflow. Use FormAssist as a foundation for developing your production forms processing application.

For information on how to register and license all your Accusoft components, see Licensing.

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