Accusoft.SmartZoneICR5.Net - Updated
What is SmartZone ICR?
SmartZone ICR 5 for .Net - User Guide > Introduction > What is SmartZone ICR?

SmartZone™ ICR Version 5 performs ICR recognition in user defined areas of interest, or "zones". SmartZone ICR can be easily integrated with other Accusoft components into a robust forms-processing product.

New Features in SmartZone ICR Version 5

Primary Features in SmartZone ICR

SmartZone ICR Editions

Additional Accusoft Components Installed with FormSuite™

Only binary images are supported in this release. The component will return an error when asked to process a color or grayscale image. Conversion from color or grayscale images is available by using the included ImagXpress component or the optionally available ScanFix component.

Additional Accusoft Demonstration in FormSuite™

For information on how to register and license all your Accusoft components, see Licensing.