Accusoft.SmartZoneICR5.Net - Updated
Interpret Exceptions
SmartZone ICR 5 for .Net - User Guide > How To > Debug Your Application > Interpret Exceptions

SmartZone ICR can produce the following exceptions:

Method or Property Exception Description
CharacterResult.AlternateText ArgumentOutOfRangeException The specified index is less than zero, or greater or equal to the number of alternate results.
CharacterResult.AlternateConfidence ArgumentOutOfRangeException The specified index is less than zero, or greater or equal to the number of alternate results.


System.FormatException The value does not represent a well formed SmartZoneICR XML stream.


UnsupportedClassifierException The SmartZoneICR V3 component parses a V2 stream that has the classifier attribute set to the other product (e.g. SZ ICR reads stream with classifier set to ICR).


InternalErrorException An error occurred during internal processing of XML stream, which should never happen.
Reader.Area ArgumentOutOfRangeException The specified area contains one or more negative values for position or dimension.
Reader.AnalyzeField BitDepthException The supported bit depth must be 1 bit per pixel.
Reader.AnalyzeField System.FormatException The image data cannot be read for format reasons other than an unsupported bit depth.
Reader.AnalyzeField InvalidLicenseException An invalid license is being used.
Reader.AnalyzeField InvalidAreaException An area coordinate is outside the current image.
Reader.AnalyzeField ArgumentNullException The image handle is null.
Reader.MinimumCharacterConfidence ArgumentOutOfRangeException The value is less than zero or greater than 100.
Reader.FieldType ArgumentOutOfRangeException The value is negative, i.e., less than the value of General Text, or higher than the highest numbered field type, Unknown.
Reader.FieldType InvalidFieldType The value equals to UnknownField.
Reader.RejectionCharacter ArgumentOutOfRangeException The value is 0 (null character).
Reader.SetRegularExpression InvalidRegularExpressionException The input Regular Expression is syntactically incorrect or unsupported.
Reader.GetRegularExpression OutOfMemoryException Memory is not successfully allocated for the output string.
Reader.GetRegularExpression InternalErrorException All other possible erroneous result.
Reader.SetFieldRegularExpression InvalidRegularExpressionException The input Regular Expression is syntactically incorrect or unsupported.
Reader.SetFieldRegularExpression InvalidFieldTypeException The input FieldType is General Text, DataValidationList, or Unknown.

InvalidFieldTypeException The input FieldType is General Text, DataValidationList, or Unknown.
Reader.ClearFieldRegularExpression InvalidFieldTypeException The input FieldType is General Text, DataValidationList, or Unknown.
ArgumentOutofRangeException The entry to be added has more characters than the maximum Entry Length(80).
Reader.DataValidationListGetAt ArgumentOutofRangeException The index is equal or larger than the number of entries in the list.
Reader.DataValidationListRemoveEntry ArgumentOutofRangeException The entry to be removed has more characters than the maximum Entry Length(80).
Segmentation.MaximumBlobSize ArgumentOutofRangeException The value is less than 0.
Segmentation.MinimumTextLineHeight ArgumentOutofRangeException The value is less than 8.
TextBlockResult.TextLine ArgumentOutofRangeException The specified index is less than zero, or greater or equal to the number of text line results.
TextBlockResult.DeleteTextLine ArgumentOutofRangeException The specified index is less than zero, or greater or equal to the number of text line results.
TextLineResult.Character ArgumentOutofRangeException The specified index is less than zero, or greater or equal to the number of alternate results.
TextLineResult.DeleteCharacter ArgumentOutofRangeException The index is less than zero, or greater or equal to the number of characters.


See Also