Accusoft.SmartZoneICR5.Net - Updated
SmartZone ICR Samples
SmartZone ICR 5 for .Net - User Guide > Getting Started > SmartZone ICR Samples

SmartZone ICR has the following samples:

Name Description

Demonstrates use of the Data Validation List. The Data Validation List allows you to specify a list of possible expected values, such as, cities or states, and constrain recognition to this set of predefined values to improve recognition accuracy.


Demonstrates the use of field types and character sets to improve recognition by reducing the number of possible results, which in turn reduces the chance of false positives.


Demonstrates image cleanup with ImagXpress and the use of character sets to improve recognition. ImagXpress provides several popular cleanup operations, some of which are:

  • Border Removal
  • Deskew
  • Despeckle
  • Dilate
  • Erode
  • Line Removal
  • Zoom and Smooth
RecognitionParameters Demonstrates the use of segmentation parameters, character sets, and output settings, which assist in improving recognition accuracy.

Access the samples through the Windows Start menu: Start | Accusoft.

In older versions of Windows, samples are available through the Start | All Programs | Accusoft menu.