Accusoft.SmartZoneICR5.Net - Updated
Upgrading from SmartZone ICR 4 to SmartZone ICR 5
SmartZone ICR 5 for .Net - User Guide > Getting Started > Upgrading from SmartZone ICR 4 to SmartZone ICR 5

This section describes how to upgrade from SmartZone 4 to SmartZone 5. While generally you'll be able to replace SmartZone 4 with SmartZone 5, there are a few important changes you may need to consider. This section provides information about those changes.

Changes and New Properties/Methods

SmartZone 5 did not introduce any changes to its processing API. However, underlying recognition changes were made to improve its efficiency. In addition, the following changes were made.

Required Changes


The following API has been removed from V4 and V5, so any code reference to it needs to be removed.

Accusoft.SmartZone.Licensing.LicenseEdition property

You can choose the SmartZone ICR edition by using the License Manager.

Recommended Changes

Performance Changes

These do not require any code changes from your side, and are just underlying changes we made to SmartZone ICR to enhance its performance. In addition to the improved speed, SmartZone ICR 5 could have slightly different confidence values than SmartZone ICR 4 due to changes in the underlying SmartZone engine.

SmartZone ICR has separate worker processes for both 32 and 64 bit systems. This eliminates the thunking layer when processing in a 64 bit thread increasing performance. The two different worker processes are compiled to optimize performance on the user’s system and produce the exact same output.

If you encounter any porting issues, please contact Support for assistance.