This section describes how to upgrade from SmartZone 6 to SmartZone 7. While generally you'll be able to replace SmartZone 6 with SmartZone 7, there are a few important changes you may need to consider.
Nuget Package Changes
Since SmartZone now supports both Windows and Linux, some changes have been made to dependencies on platform specific OCR Runtime NuGet packages.
- Accusoft.SmartZone.Runtime.Win and Accusoft.SmartZone.Runtime.Lin were added as a dependency to Accusoft.SmartZone.Net. If your OCR project uses the Accusoft.SmartZone.Net NuGet package, you may safely remove Accusoft.SmartZone.Runtime.Win NuGet package dependencies after upgrading.
- Accusoft.SmartZone.Runtime.Win was removed as a dependency from Accusoft.SmartZoneOCR.Net. If your OCR project uses the Accusoft.SmartZoneOCR.Net package directly, you may need to add the runtime package Accusoft.SmartZone.Runtime.Win/Lin for your platform explicitely.
These changes were made so that Accusoft.SmartZone.Net is a quick-start package which includes all you need on any Operating System, while Accusoft.SmartZoneOCR.Net now gives you control of which platform specific runtime to include. For more information, see NuGet Packages.
Assembly Changes
Some native libraries that were previously integrated in the Accusoft.SmartZoneOCR.Net assembly are now included as separate dlls. These libraries will be extracted to the same directory as the assembly when using the Nuget Package. For Windows the libraries are named Accusoft.SmartZoneOCR.Common.dll and Accusoft.SmartZoneOCR.Common64.dll. For Linux distributions, the name of the file is These need to be included when redistributing any application that uses the SmartZoneOCR SDK.
API Changes
- Changed
- CharacterSet.AllAlphas property.
- CharacterSet.AllCharacters property.
- CharacterSet.AlphaNumeric property.
- CharacterSet.Arithmetic property.
- CharacterSet.ArithmeticSymbols property.
- CharacterSet.Currency property.
- CharacterSet.CurrencySymbols property.
- CharacterSet.LowerCase property.
- CharacterSet.Punctuation property.
- CharacterSet.UpperCase property.
- SmartZoneException class.
The class Accusoft.SmartZoneOCRSdk.SmartZoneException now derives from System.Exception instead of System.ApplicationException. Applications that explicitly catch System.ApplicationException to handle SmartZone exceptions will need updating.
Unsupported characters have been removed from all predefined character sets in the CharacterSet class. The following characters are no longer present in any predefined character set: ^`|~¡¦¨ª¬¯±²³´µ¶¸¹º¼½¾×÷ƒˆ˜–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› as well as the DELETE (\u007f) and NO-BREAK SPACE (\u00a0) characters. Apps can edit and define character sets to add characters not presently included for that language with some restrictions.
- English default character sets have changed:
Character Set Added Removed AllCharacters ^`|~¦¬±²³´¹º¼½¾–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› AllAlphas º AlphaNumeric ²³¹º¼½¾ Arithmetic and ArithmeticSymbols |~¬± Punctuation ^`¦´–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› - French default character sets have changed:
Character Set Added Removed AllCharacters ^`|~¦¬±²³´¹º¼½¾–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› AllAlphas º AlphaNumeric ²³¹º¼½¾ Arithmetic and ArithmeticSymbols |~¬± Punctuation ^`¦´–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› - Spanish default character sets have changed:
Character Set Added Removed AllCharacters ^`|~¡¦ª¬±²³´¹º¼½¾–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› AllAlphas ªº AlphaNumeric ª²³¹º¼½¾ Arithmetic and ArithmeticSymbols |~¬± Punctuation ^`¡¦´–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› - Italian default character sets have changed:
Character Set Added Removed AllCharacters ^`|~¦¬±²³´¹º¼½¾–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› AllAlphas º AlphaNumeric ²³¹º¼½¾ Arithmetic and ArithmeticSymbols |~¬± Punctuation ^`¦´–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› - German default character sets have changed:
Character Set Added Removed AllCharacters ^`|~¦¬±²³´¹º¼½¾×÷–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› AllAlphas º AlphaNumeric ²³¹º¼½¾ Arithmetic and ArithmeticSymbols |~¬±×÷ Punctuation ^`¦´–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› - Dutch default character sets have changed:
Character Set Added Removed AllCharacters ^`|~¦¬±²³´¹º¼½¾–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› AllAlphas º AlphaNumeric ²³¹º¼½¾ Arithmetic and ArithmeticSymbols |~¬± Punctuation ^`¦´–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› - Portuguese default character sets have changed:
Character Set Added Removed AllCharacters ^`|~¦¬±²³´¹º¼½¾–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› AllAlphas º AlphaNumeric ²³¹º¼½¾ Arithmetic and ArithmeticSymbols |~¬± Punctuation ^`¦´–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› - Norwegian default character sets have changed:
Character Set Added Removed AllCharacters ^`|~¦¬±²³´¹º¼½¾–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› AllAlphas º AlphaNumeric ²³¹º¼½¾ Arithmetic and ArithmeticSymbols |~¬± Punctuation ^`¦´–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› - Finnish default character sets have changed:
Character Set Added Removed AllCharacters ^`|~¦¬±²³´¹º¼½¾–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› AllAlphas º AlphaNumeric ²³¹º¼½¾ Arithmetic and ArithmeticSymbols |~¬± Punctuation ^`¦´–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› - Danish default character sets have changed:
Character Set Added Removed AllCharacters ^`|~¦¬±²³´¹º¼½¾–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› AllAlphas º AlphaNumeric ²³¹º¼½¾ Arithmetic and ArithmeticSymbols |~¬± Punctuation ^`¦´–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› - Swedish default character sets have changed:
Character Set Added Removed AllCharacters ^`|~¦¬±²³´¹º¼½¾–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› AllAlphas º AlphaNumeric ²³¹º¼½¾ Arithmetic and ArithmeticSymbols |~¬± Punctuation ^`¦´–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹› - WesternEuropean default character sets have changed:
Character Set Added Removed AllCharacters ^`|~¡¦¨ª¬¯±²³´µ¶¸¹º¼½¾×÷ƒˆ˜–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹›
\u007f \u00a0AllAlphas ªµºƒˆ AlphaNumeric ª²³µ¹º¼½¾ƒˆ Arithmetic and ArithmeticSymbols |~¬±×÷ LowerCase µƒ Punctuation ^`¡¦¨¯´¶¸˜–—‘’‚“”†‡…‰‹›
If you encounter any porting issues, please contact Support for assistance.