Operating Systems
SmartZone ICR/OCR runs on 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems:
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 10
- Windows Server 2012 R2
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2019
SmartZone runs in 64-bit, 32-bit, and AnyCPU-compiled executables on Windows. Although it may run, SmartZone is not supported on earlier operating system versions, such as, Windows 7.
SmartZone ICR/OCR also runs on x64 Linux operating systems of the following versions:
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Ubuntu 18.04
- RedHat 8
- Debian 9
- Debian 10
On the RedHat 8 operating system, SmartZone License Manager may not work since some cryptographic protocols are disabled by default. In this case, to install a license on the local computer, required mode can be enabled with the following command (run it as a root):
update-crypto-policies --set LEGACY
After installing the license, default mode can be enabled with the command:
update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT
See command description: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/security_hardening/using-the-system-wide-cryptographic-policies_security-hardening
Development Environments
- Microsoft .NET Platform and Framework.
The SmartZone ICR/OCR library targets .NET Framework 3.5 and .NET Standard 2.0.
Linux Dependencies
On Linux operating systems, the following libraries may be required as runtime dependencies:
- Java Runtime Environment 1.8 or later to run License Manager and Server Licensing Utility.
- libgomp to run the OCR engine.
- libgdiplus for loading images with System.Drawing.Bitmap. Refer to Microsoft recommendations on how to install dependencies for Linux.
- .NET System.Drawing.Common 6.0+ package is only supported on Windows. On Linux, consider using lower versions of the package for the current SmartZone release.
See Also
Accusoft Support