SmartZone v6.0 for .NET - Updated
Upgrading from SmartZone OCR 5 to SmartZone OCR 6
Getting Started > Upgrading SmartZone OCR > Upgrading from SmartZone OCR 5 to SmartZone OCR 6

This section describes how to upgrade from SmartZone 5 to SmartZone 6. While generally you'll be able to replace SmartZone 5 with SmartZone 6, there are a few important changes you may need to consider.

Assembly Changes

Projects must now target .NET Framework 3.5 or later to build with the SmartZone OCR assembly.

The assembly file name has been renamed from Accusoft.SmartZoneOCR5.Net.dll to Accusoft.SmartZoneOCR.Net.dll. Project references must be updated to use the new assembly.

Licensing Changes

Standard Edition licenses are no longer supported and will not be issued for SmartZone OCR 6.

Runtime Changes

There is now a runtime dependency with Microsoft Visual C++ for VS2015. Although SmartZone OCR 6 includes Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 dependencies for local deployment, it is preferred that Windows host machines install Universal CRT using Microsoft Windows Update.

Performance Changes

SmartZone OCR 6 uses a different OCR recognition engine. Expect some differences in speed and accuracy compared to SmartZone OCR 5.

To retain multi-threaded support, OCR recognition is performed from child processes. Each child process will require between 100 and 350 MB of RAM to operate depending on the operating system, recognition language chosen, input image size, and input image content.

API Changes

OCR resources are now packaged in folder assets rather than embedding within the assembly. By default, this folder is expected to reside in the same directory as the assembly. However, this folder can be deployed elsewhere and identified at runtime:

IMPORTANT: The path to the OCR resource directory may only use ANSI characters.

Language default character sets have changed. In general, all language character sets gain a few characters, with only the Dutch character set losing 14 characters. Apps can edit and define character sets to add characters not presently included for that language.

If you encounter any porting issues, please contact Support for assistance.