ScanFix Xpress has an extensive list of cleanup actions to repair and improve your scanned documents.
Many of the cleanup actions are available in the demo for fast and effective image cleanup. Some cleanup actions are valid only on certain types of images, such as, bitonal, grayscale, and/or color. The dropdown Cleanup Actions list is color coded (with black, gray, or red dots) to indicate the types of images for which that action applies.
The cleanup actions are:
Adjust Brightness and Contrast, Adjust Brightness and Contrast - Automatic
- Analyzes and corrects the brightness and contrast of 8-bit grayscale and 24-bit color document images based on contrast of objects and background consistency.
- Automatic mode is primarily intended for document images. It analyzes your image and adjusts contrast and brightness accordingly.
- Corrects the image using either a globally applied brightness remapping or adaptive remapping.
Binarize, Binarize - Automatic
- Provides improved automatic conversion of 8-bit and 24-bit grayscale and color images to black and white.
- Automatic mode analyzes images to determine best binarization methods and settings.
- Offers user-configurable options to fine tune results.
Blank Page Detection, Blank Rectangle Detection
- Identifies and reports blank pages or blank areas of interest on 1, 8, and 24-bit images.
- Configures settings to accommodate bleed-through or noisy images (i.e. ignore hole punches).
- Increases storage capacity by eliminating blank pages.
Blob Removal
- Removes hole punches and larger areas of black on 1-bit images.
- Enables user configurable threshold settings.
- Allows specification of full-page or a specific area of interest.
- Reduces file sizes and storage requirements with cleaner pages.
- Returns count of objects found.
Border Removal
- Automatically converts dark borders to white or removes border completely on 1, 8, and 24-bit images.
- Reduces image file size (physical dimensions and compressed file size).
- Automates border crop (user configurable to report or automatically correct).
- Use on microfilm/microfiche scans or small document images.
Color Detect, Color Detect/Autobinarize
- Allows for mixed document color scanning applications containing both color and black and white documents.
- Analyzes 24-bit images looking for significant amounts of saturated color data.
- Recommends if color images can safely be converted to bitonal.
- Enables configurable thresholds to be set for saturation, object size, and object count required for a positive result.
- Can ignore the dominant background color of an image allowing monochromatic documents printed on colored paper to be considered “not color”.
- Returns the locations of colored objects on the page.
- Includes a “reason” field for why an image was determined to be “color” or “not color”, helping developers adjust parameters and improve performance.
- Performs Autobinarize only if the image was determined to be "not color".
Color Drop
- Locates specified RGB colors in 24-bit images and drops those colors to white or a specified color.
- Identifies pixels to change based on proximity to user-specified color values.
- Provides very precise control over color manipulation.
- Supports color conversion and color blending to target color.
- Allows multiple colors to be dropped without adding to processing time.
- Detects presence of specified colors without drop.
- Extracts specified colors, dropping everything else to white.
Comb Removal
- Automatically removes data entry combs from forms in 1-bit images.
- Automatically repairs text that intersects with lines (fill broken characters), essential for accurate ICR.
- Automatically straightens crooked 1, 8, and 24-bit images.
- Reports correction angle in a fraction of a second, based on image contents, not document perimeter or border.
- Offers user configurable High Quality vs. High Speed setting.
Despeckle, Despeckle - Automatic
- Removes random specks or noise on 1-bit images.
- Performs speck removal based on user-specified speck size.
- Automatic mode removes specks without requiring you to specify speck size.
Dilate, Erode
- Thickens or thins objects in 1, 8, and 24-bit images.
- Apply horizontal, vertical, or diagonal adjustments.
- Increases recognition accuracy in lightly printed or very thick text.
Dot Shading Removal
- Automatically removes dot shading for improved OCR accuracy on 1-bit images.
- Removes scanner noise caused by colored backgrounds.
- Significantly reduces compressed file sizes without destroying text.
Filter Close, Filter Custom, Filter Gaussian, Filter Laplacian, Filter Median, Filter Open, Filter Prewitt, Filter Sobel, Filter Unsharp
- Applies various filter operations to 8-bit and 24-bit images.
- Offers a variety of options including smoothing filters (Gaussian, median, average), sharpening filters (unsharp mask), morphological filters (dilate, erode, open, close), edge detection filters (Laplacian, Prewitt), and provision for user defined convolution filters.
Hole Punch Removal
- Automatically detects and removes hole punch marks without you specifying any settings.
- For more manual control, use Blob Removal.
Image Detergent, Image Detergent - Automatic
- Cleans up noise and variations in specified colors in 24-bit color images.
- Flattens each color region to a specified color by adjusting each color region to its center point.
- Offers an automatic mode to clean dominant colors or can specify color list.
- Allows multiple colors to be adjusted without increasing processing time.
- Completes a pre-process step prior to binarization to produce cleaner bitonal images.
- Removes JPEG compression artifacts commonly found around characters in scanned color documents.
Inverse Text Correction, Inverse Text Correction - Automatic
- Detects and automatically converts inverted text zones on 1-bit images.
- Changes white-on-black text to normal black-on-white.
- Recognizes inverse zones in any shape, including circular.
- Removes the fill color of text.
- Reduces file sizes by eliminating unnecessary black pixels.
- Automatic mode analyzes the full image to detect and correct inverse text without requiring you to specify any parameters..
Line Removal
- Automatically removes solid or broken lines (horizontal and vertical) from scanned forms and documents on 1-bit images.
- Automatically repairs text that intersects with lines (fill broken characters), essential for accurate OCR / ICR and forms processing.
Negate, Negative Correct
- Analyzes 1, 8, and 24 bit images to determine if they are inverted (light text on dark background, dark text on light background).
- Offers automated correction to reverse colors, if needed (user configurable to report or automatically correct).
Register Image
- Registers the image “contents” to be a specified distance from the top and/or left side of the page.
- Applies to 1, 8, and 24-bit images.
- Use with zonal recognition to establish the position of the text.
Rotate, Rotate - Automatic
- Performs Rotate on 1, 8, and 24-bit images.
- Automatic mode analyzes the document image, determines the upright orientation, and then rotates to that orientation, if required.
Smooth Background - Automatic
- Automatically cleans noise and variations in the color or gray background of document images for higher compression, improved readability, and improved aesthetics.
- Leaves text and prominent foreground items untouched.
Smooth Objects
- Repairs, smoothes, and thickens incomplete characters on 1-bit images.
- Performs well on poor dot matrix text.
- Smoothes ragged edges on letters.
Smooth Zoom
- Offers Smooth-Zoom to double the width and height of a 1-bit image and smooth objects for better recognition (ideal for improving barcode and OCR results).
Virtual Bulb
- Performs software-based HSV color dropout on 24-bit images, emulating a hardware-based dropout scanner through much more powerful and flexible technology.
- Allows multiple hues and ranges within hues to be dropped to white and adjacent colors to fade into shades of gray.
- Compensates for variations in color saturation and brightness caused by printing environments.
- Uses adaptive mode to “tweak” the hue for each image.
- The inverted operation selects only requested hue and drops all other colors to white.
See Also