ScanFix® Xpress Version 8 Demo shows how ScanFix Xpress improves image quality and increases content recognition accuracy by applying image processing and enhancements to color, grayscale, and black and white images. ScanFix Xpress provides brightness/contrast correction, clean up of noisy colors, color detection, color drop out or color extract, plus many additional image cleanup features. Remove lines and dot shading, smooth and repair characters, and eliminate unnecessary borders. An Auto Binarize operation easily converts images from color or grayscale to black and white. ScanFix Xpress includes the ImagXpress component, and integrates easily with other Accusoft components to create document capture systems.
The ScanFix® Xpress Demo is a great tool for trying out features or determining setting configurations prior to implementing in your code.
New Features in Version 8
ScanFix Xpress Version 8.1:
- Introduced the option for time-bound licenses that expire after a year.
- Added support for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016.
- Added samples for Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017.
ScanFix Xpress Version 8 introduced the following:
- Updated binarization for improved conversion of grayscale and color images to bitonal images.
- Automatically correct the perspective distortion of an image taken at an angle with a camera or smart phone.
Primary Features
- Fast and effective image cleanup on bitonal, grayscale, and color images.
- Color detection, brightness/contrast adjustment, color drop, noise reduction, and various filters applied to 24-bit and 8-bit images.
- Deskew, auto-negate, auto-border crop, image registration, blank page and blank rectangle detection, flip, dilate, erode, mirror, rescale, rotate, and shear applied to 1-bit, 8-bit and 24-bit images.
- Despeckle, line removal, blob and hole removal, dot shading removal, correction of inverse text, and comb removal applied to 1-bit images.
- Confidence reporting on clean up results.
- Save batch processing instructions to support application workflow among other components including FormFix, FormDirector, SmartZone, and Barcode Xpress components.
- Seamlessly integrate with other Accusoft components, including ImagXpress, Notate Xpress, TwainPRO, PrintPRO, ImageGear and others.
- Automatically rotate document images to upright orientation and correct inverse text (white text on black background).
- Automatic despeckle, hole punch marks removal and inverse text correction on bitonal images.
- Automatic brightness and contrast adjustment, smooth background and inverse text correction on color and grayscale images.
- Ability to easily copy or transfer data to other Accusoft components without having to manually work with DIBs.
ScanFix Xpress Editions
- ScanFix Xpress.NET - supports development in .NET/C#/VB.NET development environments, and deploys to 64-bit and 32-bit processors as AnyCPU-compiled applications.
Accusoft Components Shipped with ScanFix Xpress
- ImagXpress® for loading, saving, and viewing images.
- NotateXpress™ for adding image annotations.
- PrintPRO™ for printing.
- ThumbnailXpress™ to view thumbnail images.
- TwainPRO™ to acquire images from TWAIN devices.
See Also