ScanFix Xpress v9.0 for .NET - Updated
Error Codes
User Guide > How To > Error Codes

This section covers .NET Framework and ScanFix® Xpress Error Codes, their descriptions, and possible causes.

.NET Framework

Error Codes Description Cause
14000 Null Argument Exception thrown when a parameter is set to null.  The exception string will indicate the name of the null parameter.
14001 Argument Out of Range This exception is thrown when a parameter is outside the acceptable range.  The exception string will indicate the name of the parameter that was out of range.
14002 Invalid Operation This exception is thrown when an invalid operation is attempted.  The exception string will indicate the name of the operation.
14003 Invalid Enumeration Argument This exception is thrown when an enumeration is set to an invalid value.  The exception string will indicate the name of the enumeration.
14004 Out of Memory This exception is thrown when the system does not have enough memory to perform the requested operation.
14100 Unsupported Image This exception is thrown when trying to process an image that is unsupported.

ScanFix Xpress

Error Codes Error Type Cause
14150 Parameter Mismatch

This error can occur during a call to GetRectangle if the height and width are not greater than zero or padding is attempted when not allowed.  It may be followed by one of these error strings:

"Width and height must both be greater than zero, re-check parameters."

"Padding not permitted, re-check parameters." 

14151 Parameter Mismatch

This error can occur during a call to Dilate or Erode if the Direction and OnlyDiagonal properties are set to conflicting values.  If OnlyDiagonal is set to true, Direction must be set to exactly two adjacent directions.  It may be followed by this error string:

"options.direction indicates an invalid direction for diagonal only operation."

14200 HANDLE Error

This error can occur during a call to any of the enhancement methods if the image handle is in use.  It may be followed by this string:

"Image is locked and cannot be modified."

14201 HANDLE Error

This error can occur during the DIB conversion process and may be followed by this string:

"Could not retrieve data from handle."

14300 Internal Error

This is an internal error and may be followed by this string:

"Failure loading ScanFix operation code."

14301 Internal Error

This is an internal error and may be followed by a string such as:

"... internal initialization exception."

"... internal execution exception."

"... internal termination exception."

14500 Licensing Error

This error will occur when attempting to perform a function that is not allowed under the current license and may be followed by this string:

"The component is not licensed to perform this function.

14550 Read from Stream Error

This error will occur when attempting to read from a stream and that stream is not formatted properly. This message will display:

"An error occurred while reading the stream input in.... "

14551 Write to Stream Error

This error will occur when attempting to write to a stream. This message will display:

"An error occurred while writing the stream output in.... "

14898 Miscellaneous Error

This is a miscellaneous error that can occur and may be followed by a string such as:

"An unexpected error occurred in ..."

"Provided handle was not an HBITMAP."

"Unable to get object information."

"Could not create context for converting to HBITMAP"

14900 Application-level Error This is an operating system error that can occur when accessing Microsoft objects.
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