| Name | Description |
| AboutBox | Overloaded.
Displays a dialog box showing ScanFix version and copyright information.
| AdjustBrightnessContrast | Overloaded.
Analyzes and/or automatically increases the contrast of an image.
| ApplyAverageFilter | Overloaded.
Performs a 3x3 Average filter smoothing operation on the image, placing the output in the center of the window.
| ApplyCloseFilter | Overloaded.
Performs a 3x3 Close filter operation on the image, closing light colored pixels.
| ApplyCustomFilter |
Performs a custom convolution filter operation on image.
| ApplyGaussianFilter | Overloaded.
Performs a 3x3 Gaussian smoothing filter operation on the image.
| ApplyLaplacianFilter |
Performs a 3x3 Laplacian edge detection filter operation on the image.
| ApplyMedianFilter | Overloaded.
Performs a 3x3 Median smoothing filter operation on the image.
| ApplyOpenFilter | Overloaded.
Performs a 3x3 Open filter operation on the image, opening light colored pixels.
| ApplyPrewittFilter | Overloaded.
Performs a 3x3 Prewitt horizontal edge detection filter operation on the image.
| ApplySobelFilter | Overloaded.
Performs a 3x3 Sobel horizontal edge detection filter operation on the image.
| ApplyUnsharpFilter | Overloaded.
Performs an Unsharp mask sharpening filter operation on the image.
| AutoAdjustBrightnessContrast |
Automatically adjust brightness and contrast of image to enhance the text on image
| AutoBinarize |
Create an enhanced 1-bit output DIB of the same dimensions as a 1-bit, 8-bit or 24-bit input DIB
using an automatic, intelligent algorithm.
| AutoCorrectInverseText |
Automatically detects areas with white text on black background, such as table column headers or guide text, and negate them so that text is black and background is white.
| AutoDespeckle |
Automatically detects speckles on an image and remove them.
| AutoImageDetergent | Overloaded.
Remove noise from a color image by converting colors near each selected
color to the selected color. This function automatically selects the colors to clean.
| AutoRemoveHolePunch |
Automatically detect dark marks that resemble hole punches and remove them from image.
| AutoRotate |
Automatically detect the image's orientation and rotates it so that the text on it is upright oriented
| AutoSmoothBackground |
Automatically smooth the image background and remove texture while retaining text quality
| Binarize |
Create an enhanced 1-bit output DIB of the same dimensions as a 1-bit, 8-bit or 24-bit input DIB using the settings provided by the caller.
| ColorDrop |
Cleans an image by changing groups of similar color pixels to a single color.
| CopyTo |
Designed to make passing image data between different Accusoft components easier, this method makes a copy of this object's image data and gives the
new image data to another object which can be defined in a different Accusoft assembly. When finished, both this object and the destination object
will contain separate copies of the same image data.
| CorrectInverseText | Overloaded.
Detects and removes (reverses) inverse (white on black) text in a bitonal image.
| CorrectNegativePage | Overloaded.
Determine if the image is black on white (normal) or white on black (negative),
and optionally negate the image if it is, in fact, a negative.
| CreateObjRef | (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
| Deskew | Overloaded.
Detect the skew angle of the current image and rotates the image to remove that skew.
| Despeckle | Overloaded.
Detect and remove specks from the current image.
| DetectBlankPage | Overloaded.
Analyze an image to determine if the amount of data there is low enough for the page to be considered blank.
| DetectBlankRectangle |
Analyze a rectangular area of an image to determine if the amount of data there
is low enough to be considered blank.
| DetectColor | Overloaded.
Examines an image looking for significant amounts of color data.
| DetectGraphicLines |
Detect graphical lines from the current image.
| Dilate | Overloaded.
Expand dark color pixels in the image by one in each direction.
| Dispose | Overloaded. Overridden.
This method cleans up any resources being used.
| Erode | Overloaded.
Reduce dark color pixels in the image by one in each direction.
| ExecuteEnhancements |
Execute the input enhancements on the current image.
| Flip |
Flip the image (swap the top and bottom).
| FromBitmap |
Sets the current image to a copy of the given Bitmap object.
| FromHbitmap |
Sets the current image to a copy of the given HBITMAP object.
| FromHdib |
Sets the current image to the given HDIB object.
| FromImage |
Sets the current image to a copy of the given Image object.
| GetLifetimeService | (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
| GetRectangle |
Replace the current image with a subset of the original image.
| ImageDetergent |
Removes noise from a color image by converting colors near each selected
color to the selected color. The user must specify the selected colors.
| InitializeLifetimeService | (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
| Mirror |
Mirror the image (swap the left and right sides).
| Negate |
Invert all colors in the image.
| PerspectiveAdjust |
Detects and adjusts the perspective of a rectangular object in an image that is distorted.
| RegisterImage | Overloaded.
Automatically positions text horizontally and vertically in the current image,
providing a consistent left and top margin for documents. Use this function if the default
control parameters are adequate.
| RemoveBlobs | Overloaded.
Locates and removes large black objects in bitonal images.
| RemoveBorder | Overloaded.
Locate border pixels and will replace them with the specified pad color and/or remove the pixels from the image.
| RemoveCombs | Overloaded.
Detect and remove combs from the current image.
| RemoveDotShading | Overloaded.
Removes dot shading areas from a bitonal image, including actual black-on-white shading.
| RemoveGraphicLines |
Removes specified graphical lines from the current image.
| RemoveLines | Overloaded.
Detect and remove lines from the current image.
| Rescale | Overloaded. Deprecated - Use 'Rescale(Accusoft.ScanFixXpressSdk.RescaleOptions options)' constructor instead. Rescales the image with the vertical and horizontal axis rescaled independently from each other. |
| Rotate | Overloaded. Rotate the image by a given angle.
The aspect ratio (the ratio of horizontal to vertical resolution) of the image is very important to this operation. If the aspect ratio is not set correctly, the image will be stretched horizontally or vertically during rotation. If the rotation angle is very close to -360, -180, 0, 180, or 360, there will be little distortion. If the rotation angle is much different from those values, there may significant distortion.
For example, coarse faxes have an aspect ratio of 1 to 2, meaning that each pixel is rectangular and is twice as tall as it is wide, and are typically 1728 pixels wide and 1100 pixels tall (8.5" x 11"). If a coarse fax is rotated 90 degrees, ignoring the aspect ratio, it will become 1100 pixels wide and 1728 pixels tall (5.5" x 17") and will appear to have been stretched by 4 times vertically. If the resolution is set properly, this method would produce an image that is 2200 pixels wide and 864 pixels tall (11" x 8.5").
Note: There are situations where the aspect ratio handling is not desirable. For example, if a 200 DPI x 100 DPI image is rotated 90 degrees and the desired output is 100 DPI x 200 DPI, then the horizontal and vertical resolutions should be set to the same values and the final resolution should be overridden with the desired values after the operation has completed. |
| Shear |
Shears the image by the given amount.
| SmoothObjects | Overloaded.
Smoothes the edges of characters in a bitonal image by the amount specified in the options.
| SmoothZoom |
Replace the current image with a new image whose width and height have been doubled and whose pixels have been smoothed.
| ToBitmap |
Returns a new Bitmap object that contains a copy of this component's current image.
| ToHdib |
Returns the DIB containing the component's current image.
| ToImage |
Returns a new Image object that contains a copy of this component's current image.
| ToString | (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component) |
| TransferTo |
Designed to make passing image data between different Accusoft components easier, this method transfers this object's
image data to another object which can be defined in a different Accusoft assembly. When finished, this object will no
longer contain image data; the image data will be owned by the destination object.
| VirtualBulb |
Emulates a dropout scanner, and cleans an image by converting the selected hues to white, nearby hues to
shades of gray and all other hues to black.