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action - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
addInfoDictInternal(SnbdFileio, HashMap<String, byte[]>, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
addMetaDataInternal(SnbdFileio, byte[], int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
alias - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
alias_quality - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
ann_alpha - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
ann_bblue - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current blue value background drawing color.
ann_bgreen - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current green value background drawing color.
ann_bold - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Bold attribute for text
ann_bred - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current red value background drawing color.
ANN_BUFF_SIZE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the annotation buffer size, 10 * 1024.
ann_crop_xe - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current cropping rectangle x size
ann_crop_xs - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current cropping rectangle x position
ann_crop_ye - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current cropping rectangle y size
ann_crop_ys - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current cropping rectangle y position
ann_cur_object_id - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current type of object
ann_dblclick(Container, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Selects the annotation under the mouse coordinates.
ann_dpi - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Integer representing resolution for Filenet annotation
ann_fblue - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current blue value foreground drawing color.
ann_fcs - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
ann_fgreen - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current green value foreground drawing color.
ann_font_height - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current font height
ann_font_name - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current selected font drawing name
ann_fred - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current red value foreground drawing color.
ann_height - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Height of annotated image
ann_history - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Vector<String[]> Annotation History
ann_idmCreateTimestamp - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM Create_Timestamp
ann_idmLastModifyTimestamp - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM Last_Modify_Timestamp
ann_idmStatus - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM Status
ann_idmSubpage_Number - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM Subpage_Number
ann_italic - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Italic attribute for text
ann_line_style - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current line styles such as solid or dashed
ann_line_width - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current line width for drawing
ann_notes - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Vector<String[]> of Annotation Notes
ann_rc - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Bounding rectangle of annotation object
ann_rotation_angle - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current rotation angle, ANN_GRAPHIC_STRUCT
ANN_SOLID - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
ann_tags - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Vector<String> of Annotation Tags
ann_use_exact_points - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Use exact point sizes in calculating font sizes in Text objects
ann_width - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Width of annotated image
annClassId - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating class id of annotation object.
annCreateDate - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotation creation date.
annCreateUser - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating which user created the annotation object.
annDelete - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating if annotation object is to be deleted.
annDeleteDate - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating date of annotation deletion.
annDeleteUser - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating user who deleted annotation.
annHeight - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotation height or Y axis offset in XML annotations.
annID - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotation ID in XML annotations
annLinePainting() - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
annModifyDate - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating modification date of current annotation.
annModifyUser - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating user who preformed last modification.
annOrdinal - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotation ordering in resulting XML file where 0 indicated first annotation object.
annotatedDocumentID - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating document id annotated file.
annotatedFileName - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating name of annotated file.
annStartX - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting X axis annotation start position in XML annotations.
annStartY - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting Y axis annotation start position in XML annotations.
annTransparent - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotation opacity level in XML annotations.
annType - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotation type in XML annotations, based on supported Snowbound annotation types.
annWidth - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotations width or X axis offset in XML annotations.
autoCropBitmap(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Automatically crop current Snowbnd image object by finding a cropping rectangle that encloses any valid data.


BIT_DEPTH - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Bits per pixel for document output (default: 24)
bitDepth - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
bitDepth() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
bitmapData - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotated page width in XML annotations
BOTTOM_MARGIN - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
bTrack - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn


canceled - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
centerTagInRect(Graphics, Container, SANN_RECT, String, SANN_RECT, int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
CHAR_SPACING - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
CHARS_PER_LINE - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
checkPage(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
CLOUD_BUMPS - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
com.snowbound.rastermaster - package com.snowbound.rastermaster
convertJsonToIntermediate(String, String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts a JSON blob containing OCR data into RasterMaster Intermediate File Format
convertJsonToPdf(String, String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts a JSON blob containing OCR data into PDF file
createDataBuffer() - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
createDate - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Denotes annotation creation date.
createGraphics(int, int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
createGraphics(Snowbnd, int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
createImage(int, int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
createImage(Snowbnd, int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
createSnowDoc(byte[]) - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
Creates a SnowDoc from provided file data.
Uses default configuration values
createSnowDoc(byte[], HashMap<SnowDocFactory.Config, String>) - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
Creates a SnowDoc from provided file data.
createSnowDoc(DataInputStream) - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
Creates a SnowDoc from provided input stream
Uses default configuration values
createSnowDoc(DataInputStream, HashMap<SnowDocFactory.Config, String>) - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
Creates a SnowDoc from provided input stream with the specified parameters.
createSnowDoc(String) - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
Creates a SnowDoc from file at provided path with the specified parameters.
Uses default configuration values
createSnowDoc(String, HashMap<SnowDocFactory.Config, String>) - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
Creates a SnowDoc from file at provided path with the specified parameters.
createUser - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Indicates which user created the annotation object.


DAEJA_DPI - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Daeja (FileNet) default resolution
DATE - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Date to use for documents with a 'current date' field
decomp_vect - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
decompress(SnbdFileio) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Parses and lays out content on all pages of the document represented by fileHandle
decompress_bitmap(SnbdFileio, int, int, Snowbnd) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert a particular page of a document to Snowbound internal raster format for subsequent manipulation or saving.
decompressImage(int, Snowbnd, SnbdFileio, String) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFilter
decompressWithFilter(String, int, Snowbnd, SnbdFileio) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_OPACITY - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
deleted - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
deleteDate - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
deleteUser - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
detectFormat(byte[]) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Gets the type of OOXML data.
detectFormat(SnbdFileio) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Gets the type of OOXML data.
dis_crop_xe - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_crop_xs - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_crop_ye - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_crop_ys - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_dib - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_height - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_rotate - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_runs_ptrs - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_width - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_xs - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_xsize - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_ys - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_ysize - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
display_angle(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Rotates current Snowbound image object at display time.
DOCUMENT_ID - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
User-defined string for identifying documents
documentID - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Field for storing a user-set document identifier
double_byte - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Used for using double byte edit controls.


EnableEditText - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
EnableProperties - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
extractText(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
extractText(Snowbnd, SnbdFileio, int, int[], int[], int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFilter


fcs - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Specifies the object to resize.
fileHandle - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
fileSize - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Source file byte count
fileType - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
File type ID as specified in Snow.Defines
fillColor - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating fill color for solid annotation objects.
finalize() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Optional finalize for Snowbnd object If scrollbars are used, failure to call this method may result in a resource leak.
fit_to_height(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets an internal flag that forces IMG_display_bitmap_aspect to display by fitting the width of the image to the height of the Container, minus the height of the scroll bars, if any.
fit_to_width(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets an internal flag that forces IMG_display_bitmap_aspect to display by fitting the width of the image to the width of the container, minus the width of the scroll bars, if any.
fontBold - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating if font is bold or not in XML annotation supporting text.
fontColor - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating font color in XML annotation supporting text.
fontItalic - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating if font is italized or not in XML annotations support text.
fontName - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating the font face name.
fontSize - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating font point size.
fontStrike - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating if font has a strike-through text.
fontUnderline - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating if font should be underlined or not.


gCancelCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Cancel command
gCopyCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Copy command
gCutCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Cut command
gDeleteCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Delete command
gEditTextCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Edit Text command
generateImage(int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Converts the specified page to the specified format
get_dib_raster(byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Copy specified raster buffer from source image to destination buffer
get_dib_raster(byte[], byte[], int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Copy specified raster buffer from source image offset to destination buffer
get_fit_to_height() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the value set by fit_to_height(int).
get_fit_to_width() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the value set by fit_to_width(int).
get_save_raster(byte[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Retrieves one line of raster data from current Snowbound image object
get_save_raster(int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Retrieves one line of raster data from current Snowbound image object
getAsciiAttributes() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getBitsPerPixel() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getBrightnes() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getBufferedImage() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
getBufferedImageGraphics() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
GetClientRect(Container, SANN_RECT) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method fills a SANN_RECT object with the current height and width of the display area.
getContrast() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getCropboxX() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
For PDF documents only
getCropboxY() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
For PDF documents only
getDate() - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
getDate() - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDefaultDepth() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDefaultResolution() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_DecompXsize() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_DecompYsize() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_display_transp() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_dpos() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_hPal() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_oldhPal() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_orientation() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_pPage() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_rast_size() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_tcolor() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_transparency() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDisplay() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getGamma() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getGet_info() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getGraphics(Container) - Static method in class Snow.SnowAnn
getHeight() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getHtmlBitsPerPix() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getHtmlPageHeight() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getHtmlPageWidth() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getHtmlResolution() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getImageData(Snowbnd) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
getImageData(Snowbnd, int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
getInitialZoom(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Calculates the first zoom increment given the image height and width.
getJpeg_rows_per_strip() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getJpeg_tables_offset() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getJpeg_tables_offset_fh() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getLastSavedImageSize() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
getLicenseStatus() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getLocale() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
getLocale() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getmJpeg_ICC_ColorSpace() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getNumberOfPages() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
getOffice_BitsPerPix() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getOffice_resolution() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getOfficePagesizeX() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getOfficePagesizeY() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getOrig_bits_pix() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getOverlay() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getOverlayUserData() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Gets private afp/modca user overlay callback information
getPages(SnbdFileio, Snowbnd, String) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFilter
getPagesWithFilter(int, Snowbnd, SnbdFileio) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getPagesWithFilter(String, Snowbnd, SnbdFileio) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getPdf_xsize() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getPdf_ysize() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getPDFInfoDictInternal(SnbdFileio, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getPdfPassword() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Get cached PDF user or owner password (in the clear) to use when loading PDF data with some RasterMaster methods.
getRenderState() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
getScroll_repaint() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getSff() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getShowExchange() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the value of showExchange member variable which determines whether or not to display MS Exchange information when converting MSG files.
getText() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
getUtf8Mode() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getVisibilityFlag(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Get the visibility flag for the specified annotation type
getWidth() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getWl_lut16() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getWl_lut8() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getXdpi() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getXMPMetaDataInternal(SnbdFileio, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getYdpi() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
GIT_HASH - Static variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
gMoveCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Move command
gPermissionsCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Permissions command
gPropertiesCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Properties command
graphic_id - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Object type to add when using user controlled adding of objects
graphic_num - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Number or handle of graphic object.
gResizeCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Resize command
gRotateCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Rotate command


hasPage(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Check if a page exists on this Document
hasText() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
height - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Page height represented as pixels at input resolution
hsb - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd


IDM_DPI - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_MAX - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_SANN_DELETE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_SANN_EDIT - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_SANN_EXIT - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_SANN_MOVE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_SANN_OK - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_SANN_RESIZE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_STATUS_DELETE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_STATUS_MODIFIED - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_STATUS_NEW - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_STATUS_ORIGINAL - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IMG_add_watermark(byte[], int, int, String, String, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Adds a watermark string at the designated placement.
IMG_add_watermark(String, int, int, String, String, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Adds a watermark string at the designated placement.
IMG_antique_effect() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts color images to look as though they are antique photos.
IMG_auto_crop_bitmap(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Automatically crop current Snowbnd image object by finding a cropping rectangle that encloses any valid data.
IMG_auto_orient(int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Detect orientation of current Snowbound image object.
IMG_color_gray() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts 24-bit color image to 8-bit gray scale.
IMG_convert_document(InputStream, OutputStream, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts the input data, assumed to be of a certain document format, to output data, assumed to be of a different document format.
IMG_convert_document(String, String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts the input data, assumed to be of a certain document format, to output data, assumed to be of a different document format.
IMG_create_thumbnail(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Intelligently subsamples current Snowbound image object.
IMG_decompress_bitmap(Image, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert a java Image object to Snowbound internal raster format for subsequent manipulation or saving.
IMG_decompress_bitmap(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert a particular page of a document to Snowbound internal raster format for subsequent manipulation or saving.
IMG_decompress_bitmap(String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert a particular page of a document to Snowbound internal raster format for subsequent manipulation or saving.
IMG_decompress_bitmap_fd(String, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert a particular page of a document to Snowbound internal raster format for subsequent manipulation or saving.
IMG_decompress_bitmap_stream(String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert a particular page of a document to Snowbound internal raster format for subsequent manipulation or saving.
IMG_decompress_bitmap_stream_onthefly(String, int, Container) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Decompress and display partially downloaded image data from a URL.
IMG_decompress_fax(DataInputStream, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert compressed fax proprietary image file formats which use CCITT G3 or G4 compression algorithms to Snowbound internal raster format for subsequent manipulation or saving.
IMG_decompress_fax(String, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert compressed fax proprietary image file formats which use CCITT G3 or G4 compression algorithms to Snowbound internal raster format for subsequent manipulation or saving.
IMG_decompress_multipage_bitmap_stream_onthefly(String, int, Container) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Decompress and display partially downloaded image data from a URL.
IMG_deskew_bitmap(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Fast rotate for 1-bit skewed images.
IMG_despeckel_bitmap(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Removes noise (random pixel data) from 1-bit images.
IMG_despeckle_bitmap(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Removes noise (random pixel data) from 1-bit images.
IMG_diffusion_mono() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts 4, 8 or 24 bit current Snowbound image object to 1-bit per pixel bi-level image
IMG_display_bitmap(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Displays the current Snowbund image object at the current X and Y coordinates, and is not corrected for aspect ratio.
IMG_display_bitmap_aspect(Graphics, Container, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Displays the current Snowbound image object, corrected for aspect ratio, at the current X and Y coordinates.
IMG_display_bitmap_smooth(Graphics, Container, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Displays the current Snowbound image object, corrected for aspect ratio, at the current X and Y coordinates.
IMG_dwg_to_svg_mem(byte[], int[], int[], int[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing SVG representation of requested layer of the DWG buffer passed in.
IMG_erase_rect(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Fills the inside or outside of the specified rectangle (xs, ys, xsize, and ysize parameters) with the color passed in.
IMG_fill_bitmap_pattern(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Allows filling an area of the current Snowbound image object with specified patterns found in the pattern argument.
IMG_flip_bitmapx() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Flips the current Snowbound image object horizontally to produce a mirror image.
IMG_flip_bitmapy() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Flips the current Snowbound image object vertically to produce a mirror image.
IMG_get_bitmap_block(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a block of data from the current Snowbound image object and creates a Snowbnd object, where the data is specified by the rectangle constructed from the image's coordinates.
IMG_get_deskew_angle(int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the skew angle for 1-bit images.
IMG_get_version() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the RasterMaster version as a String
IMG_get_version(int[], int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the RasterMaster version id in the two integers that you provide.
IMG_get_version(int[], int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the RasterMaster version id in the four integers that you provide.
IMG_histogram_equalize() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Performs a histogram equalization on 8 bit images only.
IMG_invert_bitmap() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Inverts the current Snowbound image object, changing pixels by a simple XOR operation applied to each byte of the image in memory.
IMG_merge_block(Snowbnd, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Draws a source image on top of the current Snowbound image object at the x and y coordinates (xpos and ypos) passed in.
IMG_print_applet(Container, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Prints images loaded into an applet.
IMG_print_applet_pages(Container, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Prints high-resolution multi-page documents from applets.
IMG_print_bitmap(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Prints the current Snowbound image object at the specified coordinates.
IMG_promote_24() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Permanently converts the current 1, 4, or 8-bit Snowbound image object to a 24-bit image.
IMG_promote_32() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Permanently converts the current 1, 4, or 8-bit Snowbound image object to a 32-bit image.
IMG_promote_8() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Permanently converts the current 1, 4, 16 or 24-bit Snowbound image object to 8 bit.
IMG_remove_red_eye(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Detects and converts very red eyes in photos with people to more natural colors.
IMG_resize_bitmap(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Changes the internal size of current Snowbound image object according to the input parameters.
IMG_resize_bitmap_bicubic(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Scales down current Snowbound image object using a bicubic interpolation algorithm.
IMG_resize_to_gray(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Resizes a 1-bit image to a (smaller) 8-bit grayscale image.
IMG_rgb_to_cmyk() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts the current Snowbound image object from 24-bit RGB data to 32-bit CMYK data.
IMG_rotate_bitmap(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Rotates the current Snowbound image object clockwise by display angle.
IMG_save_bitmap(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Saves the current Snowbnd image object to a byte array in the format specified by type.
IMG_save_bitmap(byte[], int, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Saves the current Snowbnd image object in the format specified by type to a byte array.
IMG_save_bitmap(int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Saves the current Snowbnd image object in the format specified by type to a byte array.
IMG_save_bitmap(String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Saves the current Snowbnd image object to the format specified by type.
IMG_save_document(byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This method will convert Snowbound Intermediate File Format to SVG or PDF
IMG_save_document(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This method will convert Snowbound Intermediate File Format to SVG or PDF
IMG_save_document(String, byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This method will convert Snowbound Intermediate File Format to SVG or PDF
IMG_scroll_bitmap(Container, Event) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Scrolls current Snowbound image object.
IMG_scroll_bitmap(Container, SnowScrollbar) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Scrolls the current Snowbound image object.
IMG_set_croprect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets cropping rectangle of current Snowbound image object.
IMG_sharpen_bitmap(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sharpens or blurs the image.
IMG_shift_bitmap(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Shifts the current Snowbound image object along the x and y axes, positively or negatively according to the parameters passed in.
IMG_thresh_mono() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts 4, 8 or 24 bit current Snowbound image object to 1-bit per pixel bi-level image threshold value.
IMG_vector_to_pdf(DataInputStream, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert desired document page to (vector) PDF.
IMG_vector_to_svg(DataInputStream, int[], int[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing file in SVG format.
IMG_vector_to_svg(DataInputStream, int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing file in SVG format.
IMG_vector_to_svg(String, String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts file format to SVG
IMG_window_level(int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Changes the range of displayed pixels.
IMGLOW_add_warning(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Add a warning to warningCode list
IMGLOW_addInfoDict(DataInputStream, HashMap<String, byte[]>, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_addInfoDict(String, HashMap<String, byte[]>, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_addMetaData(DataInputStream, byte[], int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_addMetaData(String, byte[], int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_append_page(DataInputStream, byte[], int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Appends a specified page to an existing multipage PDF or TIFF document contained in an existing DataInputStream.
IMGLOW_append_page(String, byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Appends a specified page to an existing multipage PDF or TIFF document.
IMGLOW_appendAnnots(DataInputStream, SnowAnn, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_appendRedactionAnnots(DataInputStream, SnowAnn, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_auto_invert(int, int, int, int, double) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Invert current Snowbound image object.
IMGLOW_close_pdf_reader() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This is a PDF specific method that closes a previously opened PDF reader associated with private member variable mPdfReader.
IMGLOW_close_pdf_writer() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This PDF specific method closes private member variable mPdfWriter that was opened by previous call to IMGLOW_set_pdf_writer()
IMGLOW_coldplay(DataInputStream) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Decompress and merge image Services cold templates.
IMGLOW_convert_xfa_to_pdf(DataInputStream, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts a PDF/XFA document to a 'flattened' PDF document
IMGLOW_convert_xfa_to_pdf(String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts a PDF/XFA document to a 'flattened' PDF document
IMGLOW_copyBookmarks(DataInputStream, DataInputStream, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_copyBookmarks takes 2 parameters, representing the source PDF file from which to copy bookmarks and the destination PDF file, which shall have the same page count as the source, but no bookmarks.
IMGLOW_copyBookmarks(String, String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_copyBookmarks takes 2 parameters, representing the source PDF file from which to copy bookmarks and the destination PDF file, which shall have the same page count as the source, but no bookmarks.
IMGLOW_create_pdf(byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts image to a pdf file that contains imageData
IMGLOW_create_pdf(byte[], boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts image to a pdf file that contains imageData
IMGLOW_delete_page(DataInputStream, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Deletes the specified page from a PDF document.
IMGLOW_delete_page(String, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Deletes the specified page from a multipage PDF document.
IMGLOW_detect_blank_page(boolean, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This method can be used to detect blank pages.
IMGLOW_detect_color() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns bit depth of current Snowbound image object
IMGLOW_docinfo_details(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns meta data from a PDF document
IMGLOW_encryptPDFFile(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Encrypt an existing PDF file, pass the byte stream of the PDF file with the in parameter.
IMGLOW_extract_page(DataInputStream, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Extracts the specified page from a PDF or TIFF document.
IMGLOW_extract_page(DataInputStream, String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Extracts the specified page from a PDF document.
IMGLOW_extract_page(String, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Extracts the specified page from a PDF or TIFF document.
IMGLOW_extract_page(String, String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Extracts the specified page from a PDF or TIFF document.
IMGLOW_extract_page_format(DataInputStream, int, int[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_extract_rotated_page(DataInputStream, int, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Extracts the specified page from a PDF document and rotates the page.
IMGLOW_extract_rotated_page(String, int, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Extracts the specified page from a PDF document and rotates the page.
IMGLOW_extract_text(DataInputStream, int[], int[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing text and graphics objects stored in Snowbound Intermediate File Format.
IMGLOW_extract_text(DataInputStream, int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing text and graphics objects stored in Snowbound Intermediate File Format.
IMGLOW_extract_text(String, int[], int[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing text and graphics objects stored in Snowbound Intermediate File Format.
IMGLOW_extract_text(String, int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing text and graphics objects stored in Snowbound Intermediate File Format.
IMGLOW_extract_text_svg(DataInputStream, int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing file in SVG format.
IMGLOW_extract_text_svg(String, int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing file in SVG format.
IMGLOW_get_bitmap_date() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Gets the Date tag of current Snowbound image object (provided it is a TIFF).
IMGLOW_get_bitmap_name() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Gets the Name or Author and Date tag before saving images TIFF.
IMGLOW_get_brightness() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the current brightness set by IMGLOW_set_brightness(int).
IMGLOW_get_contrast() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the current contrast set by IMGLOW_set_contrast(int).
IMGLOW_get_dwg_layers(byte[], int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns an array of Strings containing layer and color names of DWG file
IMGLOW_get_dwg_xrefs(byte[], int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the String and path name of any external xref dwg file.
IMGLOW_get_fileinfo(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets height, width, and bits-per-pixel without decompressing the entire file.
IMGLOW_get_fileinfo(String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets height, width, and bits-per-pixel without decompressing the entire file.
IMGLOW_get_filetype(DataInputStream) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the file type of an document
IMGLOW_get_filetype(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the file type of document
IMGLOW_get_gamma() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the current gamma set by IMGLOW_set_gamma(int).
IMGLOW_get_image_orientation() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the orientation of current Snowbound image object, if the information is available.
IMGLOW_get_license_path() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Get Snowbound license manager file full path name
IMGLOW_get_links_for_page(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_get_links_for_page(String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_get_page_rotation(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns page rotation angle for a particular page in a PDF file
IMGLOW_get_pages(DataInputStream) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the number of pages in a multipage document.
IMGLOW_get_pages(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the number of pages in a multi-page document.
IMGLOW_get_pages(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the number of pages in a multi-page document.
IMGLOW_get_pdf_text(int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This is a PDF specific method used to get all text from a specified page of a PDF document previously opened by calling IMGLOW_set_pdf_reader().
IMGLOW_get_raster(int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the raster line specified by the position on the Y-axis into the array buffer.
IMGLOW_get_server_license() - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_get_tiff_tag(int, int, int[], DataInputStream, byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Reads a TIFF tag from the file specified.
IMGLOW_get_tiff_tag(int, int, int[], String, byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Reads a TIFF tag from the file specified.
IMGLOW_get_warnings() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns SnbdWarningCode object.
IMGLOW_getAttachment(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Gets the indicated attachment from a file
IMGLOW_getAttachmentInfo(byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Gets a list of attachment meta data
IMGLOW_getExifTagInteger(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Gets EXIF meta data integer tag from JPEG file
IMGLOW_getExifTagString(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Gets EXIF meta data string tag from JPEG file
IMGLOW_getPagesWithPattern(DataInputStream, String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
PDF-specific, allows the caller to determine quickly which pages contain string pattern.
IMGLOW_getPagesWithText(DataInputStream, String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
PDF-specific, allows the caller to determine quickly which pages have the target string.
IMGLOW_getPDFInfoDict(DataInputStream, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_getPDFInfoDict(String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_getXMPMetaData(DataInputStream, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_getXMPMetaData(String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_hasBookmarks(DataInputStream) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_hasBookmarks(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_ocr_bitmap(byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_ocr_bitmap(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert raster file to vector PDF buffer.
IMGLOW_ocr_get_dll_path(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_ocr_get_engine_path() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Get OCR bin folder
IMGLOW_ocr_get_lan() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Get language for Tesseract machine
IMGLOW_ocr_is_available() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_ocr_set_dll_path(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_ocr_set_engine_path(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Set path to parent of tessdata folder
IMGLOW_ocr_set_lan(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Set language for Tesseract machine
IMGLOW_page_has_text(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_page_has_text(DataInputStream, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_page_image_count(byte[], boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the count of images on a specified page of a PDF document.
IMGLOW_page_image_count(String, int, boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the count of images on a specified page of a PDF document.
IMGLOW_page_is_image(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if pageBuf consists of only image data
IMGLOW_page_is_image(String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_page_is_jpeg_image(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if pageBuf is JPEG document
IMGLOW_page_is_jpeg_image(String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if file is JPEG document
IMGLOW_page_link_annot_count(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_page_link_annot_count(String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_pdf_append_file(DataInputStream) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This PDF specific method appends dis to private member variable mPdfWriter which was opened by a previous call to IMGLOW_set_pdf_writer().
IMGLOW_pdf_append_file(DataInputStream, boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This PDF specific method appends dis to private member variable mPdfWriter which was opened by a previous call to IMGLOW_set_pdf_writer().
IMGLOW_pdf_append_file(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This PDF specific method appends inputPath to private member variable mPdfWriter which was opened by a previous call to IMGLOW_set_pdf_writer().
IMGLOW_pdf_is_xfa(DataInputStream, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if document is PDF/XFA
IMGLOW_pdf_is_xfa(String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if document is PDF/XFA
IMGLOW_pdf_isAcroForm(DataInputStream, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_pdf_isAcroForm(String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if PDF file contains an AcroForm dictionary at the catalog level
IMGLOW_process_bitmap(int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Applies a matrix of values to current Snowbound image object.
IMGLOW_put_raster(int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Replaces the raster line specified on the Y-axis with the new image data in the array buffer.
IMGLOW_rect_intersects_with_image_on_page(byte[], Rectangle2D.Double[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_rects_intersect_with_image_on_page(byte[], Rectangle2D.Double[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_rects_intersect_with_image_on_page(String, int, Rectangle2D.Double[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_redact_ann(byte[], SnowAnn, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array in Snowbound intermediate format, for saving via IMG_save_document(), with any text or image data inside the annotation rectangles redacted.
IMGLOW_redact_page(DataInputStream, Rectangle2D.Double[], int, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Removes font-based text from PDF file that intercepts the list of rectangles
IMGLOW_redact_page(DataInputStream, Rectangle2D.Double[], int, int, int[], boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This method supports PDF redaction by removing text that intersects any of the rectangles in the rarray argument.
IMGLOW_redact_page(String, String, Rectangle2D.Double[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Removes font-based text from PDF file that intercepts the list of rectangles
IMGLOW_redact_rects(byte[], SNBD_SEARCH_RESULT[], int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array in Snowbound intermediate format, for saving via IMG_save_document(), with any text or image data inside the rects redacted.
IMGLOW_redact_text(byte[], String, int, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array in Snowbound intermediate format, for saving via IMG_save_document(), with the 'text' string redacted.
IMGLOW_remove_holepunch(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Removes large blobs or holed punches from a 1 bit document
IMGLOW_remove_lines(int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Removes lines from the current Snowbound image object.
IMGLOW_rotate_page(byte[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Rotates a particular page in a PDF file.
IMGLOW_search_pattern(byte[], String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns an array of structures of classes of the type, SNBD_SEARCH_RESULT.
IMGLOW_search_text(byte[], String, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns an array of structures of classes of the type, SNBD_SEARCH_RESULT.
IMGLOW_set_ascii_attributes(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, String, int, double) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets attributes for importing an Ascii file
IMGLOW_set_bitmap_name(String, String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the Name or Author and Date tag before saving images to TIFF.
IMGLOW_set_brightness(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the brightness of the current Snowbound image object.
IMGLOW_set_comp_quality(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the compression quality factor when saving JPEG images.
IMGLOW_set_contrast(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the relative difference between the image's black and white values.
IMGLOW_set_decomp_rect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Allows specifying a rectangle in the image to decompress.
IMGLOW_set_decompsize(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Allows setting the destination size for an image being decompressed.
IMGLOW_set_document_input(int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This method sets the rendering parameters for decompression of Office files.
IMGLOW_set_document_input(int, int, int, double, double) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the rendering parameters for decompression of MSOffice files.
IMGLOW_set_document_input(int, int, Defines.SnowExt) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_set_dwg_path(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the path for DWG files that contain xrefs
IMGLOW_set_fast_convert(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets faster decompression for Modca or AFP.
IMGLOW_set_fontmap(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the AFP font mapping data directly
IMGLOW_set_fontmap_path(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the path for finding the Afp font mapping file.
IMGLOW_set_gamma(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets a gamma correction factor which corrects for the gamma or response curve of the monitor.
IMGLOW_set_image_orientation(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the orientation flag before saving images to TIFF.
IMGLOW_set_imnet_page_size(int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets page properties for IMNET files
IMGLOW_set_j2k_decode_parameter(String, String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the j2k (JPEG2000) decode parameter
IMGLOW_set_j2k_encode_parameter(String, String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the j2k (JPEG2000) encode parameter.
IMGLOW_set_jpg_interleave(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the JPEG interleave factor for saving JPEG images.
IMGLOW_set_license_jar(InputStream) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_set_license_json(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_set_license_path(InputStream) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Set Snowbound license path from input stream
IMGLOW_set_license_path(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Set full path name to Snowbound License JAR or JSON file
IMGLOW_set_msg_render_preference(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the rendering preferences for MSG files.
IMGLOW_set_overlay_callback(Method, Object) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets AFP overlay callback function.
IMGLOW_set_overlay_parameters(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_set_overlay_path(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the path for finding overlay files.
IMGLOW_set_pcl_input(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Set desired resolution and bit depth for PCL conversions.
IMGLOW_set_pdf_flags(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets PDF rendering options The flags parameter is used to set bits to change Pdf rendering
IMGLOW_set_pdf_fontpath(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the path for finding the Pdf fonts.
IMGLOW_set_pdf_input(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets desired resolution and bit depth for PDF conversions
IMGLOW_set_pdf_output(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the destination size for saving pdf files.
IMGLOW_set_pdf_reader(DataInputStream, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This is a PDF specific method that associates private member variable mPdfReader with the contents of dis (DataInputStream).
IMGLOW_set_pdf_writer(ByteArrayOutputStream) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This PDF-specific method associates private member variable mPdfWriter with contents of oStream.
IMGLOW_set_pdf_writer(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This PDF-specific method associates private member variable mPdfWriter with contents of outputPath.
IMGLOW_set_pdfa_font_map(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Specifies the mapping of font aliases to font names and paths
IMGLOW_set_pdfa_font_path(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the path for PDF/A saving to use when looking for fonts
IMGLOW_set_print_header(String, String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the print header.
IMGLOW_set_tiff_tag(int, int, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Write new and current tags.
IMGLOW_set_UTF_8(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Forces ASCII documents to use UTF8 encoding.
IMGLOW_setHtmlEncoding(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Set the font encoding (character set) used when rendering HTML files Common Encodings "ISO-8859-1" Western Europe "ISO-8859-2" Western and Central Europe "ISO-8859-3" Western, Southern Europe "ISO-8859-4" Western Europe and Baltic "ISO-8859-5" Cyrillic alphabet "ISO-8859-6" Arabic "ISO-8859-7" Greek "ISO-8859-8" Hebrew "ISO-8859-9" Western Europe with amended Turkish "ISO-8859-10" Western Europe and Nordic "ISO-8859-11" Thai "ISO-8859-13" Baltic and Polish "ISO-8859-14" Celtic
IMGLOW_setHtmlExtractionPath(String) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the path for extracting the HTML conversion program.
IMGLOW_setHtmlFontPath(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This method has been deprecated as of version 20.13.0. RasterMaster will now use the system font path.
IMGLOW_splitPDF(int, String, String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
PDF-specific method to split an N-page PDF file into N or more smaller PDF files.
IMGLOW_write_tiff_stream(Dib_Head, byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Create a TIFF file with existing compressed data.
IMGLOW_write_tiff_stream(Dib_Head, byte[], int, int, String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Create a tiff file with existing compressed data.
internal_extract_text(SnbdFileio, int[], int[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing text and graphics objects stored in Snowbound Intermediate File Format.
internal_extract_text_format(SnbdFileio, int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing text and graphics objects stored in Snowbound Intermediate File Format.
internal_extract_text_svg(SnbdFileio, int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing file in SVG format.
internal_has_text(SnbdFileio, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
internal_has_text(SnbdFileio, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
interrupt() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
is_bmp(byte[]) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if buff is Bitmap (BMP) document
is_office(byte[]) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if buff is MSOffice 97-2003 format
is_pcl(SnbdFileio) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if buff if PCL (Printer Control Language) document
isDaeja - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
isDis_runs_buff() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
isFilenet - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
isHeicEnabled() - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Determine whether HEIC files will be decoded.
isIdm - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
isOOXML(byte[]) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if buff is PKZip document (MSOffice 2007+)
isPdfBoxRedactionEnabled() - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Determine whether PdfBox will be enabled for PDF redaction.
isPdfParserBetaEnabled() - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Determine whether the new PDF parser will be enabled.
isProductValid(Enums.Format) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Checks if specified Snowbound product is licensed.
isSnowDocFormat(byte[]) - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
Determines if the file represented by the provided data is in a format supported by SnowDoc
isSnowDocFormat(DataInputStream) - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
Determines if the file represented by the provided input stream is in a format supported by SnowDoc
isSnowDocFormat(String) - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
Determines if the file stored at the provided path is in a format supported by SnowDoc
isWindow_level() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
isXML(byte[]) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if buff is XML document (MSOffice 2003)
ITALIC - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config


lambdaCheckPage(int, Runnable) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
LEFT_MARGIN - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Customizable attributes unique to ascii
LINE_SPACING - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
lineColor - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting line color in XML annotations.
LINES_PER_PAGE - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
lineStyle - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting line style in XML annotations
lineTransparent - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating line opacity level for XML annotation.
lineWidth - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating line width for XML annotations.
locale - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
LOCALE - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Locale for date and number processing, in LICD String format (en-US)


map_image_to_wnd(Container, Point) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts image coordinates to screen coordinates for the current Snowbound image object.
map_image_to_wnd(Container, IMG_POINT) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts image coordinates to screen coordinates for the current Snowbound image object.
map_wnd_to_image(Container, Point) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts screen coordinates to image coordinates.
map_wnd_to_image(Container, IMG_POINT) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts screen coordinates to image coordinates.
modifyUser - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn


Next - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
numberOfPagesReduced() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc


old_scroll - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
openRaster(Snowbnd, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
openVector(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Org - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
orig_height - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
orig_width - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
OS_license_type() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns type of Snowbound license


p - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Important - Panel p must be tagged as transient to allow for proper serialization.
PAGE_HEIGHT - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Height of page in pixels at document resolution
PAGE_WIDTH - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Width of page in pixels at document resolution
pageCount - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
pageHeight - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotated page height in XML annotations.
pageHeight() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
pageHeight(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
pageNumber - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
PAGEOFFSETS - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
pageWidth - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotated page width in XML annotations.
pageWidth() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
pageWidth(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
ParseColdplayTemplates(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Parse Image Services cold templates.
pdf_bits_per_pixel - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
pdf_dpi - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
pointArray - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating a point array for freehand or polygon annotations.
POINTSIZE - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
popup - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Defines the popup menu.
Prev - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
PrintStack - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
put_dib_raster_mes(byte[], byte[], int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
put_dib_raster_mes(byte[], int, byte[], int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
put_raster(byte[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Callback function used to put raster data into current Snowbound image object
put_raster(byte[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Callback function used to put tiled raster data into current Snowbound image object
put_raster(int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Callback function used to put raster data into current Snowbound image object


read_xml_file(SnbdFileio, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Converts an XML file containing FileNet annotations
redactRegex(int, String, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Searches the specified page for regular expression matches and redacts any matches
redactText(int, String, boolean, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Searches the specified page for text and redacts any matches
remove_non_text_objects() - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
remove_text_objects() - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
remove00(byte[], byte[], int) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
remove the 0x00 from double-byte encodings of characters
renderFinished - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
renderStarted - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
reset_warnings() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Clear warningCode list
resize_object(ANN_GRAPHIC_STRUCT, SANN_RECT) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Resizes (or moves) the specific ANN_GRAPHIC_STRUCT object.
resolution - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
resolution() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
RESOLUTION - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Resolution for document layout (default: 300)
RIGHT_MARGIN - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
rotationAngle - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating rotation angle of annotation object.


SANN_activate_all_objects(Container) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Activates all text based annotation objects to allow text editing in the TextArea represented by these objects.
SANN_activate_object(Container, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Used only on the SANN_EDIT and SANN_POSTIT objects to allow editing of the text in the object.
SANN_add_object(int, SANN_RECT, byte[], SANN_POINT[], int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Adds a new object to the current annotation.
SANN_add_object(int, SANN_RECT, byte[], SANN_POINT[], int, float) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
SANN_ARROW - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Previous Annotation object
SANN_BITMAP - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Bitmap annotation
SANN_BUBBLE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Bubble annotation
SANN_CIRCLE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Circle annotation
SANN_CLOUD_EDIT - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Cloud Edit annotation
SANN_count_objects() - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
SANN_CUSTOM_STAMP - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Custom stamp annotation
SANN_deactivate_all_objects() - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Used on the SANN_EDIT and SANN_POSTIT objects to disallow editing of text in all text based objects.
SANN_deactivate_object(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Used on the SANN_EDIT and SANN_POSTIT objects to stop the editing of text in TextArea.
SANN_delete_all_objects() - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Deletes all graphics and memory associated with the current annotation object.
SANN_delete_object(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Deletes an object from the current annotation list.
SANN_display_annotations(Graphics, Container, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Displays all current annotations (superimposed on the image) to the Graphics context pointed by g.
SANN_display_annotations(Graphics, Container, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method displays all current annotations (superimposed on the image) to the Graphics context pointed by g.
SANN_draw_object(Graphics, Container, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Draws the object (graphicNum) at the coordinates passed in (xs, ys, xz, and yz).
SANN_EDIT - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Edit annotation
SANN_ELLIPSE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Ellipse annotation
SANN_FILLED_ELLIPSE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Filled ellipse annotation
SANN_FILLED_POLYGON - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Filled Polygon annotation
SANN_FILLED_RECT - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Filled Rectangle annotation
SANN_flipx() - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Flips all annotation objects about the horizontal
SANN_flipy() - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Flips all annotation objects about the vertical
SANN_FREEHAND - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Freehand annotation
SANN_get_croprect(SANN_RECT) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Returns the cropping rectangle for the current annotation display area (the visible display area).
SANN_get_graphic_struct(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Returns the ANN_GRAPHIC_STRUCT class.
SANN_get_object_bounds(int, SANN_RECT) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Returns the bounding box of the object (graphic_num) in image pixel coordinates.
SANN_get_object_data(int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Used to get the text data from a Post-it note or text annotation object.
SANN_get_object_info(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Returns an instance of the Snow.ANN_GRAPHIC_STRUCT class, which is the internal wrapper for the object number passed in.
SANN_get_object_num(Container, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Finds the graphic_num of the annotation object whose bounding box completely surrounds the points xpos and ypos.
SANN_highlight_object(Container, SANN_RECT, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Highlights the bounding box of the annotation object specified by.
SANN_HIGHLIGHT_RECT - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Highlight Rectangle annotation
SANN_LINE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Line annotation
SANN_map_image_to_wnd(SANN_RECT, SANN_POINT, Container) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Converts the internal graphics coordinates of the image to coordinates of the current window.
SANN_map_wnd_to_image(Container, SANN_POINT) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Converts coordinates of the current window to the internal graphics coordinates of the image.
SANN_merge_annotations(Snowbnd, Container) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method will permanently merge annotations onto the Snowbound image object passed in.
SANN_move_object(int, SANN_RECT) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Moves or resizes the object (graphicNum).
SANN_output_pdf(double, double, double, double, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Converts the current annotation object to Pdf content in a buffer.
SANN_POINT_SIZE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the point size.
SANN_POLYGON - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Polygon annotation
SANN_POSTIT - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Post-it annotation
SANN_print_annotations(Graphics, Container, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Prints the current annotation to the graphic context pointed by g.
SANN_print_annotations(Graphics, Container, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Prints the current annotation to the graphic context pointed by g.
SANN_read_ann(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Reads an annotation file from a DataInputStream.
SANN_read_ann(String) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Reads an annotation file from disk.
SANN_read_ann(String, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Reads an annotation file from disk.
SANN_read_ann_stream(String) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Reads an annotation file from a fully qualified URL address.
SANN_read_ann_stream(String, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Reads an annotation file from a fully qualified URL address.
SANN_recalc_size(int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Recalculates objects dimensions and positions.
SANN_recalc_size(int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Recalculates objects dimensions and positions.
SANN_RECTANGLE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Rectangle annotation
SANN_resize_object(int, SANN_RECT) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Resizes (or moves) the object indicated by graphicNum.
SANN_rotate(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Rotates all annotations on the currently displayed image.
SANN_rotate_object(int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Rotates given annotation object by angle
SANN_set_bcolor(int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the current background drawing color for all graphics.
SANN_set_croprect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
The cropping rectangle is essentially the size of the display container (which is usually a subclass of java.awt.Container), mapped onto the image (corrected for image scaling).
SANN_set_fcolor(int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the current foreground drawing color for all annotation objects.
SANN_set_fcolor(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the current foreground drawing color for all annotation objects.
SANN_set_fnx_dpi(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method sets the resolution used for Filenet annotations.
SANN_set_font(int, String, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the current type of font to use for the specified Edit or PostIt text annotation.
SANN_set_font(String, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the current type of font to use for all Edit and PostIt text annotations.
SANN_set_line_style(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the style of the line according to predefined constants.
SANN_set_line_width(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the width of lines in the annotation library in pixels.
SANN_set_line_width(int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
SANN_set_scrollbars(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Allows setting the type of scrollbar used in a Post-it note or text annotation object.
SANN_set_size(int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the height and width of the current image being annotated.
SANN_TRANSPARENT_BITMAP - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Transparent bitmap annotation
SANN_write_ann(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Writes out annotations to a memory buffer.
SANN_write_ann(String, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Writes out annotations to the disk file.
SANN_write_ann_fnx(String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method returns a byte array containing xml filenet annotations.
SANN_write_ann_fnx(String, String, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method writes out filenet annotations to the disk file as xml.
SANN_write_ann_idm(String, String, int, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method returns a byte array containing IDM annotations.
SANN_write_ann_idm(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method writes out IDM annotations to the disk file.
SANN_write_ann_pages(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Writes out annotations to a memory buffer.
SANN_write_ann_pages(String, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Writes out annotations to the disk file.
SANN_write_ann_xml(byte[], SnowXMLWriter) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method will write out the contents of SnowXMLWriter to a byte[] array.
SANN_write_ann_xml(String, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Writes out annotations to the disk file as xml.
SANN_write_ann_xml_document(SnowXMLWriter) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method will write out <document> data.
SANN_write_ann_xml_page(SnowXMLWriter) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method will write out <page> and <annObject> data the associated ANN_GRAPHIC_STRUCT and return a populated SnowXMLWriter.
SANN_write_ann_xml_page(SnowXMLWriter, String) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method will write out <page> and <annObject> data the associated ANN_GRAPHIC_STRUCT and return a populated SnowXMLWriter.
saveImageAs(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Converts the specified page to the specified format and saves it into a provided buffer
saveImageAs(String, int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Converts the specified page to the specified format and saves it in a file system
searchRegex(int, String) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Searches a page of this document for text that matches the provided regular expression
searchRegexFromBuffer(byte[], String, int[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
searchText(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Searches a page of this document for a string of text
searchTextFromBuffer(byte[], String, int, int[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
set_croprect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the cropping rectangle for the display engine.
set_croprect_scroll(Container, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the rectangular area of an image to display and also sets up scrollbars.
set_header(int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets current Snowbound image object header information.
set_header(Dib) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Set current Snowbound image object header information
set_header(Dib, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Callback function used to set current Snowbound image object using information from a byte array
set_header(Dib, PAGE_INFO) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Callback function used by PDF plug-in to set current Snowbound image object header information
set_mjics(ICC_ColorSpace) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets ICC color space used when converting JPEG CMYK images
setAutoDetect(boolean) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
setBitDepth(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
setBrightnes(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setBufferedImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
setContrast(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDefaultDepth(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDefaultResolution(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_DecompXsize(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_DecompYsize(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_display_transp(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_dpos(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_hPal(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_oldhPal(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_orientation(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_pPage(PAGE_INFO) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_rast_size(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_runs_buff(boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_tcolor(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_transparency(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setFormat(Enums.Format) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setFrame(Container) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the destination container for image display.
setGamma(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setGet_info(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setHeicEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Set whether HEIC files will be decoded.
setHeicLibPath(String) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the path to the directory to and from which HEIC libraries are written and read.
setHtmlBitsPerPix(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setHtmlPageHeight(double) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setHtmlPageWidth(double) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setHtmlResolution(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setJpeg_rows_per_strip(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setJpeg_tables_offset(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setJpeg_tables_offset_fh(SnbdFileio) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setLocale(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setmJpeg_ICC_ColorSpace(ICC_ColorSpace) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setOffice_BitsPerPix(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setOffice_resolution(short) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setOfficePagesizeX(double) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setOfficePagesizeY(double) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setOrig_bits_pix(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setOverlay(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setOverlayUserData(Object) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets private afp/modca user overlay callback information
setPageHeight(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
setPageWidth(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
setPdf_xsize(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setPdf_ysize(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setPdfBoxRedactionEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Set whether PdfBox will be enabled for PDF redaction.
setPdfParserBetaEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Set whether the newer pdf parsing will be enabled.
setPdfPassword(byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Caches the PDF user or owner password (in the clear) to use when loading PDF data with some RasterMaster methods.
setPopupMenuStrings(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class Snow.SnowAnn
setResolution(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Sets pixels per inch for document layout.
setScroll_repaint(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setSff(Container) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setShowExchange(boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the value of showExchange member variable which determines whether or not to display MS Exchange information when converting MSG files.
setupDoc(SnbdFileio, Snowbnd) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFilter
setVisibilityFlag(int, boolean) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method sets the visibility flag for the specified annotation type
setVisibilityFlags(boolean[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method sets all of the visibility flags
setVisibilityFlagsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method enables or disables the use of the visibility flags altogether.
setWindow_level(boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setWl_lut16(short[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setWl_lut8(byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setXdpi(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the horizontal resolution (in dots per inch) for subsequent conversions
setYdpi(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the vertical resolution (in dots per inch) for subsequent conversions.
Snow - package Snow
SnowAnn - Class in Snow
This class is used for creating or reading annotation objects from a file.
SnowAnn(int, int) - Constructor for class Snow.SnowAnn
SnowAnn(int, int, int) - Constructor for class Snow.SnowAnn
Snowbnd - Class in Snow
Main class in the RasterMaster SDK.
Snowbnd() - Constructor for class Snow.Snowbnd
Snowbnd(int, int, int) - Constructor for class Snow.Snowbnd
Alternate constructor for Snowbnd object.
Snowbnd(Date) - Constructor for class Snow.Snowbnd
Alternate constructor for Snowbnd object.
Snowbnd(Snowbnd) - Constructor for class Snow.Snowbnd
Alternate constructor that creates a new Snowbnd object by copying the contents of an existing Snowbnd object.
SnowDoc - Class in com.snowbound.rastermaster
SnowDoc() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
SnowDocBuffer - Class in com.snowbound.rastermaster
SnowDocBuffer() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
SnowDocFactory - Class in com.snowbound.rastermaster
SnowDocFactory() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
SnowDocFactory.Config - Enum in com.snowbound.rastermaster
SnowDocFilter - Class in com.snowbound.rastermaster
SnowDocFilter() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFilter
snowDocType - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Internal Document Type
SnowExceptions(Throwable) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
swing_popup - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
systemDate - Static variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc


TABSTOP - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
textString - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotated page width in XML annotations
threshold - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
TOP_MARGIN - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
TYPEFACE - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config


ui_delete(Container) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Deletes the currently selected annotation object.
ui_exit() - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Deselects the currently selected annotation object.
ui_rotate_object(Container, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Rotates the currently selected annotation object.
ui_startmove(Container) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method notifies the annotation library that the current annotation object is being moved.
ui_startresize(Container) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method notifies the annotation library that the current annotation object is being resized.
ui_wm_endmove(Container) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
ui_wm_endresize(Container) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
ui_wm_lbuttondown(Container, int, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Begins tracking mouse movements when the mouse button is pressed.
ui_wm_lbuttonup(Container, int, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method notifies the annotation library that the mouse button has been released.
ui_wm_mousemove(Container, int, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Notifies the library of the current mouse coordinates.
UTF8MODE - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VERSION_BUILD - Static variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
VERSION_COPYRIGHT - Static variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
VERSION_MAJOR - Static variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
VERSION_MINOR - Static variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
VERSION_QUALIFIER - Static variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
VERSION_REVISION - Static variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
vsb - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd


WEIGHT - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
width - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Page width represented as pixels at input resolution
WM_LBUTTONDOWN - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Down Button annotation


XLSX_MAX_COLUMN_PAGE_WIDTH - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Limits the potential width of a generated page from an XLSX sheet.
XLSX_MAX_PAGE_RENDER - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
DEPRECATED: Cancels xlsx rendering after the specified number of cells has been rendered
XLSX_PRINT_AREA_SHEETS - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
List of sheets to apply print area to, if desired.
XLSX_USE_PRINT_AREA - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Boolean for xlsx files to obey the print area written in the file.
xml_boolean(byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Converts a boolean string to boolean value
xml_color(byte[], short[], short[], short[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Converts color integer into r,g,b
xml_convert(ANN_GRAPHIC_STRUCT, byte[], byte[], int, int[], int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Converts an XML FileNet annotation file to a Snowbound annotation file.
xml_find_page(SnbdFileio, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Skips to the desired XML annotation page
xml_inches_pixels(double) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Converts inches to pixels.
xml_read(SnbdFileio, byte[], int[], int[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Reads from the XML file into a buffer
xmlannotations - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
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