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action - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
addInfoDictInternal(SnbdFileio, HashMap<String, byte[]>, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
addMetaDataInternal(SnbdFileio, byte[], int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
alias - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
alias_quality - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
ann_alpha - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
ann_bblue - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current blue value background drawing color.
ann_bgreen - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current green value background drawing color.
ann_bold - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Bold attribute for text
ann_bred - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current red value background drawing color.
ANN_BUFF_SIZE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the annotation buffer size, 10 * 1024.
ann_crop_xe - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current cropping rectangle x size
ann_crop_xs - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current cropping rectangle x position
ann_crop_ye - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current cropping rectangle y size
ann_crop_ys - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current cropping rectangle y position
ann_cur_object_id - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current type of object
ann_dblclick(Container, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Selects the annotation under the mouse coordinates.
ann_dpi - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Integer representing resolution for Filenet annotation
ann_fblue - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current blue value foreground drawing color.
ann_fcs - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
ann_fgreen - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current green value foreground drawing color.
ann_font_height - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current font height
ann_font_name - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current selected font drawing name
ann_fred - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current red value foreground drawing color.
ann_height - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Height of annotated image
ann_history - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Vector<String[]> Annotation History
ann_idmCreateTimestamp - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM Create_Timestamp
ann_idmLastModifyTimestamp - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM Last_Modify_Timestamp
ann_idmStatus - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM Status
ann_idmSubpage_Number - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM Subpage_Number
ann_italic - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Italic attribute for text
ann_line_style - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current line styles such as solid or dashed
ann_line_width - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current line width for drawing
ann_notes - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Vector<String[]> of Annotation Notes
ann_rc - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Bounding rectangle of annotation object
ann_rotation_angle - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Current rotation angle, ANN_GRAPHIC_STRUCT
ANN_SOLID - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
ann_tags - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Vector<String> of Annotation Tags
ann_use_exact_points - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Use exact point sizes in calculating font sizes in Text objects
ann_width - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Width of annotated image
annClassId - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating class id of annotation object.
annCreateDate - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotation creation date.
annCreateUser - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating which user created the annotation object.
annDelete - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating if annotation object is to be deleted.
annDeleteDate - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating date of annotation deletion.
annDeleteUser - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating user who deleted annotation.
annHeight - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotation height or Y axis offset in XML annotations.
annID - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotation ID in XML annotations
annLinePainting() - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
annModifyDate - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating modification date of current annotation.
annModifyUser - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating user who preformed last modification.
annOrdinal - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotation ordering in resulting XML file where 0 indicated first annotation object.
annotatedDocumentID - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating document id annotated file.
annotatedFileName - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating name of annotated file.
annStartX - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting X axis annotation start position in XML annotations.
annStartY - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting Y axis annotation start position in XML annotations.
annTransparent - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotation opacity level in XML annotations.
annType - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotation type in XML annotations, based on supported Snowbound annotation types.
annWidth - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotations width or X axis offset in XML annotations.
autoCropBitmap(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Automatically crop current Snowbnd image object by finding a cropping rectangle that encloses any valid data.


BIT_DEPTH - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Bits per pixel for document output (default: 24)
bitDepth - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
bitDepth() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
bitmapData - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotated page width in XML annotations
BOTTOM_MARGIN - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
bTrack - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn


canceled - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
centerTagInRect(Graphics, Container, SANN_RECT, String, SANN_RECT, int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
CHAR_SPACING - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
CHARS_PER_LINE - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
checkPage(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
CLOUD_BUMPS - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
com.snowbound.rastermaster - package com.snowbound.rastermaster
convertJsonToIntermediate(String, String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts a JSON blob containing OCR data into RasterMaster Intermediate File Format
convertJsonToPdf(String, String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts a JSON blob containing OCR data into PDF file
createDataBuffer() - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
createDate - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Denotes annotation creation date.
createGraphics(int, int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
createGraphics(Snowbnd, int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
createImage(int, int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
createImage(Snowbnd, int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
createSnowDoc(byte[]) - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
Creates a SnowDoc from provided file data.
Uses default configuration values
createSnowDoc(byte[], HashMap<SnowDocFactory.Config, String>) - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
Creates a SnowDoc from provided file data.
createSnowDoc(DataInputStream) - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
Creates a SnowDoc from provided input stream
Uses default configuration values
createSnowDoc(DataInputStream, HashMap<SnowDocFactory.Config, String>) - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
Creates a SnowDoc from provided input stream with the specified parameters.
createSnowDoc(String) - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
Creates a SnowDoc from file at provided path with the specified parameters.
Uses default configuration values
createSnowDoc(String, HashMap<SnowDocFactory.Config, String>) - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
Creates a SnowDoc from file at provided path with the specified parameters.
createUser - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Indicates which user created the annotation object.


DAEJA_DPI - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Daeja (FileNet) default resolution
DATE - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Date to use for documents with a 'current date' field
decomp_vect - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
decompress(SnbdFileio) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Parses and lays out content on all pages of the document represented by fileHandle
decompress_bitmap(SnbdFileio, int, int, Snowbnd) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert a particular page of a document to Snowbound internal raster format for subsequent manipulation or saving.
decompressImage(int, Snowbnd, SnbdFileio, String) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFilter
decompressWithFilter(String, int, Snowbnd, SnbdFileio) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_OPACITY - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
deleted - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
deleteDate - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
deleteUser - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
detectFormat(byte[]) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Gets the type of OOXML data.
detectFormat(SnbdFileio) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Gets the type of OOXML data.
dis_crop_xe - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_crop_xs - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_crop_ye - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_crop_ys - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_dib - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_height - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_rotate - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_runs_ptrs - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_width - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_xs - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_xsize - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_ys - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
dis_ysize - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
display_angle(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Rotates current Snowbound image object at display time.
DOCUMENT_ID - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
User-defined string for identifying documents
documentID - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Field for storing a user-set document identifier
double_byte - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Used for using double byte edit controls.


EnableEditText - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
EnableProperties - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
extractText(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
extractText(Snowbnd, SnbdFileio, int, int[], int[], int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFilter


fcs - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Specifies the object to resize.
fileHandle - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
fileSize - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Source file byte count
fileType - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
File type ID as specified in Snow.Defines
fillColor - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating fill color for solid annotation objects.
finalize() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Optional finalize for Snowbnd object If scrollbars are used, failure to call this method may result in a resource leak.
fit_to_height(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets an internal flag that forces IMG_display_bitmap_aspect to display by fitting the width of the image to the height of the Container, minus the height of the scroll bars, if any.
fit_to_width(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets an internal flag that forces IMG_display_bitmap_aspect to display by fitting the width of the image to the width of the container, minus the width of the scroll bars, if any.
fontBold - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating if font is bold or not in XML annotation supporting text.
fontColor - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating font color in XML annotation supporting text.
fontItalic - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating if font is italized or not in XML annotations support text.
fontName - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating the font face name.
fontSize - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating font point size.
fontStrike - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating if font has a strike-through text.
fontUnderline - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating if font should be underlined or not.


gCancelCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Cancel command
gCopyCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Copy command
gCutCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Cut command
gDeleteCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Delete command
gEditTextCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Edit Text command
generateImage(int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Converts the specified page to the specified format
get_dib_raster(byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Copy specified raster buffer from source image to destination buffer
get_dib_raster(byte[], byte[], int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Copy specified raster buffer from source image offset to destination buffer
get_fit_to_height() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the value set by fit_to_height(int).
get_fit_to_width() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the value set by fit_to_width(int).
get_save_raster(byte[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Retrieves one line of raster data from current Snowbound image object
get_save_raster(int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Retrieves one line of raster data from current Snowbound image object
getAsciiAttributes() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getBitsPerPixel() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getBrightnes() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getBufferedImage() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
getBufferedImageGraphics() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
GetClientRect(Container, SANN_RECT) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method fills a SANN_RECT object with the current height and width of the display area.
getContrast() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getCropboxX() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
For PDF documents only
getCropboxY() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
For PDF documents only
getDate() - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
getDate() - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDefaultDepth() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDefaultResolution() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_DecompXsize() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_DecompYsize() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_display_transp() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_dpos() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_hPal() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_oldhPal() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_orientation() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_pPage() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_rast_size() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_tcolor() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDis_transparency() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getDisplay() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getGamma() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getGet_info() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getGraphics(Container) - Static method in class Snow.SnowAnn
getHeight() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getHtmlBitsPerPix() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getHtmlPageHeight() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getHtmlPageWidth() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getHtmlResolution() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getImageData(Snowbnd) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
getImageData(Snowbnd, int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
getInitialZoom(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Calculates the first zoom increment given the image height and width.
getJpeg_rows_per_strip() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getJpeg_tables_offset() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getJpeg_tables_offset_fh() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getLastSavedImageSize() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
getLicenseStatus() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getLocale() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
getLocale() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getmJpeg_ICC_ColorSpace() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getNumberOfPages() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
getOffice_BitsPerPix() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getOffice_resolution() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getOfficePagesizeX() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getOfficePagesizeY() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getOrig_bits_pix() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getOverlay() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getOverlayUserData() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Gets private afp/modca user overlay callback information
getPages(SnbdFileio, Snowbnd, String) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFilter
getPagesWithFilter(int, Snowbnd, SnbdFileio) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getPagesWithFilter(String, Snowbnd, SnbdFileio) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getPdf_xsize() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getPdf_ysize() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getPDFInfoDictInternal(SnbdFileio, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getRenderState() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
getScroll_repaint() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getSff() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getShowExchange() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the value of showExchange member variable which determines whether or not to display MS Exchange information when converting MSG files.
getText() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
getUtf8Mode() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getVisibilityFlag(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Get the visibility flag for the specified annotation type
getWidth() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getWl_lut16() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getWl_lut8() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getXdpi() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getXMPMetaDataInternal(SnbdFileio, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
getYdpi() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
GIT_HASH - Static variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
gMoveCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Move command
gPermissionsCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Permissions command
gPropertiesCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Properties command
graphic_id - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Object type to add when using user controlled adding of objects
graphic_num - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Number or handle of graphic object.
gResizeCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Resize command
gRotateCommand - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
The Rotate command


hasPage(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Check if a page exists on this Document
hasText() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
height - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Page height represented as pixels at input resolution
hsb - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd


IDM_DPI - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_MAX - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_SANN_DELETE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_SANN_EDIT - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_SANN_EXIT - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_SANN_MOVE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_SANN_OK - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_SANN_RESIZE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_STATUS_DELETE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_STATUS_MODIFIED - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_STATUS_NEW - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IDM_STATUS_ORIGINAL - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
IMG_add_watermark(byte[], int, int, String, String, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Adds a watermark string at the designated placement.
IMG_add_watermark(String, int, int, String, String, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Adds a watermark string at the designated placement.
IMG_antique_effect() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts color images to look as though they are antique photos.
IMG_auto_crop_bitmap(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Automatically crop current Snowbnd image object by finding a cropping rectangle that encloses any valid data.
IMG_auto_orient(int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Detect orientation of current Snowbound image object.
IMG_color_gray() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts 24-bit color image to 8-bit gray scale.
IMG_convert_document(InputStream, OutputStream, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts the input data, assumed to be of a certain document format, to output data, assumed to be of a different document format.
IMG_convert_document(String, String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts the input data, assumed to be of a certain document format, to output data, assumed to be of a different document format.
IMG_create_thumbnail(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Intelligently subsamples current Snowbound image object.
IMG_decompress_bitmap(Image, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert a java Image object to Snowbound internal raster format for subsequent manipulation or saving.
IMG_decompress_bitmap(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert a particular page of a document to Snowbound internal raster format for subsequent manipulation or saving.
IMG_decompress_bitmap(String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert a particular page of a document to Snowbound internal raster format for subsequent manipulation or saving.
IMG_decompress_bitmap_fd(String, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert a particular page of a document to Snowbound internal raster format for subsequent manipulation or saving.
IMG_decompress_bitmap_stream(String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert a particular page of a document to Snowbound internal raster format for subsequent manipulation or saving.
IMG_decompress_bitmap_stream_onthefly(String, int, Container) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Decompress and display partially downloaded image data from a URL.
IMG_decompress_fax(DataInputStream, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert compressed fax proprietary image file formats which use CCITT G3 or G4 compression algorithms to Snowbound internal raster format for subsequent manipulation or saving.
IMG_decompress_fax(String, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert compressed fax proprietary image file formats which use CCITT G3 or G4 compression algorithms to Snowbound internal raster format for subsequent manipulation or saving.
IMG_decompress_multipage_bitmap_stream_onthefly(String, int, Container) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Decompress and display partially downloaded image data from a URL.
IMG_deskew_bitmap(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Fast rotate for 1-bit skewed images.
IMG_despeckel_bitmap(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Removes noise (random pixel data) from 1-bit images.
IMG_despeckle_bitmap(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Removes noise (random pixel data) from 1-bit images.
IMG_diffusion_mono() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts 4, 8 or 24 bit current Snowbound image object to 1-bit per pixel bi-level image
IMG_display_bitmap(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Displays the current Snowbund image object at the current X and Y coordinates, and is not corrected for aspect ratio.
IMG_display_bitmap_aspect(Graphics, Container, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Displays the current Snowbound image object, corrected for aspect ratio, at the current X and Y coordinates.
IMG_display_bitmap_smooth(Graphics, Container, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Displays the current Snowbound image object, corrected for aspect ratio, at the current X and Y coordinates.
IMG_dwg_to_svg_mem(byte[], int[], int[], int[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing SVG representation of requested layer of the DWG buffer passed in.
IMG_erase_rect(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Fills the inside or outside of the specified rectangle (xs, ys, xsize, and ysize parameters) with the color passed in.
IMG_fill_bitmap_pattern(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Allows filling an area of the current Snowbound image object with specified patterns found in the pattern argument.
IMG_flip_bitmapx() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Flips the current Snowbound image object horizontally to produce a mirror image.
IMG_flip_bitmapy() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Flips the current Snowbound image object vertically to produce a mirror image.
IMG_get_bitmap_block(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a block of data from the current Snowbound image object and creates a Snowbnd object, where the data is specified by the rectangle constructed from the image's coordinates.
IMG_get_deskew_angle(int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the skew angle for 1-bit images.
IMG_get_version() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the RasterMaster version as a String
IMG_get_version(int[], int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the RasterMaster version id in the two integers that you provide.
IMG_get_version(int[], int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the RasterMaster version id in the four integers that you provide.
IMG_histogram_equalize() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Performs a histogram equalization on 8 bit images only.
IMG_invert_bitmap() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Inverts the current Snowbound image object, changing pixels by a simple XOR operation applied to each byte of the image in memory.
IMG_merge_block(Snowbnd, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Draws a source image on top of the current Snowbound image object at the x and y coordinates (xpos and ypos) passed in.
IMG_print_applet(Container, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Prints images loaded into an applet.
IMG_print_applet_pages(Container, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Prints high-resolution multi-page documents from applets.
IMG_print_bitmap(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Prints the current Snowbound image object at the specified coordinates.
IMG_promote_24() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Permanently converts the current 1, 4, or 8-bit Snowbound image object to a 24-bit image.
IMG_promote_32() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Permanently converts the current 1, 4, or 8-bit Snowbound image object to a 32-bit image.
IMG_promote_8() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Permanently converts the current 1, 4, 16 or 24-bit Snowbound image object to 8 bit.
IMG_remove_red_eye(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Detects and converts very red eyes in photos with people to more natural colors.
IMG_resize_bitmap(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Changes the internal size of current Snowbound image object according to the input parameters.
IMG_resize_bitmap_bicubic(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Scales down current Snowbound image object using a bicubic interpolation algorithm.
IMG_resize_to_gray(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Resizes a 1-bit image to a (smaller) 8-bit grayscale image.
IMG_rgb_to_cmyk() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts the current Snowbound image object from 24-bit RGB data to 32-bit CMYK data.
IMG_rotate_bitmap(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Rotates the current Snowbound image object clockwise by display angle.
IMG_save_bitmap(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Saves the current Snowbnd image object to a byte array in the format specified by type.
IMG_save_bitmap(byte[], int, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Saves the current Snowbnd image object in the format specified by type to a byte array.
IMG_save_bitmap(int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Saves the current Snowbnd image object in the format specified by type to a byte array.
IMG_save_bitmap(String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Saves the current Snowbnd image object to the format specified by type.
IMG_save_document(byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This method will convert Snowbound Intermediate File Format to SVG or PDF
IMG_save_document(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This method will convert Snowbound Intermediate File Format to SVG or PDF
IMG_save_document(String, byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This method will convert Snowbound Intermediate File Format to SVG or PDF
IMG_scroll_bitmap(Container, Event) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Scrolls current Snowbound image object.
IMG_scroll_bitmap(Container, SnowScrollbar) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Scrolls the current Snowbound image object.
IMG_set_croprect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets cropping rectangle of current Snowbound image object.
IMG_sharpen_bitmap(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sharpens or blurs the image.
IMG_shift_bitmap(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Shifts the current Snowbound image object along the x and y axes, positively or negatively according to the parameters passed in.
IMG_thresh_mono() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts 4, 8 or 24 bit current Snowbound image object to 1-bit per pixel bi-level image threshold value.
IMG_vector_to_pdf(DataInputStream, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert desired document page to (vector) PDF.
IMG_vector_to_svg(DataInputStream, int[], int[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing file in SVG format.
IMG_vector_to_svg(DataInputStream, int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing file in SVG format.
IMG_vector_to_svg(String, String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts file format to SVG
IMG_window_level(int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Changes the range of displayed pixels.
IMGLOW_add_warning(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Add a warning to warningCode list
IMGLOW_addInfoDict(DataInputStream, HashMap<String, byte[]>, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_addInfoDict(String, HashMap<String, byte[]>, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_addMetaData(DataInputStream, byte[], int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_addMetaData(String, byte[], int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_append_page(DataInputStream, byte[], int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Appends a specified page to an existing multipage PDF or TIFF document contained in an existing DataInputStream.
IMGLOW_append_page(String, byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Appends a specified page to an existing multipage PDF or TIFF document.
IMGLOW_appendAnnots(DataInputStream, SnowAnn, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_appendRedactionAnnots(DataInputStream, SnowAnn, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_auto_invert(int, int, int, int, double) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Invert current Snowbound image object.
IMGLOW_close_pdf_reader() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This is a PDF specific method that closes a previously opened PDF reader associated with private member variable mPdfReader.
IMGLOW_close_pdf_writer() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This PDF specific method closes private member variable mPdfWriter that was opened by previous call to IMGLOW_set_pdf_writer()
IMGLOW_coldplay(DataInputStream) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Decompress and merge image Services cold templates.
IMGLOW_convert_xfa_to_pdf(DataInputStream, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts a PDF/XFA document to a 'flattened' PDF document
IMGLOW_convert_xfa_to_pdf(String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts a PDF/XFA document to a 'flattened' PDF document
IMGLOW_copyBookmarks(DataInputStream, DataInputStream, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_copyBookmarks takes 2 parameters, representing the source PDF file from which to copy bookmarks and the destination PDF file, which shall have the same page count as the source, but no bookmarks.
IMGLOW_copyBookmarks(String, String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_copyBookmarks takes 2 parameters, representing the source PDF file from which to copy bookmarks and the destination PDF file, which shall have the same page count as the source, but no bookmarks.
IMGLOW_create_pdf(byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts image to a pdf file that contains imageData
IMGLOW_create_pdf(byte[], boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts image to a pdf file that contains imageData
IMGLOW_delete_page(DataInputStream, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Deletes the specified page from a PDF document.
IMGLOW_delete_page(String, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Deletes the specified page from a multipage PDF document.
IMGLOW_detect_blank_page(boolean, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This method can be used to detect blank pages.
IMGLOW_detect_color() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns bit depth of current Snowbound image object
IMGLOW_docinfo_details(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns meta data from a PDF document
IMGLOW_encryptPDFFile(byte[], byte[], byte[], int, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Encrypt an existing PDF file, pass the byte stream of the PDF file with the in parameter.
IMGLOW_extract_page(DataInputStream, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Extracts the specified page from a PDF or TIFF document.
IMGLOW_extract_page(DataInputStream, String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Extracts the specified page from a PDF document.
IMGLOW_extract_page(String, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Extracts the specified page from a PDF or TIFF document.
IMGLOW_extract_page(String, String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Extracts the specified page from a PDF or TIFF document.
IMGLOW_extract_page_format(DataInputStream, int, int[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_extract_rotated_page(DataInputStream, int, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Extracts the specified page from a PDF document and rotates the page.
IMGLOW_extract_rotated_page(String, int, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Extracts the specified page from a PDF document and rotates the page.
IMGLOW_extract_text(DataInputStream, int[], int[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing text and graphics objects stored in Snowbound Intermediate File Format.
IMGLOW_extract_text(DataInputStream, int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing text and graphics objects stored in Snowbound Intermediate File Format.
IMGLOW_extract_text(String, int[], int[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing text and graphics objects stored in Snowbound Intermediate File Format.
IMGLOW_extract_text(String, int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing text and graphics objects stored in Snowbound Intermediate File Format.
IMGLOW_extract_text_svg(DataInputStream, int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing file in SVG format.
IMGLOW_extract_text_svg(String, int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing file in SVG format.
IMGLOW_get_bitmap_date() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Gets the Date tag of current Snowbound image object (provided it is a TIFF).
IMGLOW_get_bitmap_name() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Gets the Name or Author and Date tag before saving images TIFF.
IMGLOW_get_brightness() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the current brightness set by IMGLOW_set_brightness(int).
IMGLOW_get_contrast() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the current contrast set by IMGLOW_set_contrast(int).
IMGLOW_get_dwg_layers(byte[], int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns an array of Strings containing layer and color names of DWG file
IMGLOW_get_dwg_xrefs(byte[], int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the String and path name of any external xref dwg file.
IMGLOW_get_fileinfo(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets height, width, and bits-per-pixel without decompressing the entire file.
IMGLOW_get_fileinfo(String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets height, width, and bits-per-pixel without decompressing the entire file.
IMGLOW_get_filetype(DataInputStream) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the file type of an document
IMGLOW_get_filetype(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the file type of document
IMGLOW_get_gamma() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the current gamma set by IMGLOW_set_gamma(int).
IMGLOW_get_image_orientation() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the orientation of current Snowbound image object, if the information is available.
IMGLOW_get_license_path() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Get Snowbound license manager file full path name
IMGLOW_get_links_for_page(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_get_links_for_page(String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_get_page_rotation(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns page rotation angle for a particular page in a PDF file
IMGLOW_get_pages(DataInputStream) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the number of pages in a multipage document.
IMGLOW_get_pages(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the number of pages in a multi-page document.
IMGLOW_get_pages(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the number of pages in a multi-page document.
IMGLOW_get_pdf_text(int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This is a PDF specific method used to get all text from a specified page of a PDF document previously opened by calling IMGLOW_set_pdf_reader().
IMGLOW_get_raster(int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the raster line specified by the position on the Y-axis into the array buffer.
IMGLOW_get_server_license() - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_get_tiff_tag(int, int, int[], DataInputStream, byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Reads a TIFF tag from the file specified.
IMGLOW_get_tiff_tag(int, int, int[], String, byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Reads a TIFF tag from the file specified.
IMGLOW_get_warnings() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns SnbdWarningCode object.
IMGLOW_getAttachment(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Gets the indicated attachment from a file
IMGLOW_getAttachmentInfo(byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Gets a list of attachment meta data
IMGLOW_getExifTagInteger(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Gets EXIF meta data integer tag from JPEG file
IMGLOW_getExifTagString(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Gets EXIF meta data string tag from JPEG file
IMGLOW_getPagesWithPattern(DataInputStream, String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
PDF-specific, allows the caller to determine quickly which pages contain string pattern.
IMGLOW_getPagesWithText(DataInputStream, String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
PDF-specific, allows the caller to determine quickly which pages have the target string.
IMGLOW_getPDFInfoDict(DataInputStream, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_getPDFInfoDict(String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_getXMPMetaData(DataInputStream, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_getXMPMetaData(String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_hasBookmarks(DataInputStream) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_hasBookmarks(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_ocr_bitmap(byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_ocr_bitmap(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Convert raster file to vector PDF buffer.
IMGLOW_ocr_get_dll_path(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_ocr_get_engine_path() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Get OCR bin folder
IMGLOW_ocr_get_lan() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Get language for Tesseract machine
IMGLOW_ocr_is_available() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_ocr_set_dll_path(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_ocr_set_engine_path(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Set path to parent of tessdata folder
IMGLOW_ocr_set_lan(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Set language for Tesseract machine
IMGLOW_page_has_text(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_page_has_text(DataInputStream, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_page_image_count(byte[], boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the count of images on a specified page of a PDF document.
IMGLOW_page_image_count(String, int, boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns the count of images on a specified page of a PDF document.
IMGLOW_page_is_image(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if pageBuf consists of only image data
IMGLOW_page_is_image(String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_page_is_jpeg_image(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if pageBuf is JPEG document
IMGLOW_page_is_jpeg_image(String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if file is JPEG document
IMGLOW_page_link_annot_count(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_page_link_annot_count(String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_pdf_append_file(DataInputStream) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This PDF specific method appends dis to private member variable mPdfWriter which was opened by a previous call to IMGLOW_set_pdf_writer().
IMGLOW_pdf_append_file(DataInputStream, boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This PDF specific method appends dis to private member variable mPdfWriter which was opened by a previous call to IMGLOW_set_pdf_writer().
IMGLOW_pdf_append_file(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This PDF specific method appends inputPath to private member variable mPdfWriter which was opened by a previous call to IMGLOW_set_pdf_writer().
IMGLOW_pdf_is_xfa(DataInputStream, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if document is PDF/XFA
IMGLOW_pdf_is_xfa(String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if document is PDF/XFA
IMGLOW_pdf_isAcroForm(DataInputStream, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_pdf_isAcroForm(String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if PDF file contains an AcroForm dictionary at the catalog level
IMGLOW_process_bitmap(int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Applies a matrix of values to current Snowbound image object.
IMGLOW_put_raster(int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Replaces the raster line specified on the Y-axis with the new image data in the array buffer.
IMGLOW_rect_intersects_with_image_on_page(byte[], Rectangle2D.Double[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_rects_intersect_with_image_on_page(byte[], Rectangle2D.Double[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_rects_intersect_with_image_on_page(String, int, Rectangle2D.Double[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_redact_ann(byte[], SnowAnn, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array in Snowbound intermediate format, for saving via IMG_save_document(), with any text or image data inside the annotation rectangles redacted.
IMGLOW_redact_page(DataInputStream, Rectangle2D.Double[], int, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Removes font-based text from PDF file that intercepts the list of rectangles
IMGLOW_redact_page(DataInputStream, Rectangle2D.Double[], int, int, int[], boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This method supports PDF redaction by removing text that intersects any of the rectangles in the rarray argument.
IMGLOW_redact_page(String, String, Rectangle2D.Double[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Removes font-based text from PDF file that intercepts the list of rectangles
IMGLOW_redact_rects(byte[], SNBD_SEARCH_RESULT[], int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array in Snowbound intermediate format, for saving via IMG_save_document(), with any text or image data inside the rects redacted.
IMGLOW_redact_text(byte[], String, int, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array in Snowbound intermediate format, for saving via IMG_save_document(), with the 'text' string redacted.
IMGLOW_remove_holepunch(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Removes large blobs or holed punches from a 1 bit document
IMGLOW_remove_lines(int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Removes lines from the current Snowbound image object.
IMGLOW_rotate_page(byte[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Rotates a particular page in a PDF file.
IMGLOW_search_pattern(byte[], String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns an array of structures of classes of the type, SNBD_SEARCH_RESULT.
IMGLOW_search_text(byte[], String, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns an array of structures of classes of the type, SNBD_SEARCH_RESULT.
IMGLOW_set_ascii_attributes(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, String, int, double) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets attributes for importing an Ascii file
IMGLOW_set_bitmap_name(String, String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the Name or Author and Date tag before saving images to TIFF.
IMGLOW_set_brightness(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the brightness of the current Snowbound image object.
IMGLOW_set_comp_quality(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the compression quality factor when saving JPEG images.
IMGLOW_set_contrast(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the relative difference between the image's black and white values.
IMGLOW_set_decomp_rect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Allows specifying a rectangle in the image to decompress.
IMGLOW_set_decompsize(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Allows setting the destination size for an image being decompressed.
IMGLOW_set_document_input(int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This method sets the rendering parameters for decompression of Office files.
IMGLOW_set_document_input(int, int, int, double, double) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the rendering parameters for decompression of MSOffice files.
IMGLOW_set_document_input(int, int, Defines.SnowExt) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_set_dwg_path(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the path for DWG files that contain xrefs
IMGLOW_set_fast_convert(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets faster decompression for Modca or AFP.
IMGLOW_set_fontmap(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the AFP font mapping data directly
IMGLOW_set_fontmap_path(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the path for finding the Afp font mapping file.
IMGLOW_set_gamma(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets a gamma correction factor which corrects for the gamma or response curve of the monitor.
IMGLOW_set_image_orientation(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the orientation flag before saving images to TIFF.
IMGLOW_set_imnet_page_size(int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets page properties for IMNET files
IMGLOW_set_j2k_decode_parameter(String, String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the j2k (JPEG2000) decode parameter
IMGLOW_set_j2k_encode_parameter(String, String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the j2k (JPEG2000) encode parameter.
IMGLOW_set_jpg_interleave(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the JPEG interleave factor for saving JPEG images.
IMGLOW_set_license_jar(InputStream) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_set_license_json(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_set_license_path(InputStream) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Set Snowbound license path from input stream
IMGLOW_set_license_path(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Set full path name to Snowbound License JAR or JSON file
IMGLOW_set_msg_render_preference(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the rendering preferences for MSG files.
IMGLOW_set_overlay_callback(Method, Object) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets AFP overlay callback function.
IMGLOW_set_overlay_parameters(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
IMGLOW_set_overlay_path(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the path for finding overlay files.
IMGLOW_set_pcl_input(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Set desired resolution and bit depth for PCL conversions.
IMGLOW_set_pdf_flags(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets PDF rendering options The flags parameter is used to set bits to change Pdf rendering
IMGLOW_set_pdf_fontpath(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the path for finding the Pdf fonts.
IMGLOW_set_pdf_input(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets desired resolution and bit depth for PDF conversions
IMGLOW_set_pdf_output(int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the destination size for saving pdf files.
IMGLOW_set_pdf_reader(DataInputStream, int[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This is a PDF specific method that associates private member variable mPdfReader with the contents of dis (DataInputStream).
IMGLOW_set_pdf_writer(ByteArrayOutputStream) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This PDF-specific method associates private member variable mPdfWriter with contents of oStream.
IMGLOW_set_pdf_writer(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This PDF-specific method associates private member variable mPdfWriter with contents of outputPath.
IMGLOW_set_pdfa_font_map(byte[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Specifies the mapping of font aliases to font names and paths
IMGLOW_set_pdfa_font_path(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the path for PDF/A saving to use when looking for fonts
IMGLOW_set_print_header(String, String, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the print header.
IMGLOW_set_tiff_tag(int, int, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Write new and current tags.
IMGLOW_set_UTF_8(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Forces ASCII documents to use UTF8 encoding.
IMGLOW_setHtmlEncoding(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Set the font encoding (character set) used when rendering HTML files Common Encodings "ISO-8859-1" Western Europe "ISO-8859-2" Western and Central Europe "ISO-8859-3" Western, Southern Europe "ISO-8859-4" Western Europe and Baltic "ISO-8859-5" Cyrillic alphabet "ISO-8859-6" Arabic "ISO-8859-7" Greek "ISO-8859-8" Hebrew "ISO-8859-9" Western Europe with amended Turkish "ISO-8859-10" Western Europe and Nordic "ISO-8859-11" Thai "ISO-8859-13" Baltic and Polish "ISO-8859-14" Celtic
IMGLOW_setHtmlExtractionPath(String) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the path for extracting the HTML conversion program.
IMGLOW_setHtmlFontPath(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
This method has been deprecated as of version 20.13.0. RasterMaster will now use the system font path.
IMGLOW_splitPDF(int, String, String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
PDF-specific method to split an N-page PDF file into N or more smaller PDF files.
IMGLOW_write_tiff_stream(Dib_Head, byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Create a TIFF file with existing compressed data.
IMGLOW_write_tiff_stream(Dib_Head, byte[], int, int, String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Create a tiff file with existing compressed data.
internal_extract_text(SnbdFileio, int[], int[], int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing text and graphics objects stored in Snowbound Intermediate File Format.
internal_extract_text_format(SnbdFileio, int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing text and graphics objects stored in Snowbound Intermediate File Format.
internal_extract_text_svg(SnbdFileio, int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns a byte array containing file in SVG format.
internal_has_text(SnbdFileio, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
internal_has_text(SnbdFileio, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
interrupt() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
is_bmp(byte[]) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if buff is Bitmap (BMP) document
is_office(byte[]) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if buff is MSOffice 97-2003 format
is_pcl(SnbdFileio) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if buff if PCL (Printer Control Language) document
isDaeja - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
isDis_runs_buff() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
isFilenet - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
isHeicEnabled() - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Determine whether HEIC files will be decoded.
isIdm - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
isOOXML(byte[]) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if buff is PKZip document (MSOffice 2007+)
isPdfParserBetaEnabled() - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Determine whether the new PDF parser will be enabled.
isProductValid(Enums.Format) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Checks if specified Snowbound product is licensed.
isSnowDocFormat(byte[]) - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
Determines if the file represented by the provided data is in a format supported by SnowDoc
isSnowDocFormat(DataInputStream) - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
Determines if the file represented by the provided input stream is in a format supported by SnowDoc
isSnowDocFormat(String) - Static method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
Determines if the file stored at the provided path is in a format supported by SnowDoc
isWindow_level() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
isXML(byte[]) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns true if buff is XML document (MSOffice 2003)
ITALIC - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config


lambdaCheckPage(int, Runnable) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
LEFT_MARGIN - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Customizable attributes unique to ascii
LINE_SPACING - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
lineColor - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting line color in XML annotations.
LINES_PER_PAGE - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
lineStyle - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting line style in XML annotations
lineTransparent - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating line opacity level for XML annotation.
lineWidth - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating line width for XML annotations.
locale - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
LOCALE - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Locale for date and number processing, in LICD String format (en-US)


map_image_to_wnd(Container, Point) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts image coordinates to screen coordinates for the current Snowbound image object.
map_image_to_wnd(Container, IMG_POINT) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts image coordinates to screen coordinates for the current Snowbound image object.
map_wnd_to_image(Container, Point) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts screen coordinates to image coordinates.
map_wnd_to_image(Container, IMG_POINT) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Converts screen coordinates to image coordinates.
modifyUser - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn


Next - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
numberOfPagesReduced() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc


old_scroll - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
openRaster(Snowbnd, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
openVector(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Org - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
orig_height - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
orig_width - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
OS_license_type() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Returns type of Snowbound license


p - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Important - Panel p must be tagged as transient to allow for proper serialization.
PAGE_HEIGHT - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Height of page in pixels at document resolution
PAGE_WIDTH - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Width of page in pixels at document resolution
pageCount - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
pageHeight - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotated page height in XML annotations.
pageHeight() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
pageHeight(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
pageNumber - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
PAGEOFFSETS - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
pageWidth - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotated page width in XML annotations.
pageWidth() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
pageWidth(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
ParseColdplayTemplates(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Parse Image Services cold templates.
pdf_bits_per_pixel - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
pdf_dpi - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
pointArray - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating a point array for freehand or polygon annotations.
POINTSIZE - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
popup - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Defines the popup menu.
Prev - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
PrintStack - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
put_dib_raster_mes(byte[], byte[], int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
put_dib_raster_mes(byte[], int, byte[], int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
put_raster(byte[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Callback function used to put raster data into current Snowbound image object
put_raster(byte[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Callback function used to put tiled raster data into current Snowbound image object
put_raster(int[], int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Callback function used to put raster data into current Snowbound image object


read_xml_file(SnbdFileio, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Converts an XML file containing FileNet annotations
redactRegex(int, String, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Searches the specified page for regular expression matches and redacts any matches
redactText(int, String, boolean, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Searches the specified page for text and redacts any matches
remove_non_text_objects() - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
remove_text_objects() - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
remove00(byte[], byte[], int) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
remove the 0x00 from double-byte encodings of characters
renderFinished - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
renderStarted - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
reset_warnings() - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Clear warningCode list
resize_object(ANN_GRAPHIC_STRUCT, SANN_RECT) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Resizes (or moves) the specific ANN_GRAPHIC_STRUCT object.
resolution - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
resolution() - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
RESOLUTION - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Resolution for document layout (default: 300)
RIGHT_MARGIN - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
rotationAngle - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String indicating rotation angle of annotation object.


SANN_activate_all_objects(Container) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Activates all text based annotation objects to allow text editing in the TextArea represented by these objects.
SANN_activate_object(Container, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Used only on the SANN_EDIT and SANN_POSTIT objects to allow editing of the text in the object.
SANN_add_object(int, SANN_RECT, byte[], SANN_POINT[], int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Adds a new object to the current annotation.
SANN_add_object(int, SANN_RECT, byte[], SANN_POINT[], int, float) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
SANN_ARROW - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Previous Annotation object
SANN_BITMAP - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Bitmap annotation
SANN_BUBBLE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Bubble annotation
SANN_CIRCLE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Circle annotation
SANN_CLOUD_EDIT - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Cloud Edit annotation
SANN_count_objects() - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
SANN_CUSTOM_STAMP - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Custom stamp annotation
SANN_deactivate_all_objects() - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Used on the SANN_EDIT and SANN_POSTIT objects to disallow editing of text in all text based objects.
SANN_deactivate_object(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Used on the SANN_EDIT and SANN_POSTIT objects to stop the editing of text in TextArea.
SANN_delete_all_objects() - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Deletes all graphics and memory associated with the current annotation object.
SANN_delete_object(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Deletes an object from the current annotation list.
SANN_display_annotations(Graphics, Container, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Displays all current annotations (superimposed on the image) to the Graphics context pointed by g.
SANN_display_annotations(Graphics, Container, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method displays all current annotations (superimposed on the image) to the Graphics context pointed by g.
SANN_draw_object(Graphics, Container, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Draws the object (graphicNum) at the coordinates passed in (xs, ys, xz, and yz).
SANN_EDIT - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Edit annotation
SANN_ELLIPSE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Ellipse annotation
SANN_FILLED_ELLIPSE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Filled ellipse annotation
SANN_FILLED_POLYGON - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Filled Polygon annotation
SANN_FILLED_RECT - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Filled Rectangle annotation
SANN_flipx() - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Flips all annotation objects about the horizontal
SANN_flipy() - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Flips all annotation objects about the vertical
SANN_FREEHAND - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Freehand annotation
SANN_get_croprect(SANN_RECT) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Returns the cropping rectangle for the current annotation display area (the visible display area).
SANN_get_graphic_struct(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Returns the ANN_GRAPHIC_STRUCT class.
SANN_get_object_bounds(int, SANN_RECT) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Returns the bounding box of the object (graphic_num) in image pixel coordinates.
SANN_get_object_data(int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Used to get the text data from a Post-it note or text annotation object.
SANN_get_object_info(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Returns an instance of the Snow.ANN_GRAPHIC_STRUCT class, which is the internal wrapper for the object number passed in.
SANN_get_object_num(Container, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Finds the graphic_num of the annotation object whose bounding box completely surrounds the points xpos and ypos.
SANN_highlight_object(Container, SANN_RECT, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Highlights the bounding box of the annotation object specified by.
SANN_HIGHLIGHT_RECT - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Highlight Rectangle annotation
SANN_LINE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Line annotation
SANN_map_image_to_wnd(SANN_RECT, SANN_POINT, Container) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Converts the internal graphics coordinates of the image to coordinates of the current window.
SANN_map_wnd_to_image(Container, SANN_POINT) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Converts coordinates of the current window to the internal graphics coordinates of the image.
SANN_merge_annotations(Snowbnd, Container) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method will permanently merge annotations onto the Snowbound image object passed in.
SANN_move_object(int, SANN_RECT) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Moves or resizes the object (graphicNum).
SANN_output_pdf(double, double, double, double, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Converts the current annotation object to Pdf content in a buffer.
SANN_POINT_SIZE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the point size.
SANN_POLYGON - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Polygon annotation
SANN_POSTIT - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Post-it annotation
SANN_print_annotations(Graphics, Container, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Prints the current annotation to the graphic context pointed by g.
SANN_print_annotations(Graphics, Container, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Prints the current annotation to the graphic context pointed by g.
SANN_read_ann(DataInputStream, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Reads an annotation file from a DataInputStream.
SANN_read_ann(String) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Reads an annotation file from disk.
SANN_read_ann(String, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Reads an annotation file from disk.
SANN_read_ann_stream(String) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Reads an annotation file from a fully qualified URL address.
SANN_read_ann_stream(String, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Reads an annotation file from a fully qualified URL address.
SANN_recalc_size(int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Recalculates objects dimensions and positions.
SANN_recalc_size(int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Recalculates objects dimensions and positions.
SANN_RECTANGLE - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Rectangle annotation
SANN_resize_object(int, SANN_RECT) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Resizes (or moves) the object indicated by graphicNum.
SANN_rotate(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Rotates all annotations on the currently displayed image.
SANN_rotate_object(int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Rotates given annotation object by angle
SANN_set_bcolor(int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the current background drawing color for all graphics.
SANN_set_croprect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
The cropping rectangle is essentially the size of the display container (which is usually a subclass of java.awt.Container), mapped onto the image (corrected for image scaling).
SANN_set_fcolor(int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the current foreground drawing color for all annotation objects.
SANN_set_fcolor(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the current foreground drawing color for all annotation objects.
SANN_set_fnx_dpi(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method sets the resolution used for Filenet annotations.
SANN_set_font(int, String, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the current type of font to use for the specified Edit or PostIt text annotation.
SANN_set_font(String, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the current type of font to use for all Edit and PostIt text annotations.
SANN_set_line_style(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the style of the line according to predefined constants.
SANN_set_line_width(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the width of lines in the annotation library in pixels.
SANN_set_line_width(int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
SANN_set_scrollbars(int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Allows setting the type of scrollbar used in a Post-it note or text annotation object.
SANN_set_size(int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Sets the height and width of the current image being annotated.
SANN_TRANSPARENT_BITMAP - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Transparent bitmap annotation
SANN_write_ann(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Writes out annotations to a memory buffer.
SANN_write_ann(String, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Writes out annotations to the disk file.
SANN_write_ann_fnx(String, int[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method returns a byte array containing xml filenet annotations.
SANN_write_ann_fnx(String, String, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method writes out filenet annotations to the disk file as xml.
SANN_write_ann_idm(String, String, int, int, int[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method returns a byte array containing IDM annotations.
SANN_write_ann_idm(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method writes out IDM annotations to the disk file.
SANN_write_ann_pages(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Writes out annotations to a memory buffer.
SANN_write_ann_pages(String, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Writes out annotations to the disk file.
SANN_write_ann_xml(byte[], SnowXMLWriter) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method will write out the contents of SnowXMLWriter to a byte[] array.
SANN_write_ann_xml(String, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Writes out annotations to the disk file as xml.
SANN_write_ann_xml_document(SnowXMLWriter) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method will write out <document> data.
SANN_write_ann_xml_page(SnowXMLWriter) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method will write out <page> and <annObject> data the associated ANN_GRAPHIC_STRUCT and return a populated SnowXMLWriter.
SANN_write_ann_xml_page(SnowXMLWriter, String) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method will write out <page> and <annObject> data the associated ANN_GRAPHIC_STRUCT and return a populated SnowXMLWriter.
saveImageAs(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Converts the specified page to the specified format and saves it into a provided buffer
saveImageAs(String, int, int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Converts the specified page to the specified format and saves it in a file system
searchRegex(int, String) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Searches a page of this document for text that matches the provided regular expression
searchRegexFromBuffer(byte[], String, int[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
searchText(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Searches a page of this document for a string of text
searchTextFromBuffer(byte[], String, int, int[]) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
set_croprect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the cropping rectangle for the display engine.
set_croprect_scroll(Container, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the rectangular area of an image to display and also sets up scrollbars.
set_header(int, int, int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets current Snowbound image object header information.
set_header(Dib) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Set current Snowbound image object header information
set_header(Dib, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Callback function used to set current Snowbound image object using information from a byte array
set_header(Dib, PAGE_INFO) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Callback function used by PDF plug-in to set current Snowbound image object header information
set_mjics(ICC_ColorSpace) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets ICC color space used when converting JPEG CMYK images
setAutoDetect(boolean) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
setBitDepth(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
setBrightnes(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setBufferedImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
setContrast(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDefaultDepth(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDefaultResolution(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_DecompXsize(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_DecompYsize(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_display_transp(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_dpos(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_hPal(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_oldhPal(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_orientation(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_pPage(PAGE_INFO) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_rast_size(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_runs_buff(boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_tcolor(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDis_transparency(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setFormat(Enums.Format) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setFrame(Container) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the destination container for image display.
setGamma(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setGet_info(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setHeicEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Set whether HEIC files will be decoded.
setHeicLibPath(String) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the path to the directory to and from which HEIC libraries are written and read.
setHtmlBitsPerPix(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setHtmlPageHeight(double) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setHtmlPageWidth(double) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setHtmlResolution(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setJpeg_rows_per_strip(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setJpeg_tables_offset(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setJpeg_tables_offset_fh(SnbdFileio) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setLocale(String) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setmJpeg_ICC_ColorSpace(ICC_ColorSpace) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setOffice_BitsPerPix(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setOffice_resolution(short) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setOfficePagesizeX(double) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setOfficePagesizeY(double) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setOrig_bits_pix(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setOverlay(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setOverlayUserData(Object) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets private afp/modca user overlay callback information
setPageHeight(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
setPageWidth(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
setPdf_xsize(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setPdf_ysize(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setPdfParserBetaEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Set whether the newer pdf parsing will be enabled.
setPopupMenuStrings(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class Snow.SnowAnn
setResolution(int) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Sets pixels per inch for document layout.
setScroll_repaint(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setSff(Container) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setShowExchange(boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the value of showExchange member variable which determines whether or not to display MS Exchange information when converting MSG files.
setupDoc(SnbdFileio, Snowbnd) - Method in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFilter
setVisibilityFlag(int, boolean) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method sets the visibility flag for the specified annotation type
setVisibilityFlags(boolean[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method sets all of the visibility flags
setVisibilityFlagsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method enables or disables the use of the visibility flags altogether.
setWindow_level(boolean) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setWl_lut16(short[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setWl_lut8(byte[]) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
setXdpi(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the horizontal resolution (in dots per inch) for subsequent conversions
setYdpi(int) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
Sets the vertical resolution (in dots per inch) for subsequent conversions.
Snow - package Snow
SnowAnn - Class in Snow
This class is used for creating or reading annotation objects from a file.
SnowAnn(int, int) - Constructor for class Snow.SnowAnn
SnowAnn(int, int, int) - Constructor for class Snow.SnowAnn
Snowbnd - Class in Snow
Main class in the RasterMaster SDK.
Snowbnd() - Constructor for class Snow.Snowbnd
Snowbnd(int, int, int) - Constructor for class Snow.Snowbnd
Alternate constructor for Snowbnd object.
Snowbnd(Date) - Constructor for class Snow.Snowbnd
Alternate constructor for Snowbnd object.
Snowbnd(Snowbnd) - Constructor for class Snow.Snowbnd
Alternate constructor that creates a new Snowbnd object by copying the contents of an existing Snowbnd object.
SnowDoc - Class in com.snowbound.rastermaster
SnowDoc() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
SnowDocBuffer - Class in com.snowbound.rastermaster
SnowDocBuffer() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocBuffer
SnowDocFactory - Class in com.snowbound.rastermaster
SnowDocFactory() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory
SnowDocFactory.Config - Enum in com.snowbound.rastermaster
SnowDocFilter - Class in com.snowbound.rastermaster
SnowDocFilter() - Constructor for class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFilter
snowDocType - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Internal Document Type
SnowExceptions(Throwable) - Method in class Snow.Snowbnd
swing_popup - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
systemDate - Static variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc


TABSTOP - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
textString - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
String denoting annotated page width in XML annotations
threshold - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
TOP_MARGIN - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
TYPEFACE - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config


ui_delete(Container) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Deletes the currently selected annotation object.
ui_exit() - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Deselects the currently selected annotation object.
ui_rotate_object(Container, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Rotates the currently selected annotation object.
ui_startmove(Container) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method notifies the annotation library that the current annotation object is being moved.
ui_startresize(Container) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method notifies the annotation library that the current annotation object is being resized.
ui_wm_endmove(Container) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
ui_wm_endresize(Container) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
ui_wm_lbuttondown(Container, int, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Begins tracking mouse movements when the mouse button is pressed.
ui_wm_lbuttonup(Container, int, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
This method notifies the annotation library that the mouse button has been released.
ui_wm_mousemove(Container, int, int, byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Notifies the library of the current mouse coordinates.
UTF8MODE - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VERSION_BUILD - Static variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
VERSION_COPYRIGHT - Static variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
VERSION_MAJOR - Static variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
VERSION_MINOR - Static variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
VERSION_QUALIFIER - Static variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
VERSION_REVISION - Static variable in class Snow.Snowbnd
vsb - Variable in class Snow.Snowbnd


WEIGHT - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
width - Variable in class com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDoc
Page width represented as pixels at input resolution
WM_LBUTTONDOWN - Static variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
Down Button annotation


XLSX_MAX_COLUMN_PAGE_WIDTH - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Limits the potential width of a generated page from an XLSX sheet.
XLSX_MAX_PAGE_RENDER - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
DEPRECATED: Cancels xlsx rendering after the specified number of cells has been rendered
XLSX_PRINT_AREA_SHEETS - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
List of sheets to apply print area to, if desired.
XLSX_USE_PRINT_AREA - com.snowbound.rastermaster.SnowDocFactory.Config
Boolean for xlsx files to obey the print area written in the file.
xml_boolean(byte[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Converts a boolean string to boolean value
xml_color(byte[], short[], short[], short[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Converts color integer into r,g,b
xml_convert(ANN_GRAPHIC_STRUCT, byte[], byte[], int, int[], int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Converts an XML FileNet annotation file to a Snowbound annotation file.
xml_find_page(SnbdFileio, int) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Skips to the desired XML annotation page
xml_inches_pixels(double) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Converts inches to pixels.
xml_read(SnbdFileio, byte[], int[], int[]) - Method in class Snow.SnowAnn
Reads from the XML file into a buffer
xmlannotations - Variable in class Snow.SnowAnn
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