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Glossary Item Box

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Applying commentary or explanatory notes to an item.

Annotation Server
A software program or the computer on which that program runs that provides annotation service to client software. Prizm Viewer uses an annotation server to add persistent annotations to images over an internet/intranet.


Computer Aided Design - An image format which uses computers to design products. Generally, CAD drawings are used by manufacturing to produce drafting designs, layouts and illustrations.


Embedded Annotations
Annotations that are stored in the same file as an image. These may be stored in a TIFF header (Wang/Kodak or NXP annotations) or within a PDF file.


MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
An open extensible internet protocol which includes support for non-textual information exchange from applications to web browsers. It supports information such as graphics, executable files, and multipart messages which may combine several attachments, possibly of different types of data into a single message.


Separate images within a multi-page image file.

Portable Document Format - a file format created by Adobe® System to represent documents independently of the application software, hardware, and operating system used to create them, and independently of the output device on which they are displayed or printed.


Pin or Pinning
To attach the docking window to a secured location, you can 'pin' it down by selecting the push pin found in the docking window framing. To un-pin the docking window, select the push pin again and it displays horizontal.


A parent bar containing one or many child bars or toolbars.


Tag Image File Format - One of the most commonly used and versatile graphics formats in desktop publishing. TIFF or Tagged Image File Format is a bitmap graphics format that is ideal for high resolution printing to PostScript printers and imagesetters. TIFF images support both embedded paths and alpha channels which can be used to create transparent backgrounds for images in a page layout application.

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