Retain Quality Settings

The Retain Quality Settings dialog box allows you to enable or disable retaining the quality settings including smoothing, line preservation, brightness, and contrast settings when the next image is displayed in Prizm® Viewer. The default is set to False, which means that the option to retain quality settings is not enabled. To retain quality settings, change the setting to True.

To enable the option to retain quality settings, select the Edit Parameters feature which is described below.

Edit Parameters

  1. Click Edit Parameters to display the Retain Quality Settings dialog box.
  2. Select True to enable the option to retain quality settings. 
  3. To save your selection, click OK. To cancel your change, click Cancel. To restore the default setting, click Restore Default, then click OK.

To save changes to the .ini file, you must click on the Save button on the Main menu before exiting the application.



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