Working with Prizm Viewer & Colors
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Concepts > Working with Prizm Viewer & Colors

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Prizm Viewer is an ActiveX-based control and expects color values to be specified for an ActiveX control. Color values for an ActiveX are much different than specifying colors in HTML. The manner that color values are assigned to Prizm Viewer depends on where you are setting the color value.

List Files

Colors are specified as three separate decimal numbers in red/green/blue order (i.e., “0,0,255” would be blue). The color value will normally have a quote around it.

Object/Embed Tags

Colors are specified as a single decimal value in blue/green/red order (i.e., “16711680” would be blue). The color value will normally have a quote around it.

INI Files

Colors are specified as a single decimal value in blue/green/red order proceeded by a “#” (i.e., #16711680 would be blue). The color value will normally NOT have a quote around it.

JavaScript and VBScript

Colors are a single integer value whose value is (blue * 65536 + green * 256 + red). This is similar to the value specified for object/embed tags and INI file entries, but the value does not look like a string. VBScript provides a function, “RGB()”, that will perform this computation for you. JavaScript does not include such a function, but the source code for such a function is included below. Colors do not normally have quotes around them.

JavaScript RGB() Function

Example Copy Code
function RGB(value red, value green, value blue)
    return ((blue << 16) | (green << 8) | red);

Copy to Clipboard

Annotations copied to the clipboard are reduced to a 4-bit image, which results in some color loss.

See Also

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