Accusoft Prizm Viewer Control v10.0
OnScript Event
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A long value which represents the index of the item. This value corresponds to the UserScript1 to UserScript9 menu and toolbar items.
PrizmControl Object : OnScript Event

Glossary Item Box


method OnScriptOccurs when a menu or script item is selected from the context menu or scripting toolbar.


Visual Basic
Public Event OnScript( _
   ByVal scriptIndex As Long _


A long value which represents the index of the item. This value corresponds to the UserScript1 to UserScript9 menu and toolbar items.


An index value of 1 indicates the user activated the UserScript1 toolbar button/menu item. Likewise, a value of 9 indicates the user activated the UserScript9 toolbar button/menu item.

You can use this event to write script code to perform specifications for your web application.

See Also

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