Accusoft Prizm Viewer Control v10.0
AnnotationServers Property
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PrizmControl Object : AnnotationServers Property

Glossary Item Box


Gets and sets a collection of annotation server application paths for one or more servers.

Property Type

Read-write property


Visual Basic
Public Property AnnotationServers As String

Return Type

A string value which represents the annotation server application paths.


The default value is an empty string "".

This property specifies the annotation server mapping for a web server, without setting values in the user preferences annotation server mappings.

When Prizm Viewer attempts to determine the location of the annotation server for an image, it analyzes the image file URL (Uniform Resource Locator) to identify the "server" so that it can find the annotation server application path for that server (the mapping). To determine the server, the URL is broken into pieces, where the server consists of the protocol identifier (i.e. "http://","https://", etc) and all characters after the protocol identifier up to but not including the first "/", excluding any characters after the protocol designator up to and including the "@" character prior to the first "/" (used for specifying username:password). When evaluating an image path such as, the server is identified as

Once the server is identified for an image, Prizm Viewer looks for a mapping. A mapping consists of value pairs: The server name and the annotation server application path. The syntax for the mapping value pairs is: <server><application path>

The server should contain the protocol designator. The application path can be a complete URL, or a relative path. When a relative path is specified, Prizm Viewer constructs the application path using the application path appended to the server. If you use an absolute application path, you specify a server that is different from your image server as the location of your annotation server.

Prizm Viewer looks in the mappings to locate the entry which has a matching server entry to determine where the annotation server path is. If it finds a matching mapping, it makes a request to the application path specified in the matching mapping. If no matching mapping is found, no request for annotations are made.

Example Mappings:


Application Path: /PrizmAnnotServer/PrizmAnnotServer.aspx

Request Path:



Application Path:

Request Path:

Set this property in the Object/Embed tag or during the OnInitialize event.

Note: Setting this property during installation or in a list file has no effect.


To create the mappings above, use the following syntax:

AnnotationServers = <></PrizmAnnotServer/PrizmAnnotServer.aspx>,



See Also

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