Accusoft Prizm Viewer List File Schema Schema
ExportDefaults Element
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Accusoft Prizm Viewer List File Schema Schema > PrizmViewerListFile Element : ExportDefaults Element

Glossary Item Box


The ExportDefaults element contains export dialog defaults to override those set by the user in the export dialog.
Namespace (none)



ExportDefaults Element


ExportDefaults optional exportdefaultstype Complex Type
The ExportDefaults element contains export dialog defaults to override those set by the user in the export dialog.
ExportFileType optional Restriction of xsd:string
The ExportFileType attribute specifies the default file type when displaying the export dialog.
ListFileName optional xsd:string
This filename will be used as the default file name in the export dialog. If a file with this name already exists, a unique number will be appended to the file name.
ImageFileName optional xsd:string
This filename will be used to name the original image files that are exported. If a file with this name already exists, a unique number will be appended to the file name.
ImageFileNameFirstIndex optional xsd:nonNegativeInteger
This number will be used as the first unique number appended to a file name.
ErrorAction optional Restriction of xsd:string
The ErrorAction attribute specifies what happens if any image can't be retrieved during exporting.
SetImageFileNameExtension optional xsd:boolean
The SetImageFileNameExtension is reserved.
Annotations optional Restriction of xsd:string
The Annotations attribute specifies the default for how annotations are handled when exporting. Not all values are applicable to all exported image types.
IncludeTOCInPDFFile optional xsd:boolean
The IncludeTOCInPDFFile attribute causes any defined table of contents to be generated for an exported PDF document.


<xsd:element name="ExportDefaults" type="exportdefaultstype" minOccurs="0" xmlns:xsd="">
    <xsd:documentation>The ExportDefaults element contains export dialog defaults to override those set by the user in the export dialog.</xsd:documentation>

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