Accusoft Prizm Viewer List File Schema Schema
PrizmViewerListFile Element
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Accusoft Prizm Viewer List File Schema Schema : PrizmViewerListFile Element

Glossary Item Box


The PrizmViewerListFile element contains the list of images to display, which pages of those images to display, and references to the external image files.
Namespace (none)


CADTOCEntry Element PDFTOCEntry Element Sequence Title Element Sequence TOCEntry Element Sequence TableOfContents Element Choice Sequence ImageFile Element Sequence ImageFileList Element Title Element All Script Element Sequence ScriptList Element AnnotationServer Element Sequence AnnotationServerList Element PrintSettings Element Sequence PrintSettingsList Element PageSettings Element Sequence PageSettingsList Element ImageSettings Element Sequence ImageSettingsList Element ExportDefaults Element PrintDefaults Element AnnotationDefaults Element Font Element Sequence FontList Element Title Element All PrizmViewerListFile Element


The PrizmViewerListFile element contains the list of images to display, which pages of those images to display, and references to the external image files.
WebKey optional xsd:string
The WebKey attribute contains a web key to use while accessing the list file.
LocalKey optional xsd:string
The LocalKey attribute, combined with the WebKey attribute, produces a key to use while accessing a specific local list file.
ArrangeMenu optional xsd:string
The ArrangeMenu attribute contains a list of menu items to display while accessing the list file.
ArrangeToolbars optional xsd:string
The ArrangeToolbars attribute contains a list of toolbars and toolbar buttons to display while accessing the list file.
ArrangeDockingWindows optional xsd:string
The ArrangeDockingWindows attribute contains a list of docking window to initially display or hide while accessing the list file.
RestrictedCommands optional xsd:string
The RestrictCommands attribute removes commands from the toolbar, menu, and scripting.
RestrictedDialogPanes optional xsd:string
The RestrictedDialogPanes attribute disables entire panes in the preferences, print, and export dialogs.
RestrictUserInterface optional xsd:boolean
The RestrictUserInterfaceattribute locks the toolbar from user modification if set to true.
Mode optional Restriction of xsd:string
The Mode attribute controls how Prizm Viewer behaves after loading.
EndURL optional xsd:anyURI
The EndURL attribute specifies a web page to visit in the current window after printing or exporting in Print or Export mode.
InitialPageName optional xsd:NCName
This attribute specifies the initial page by name.
InitialPageOffset optional xsd:nonNegativeInteger
This attribute specifies the initial page by offset from either the beginning of the list file images or, if defined, the page indicated by InitialPageName.
InitialMouseTool optional Restriction of xsd:string
This attribute specifies the initially selected mouse tool. If an annotation mouse tool is specified and annotation edit mode is disabled, another non-annotation tool will be selected instead.
InitialPageRetainScalingAndPosition optional xsd:boolean
The InitialPageRetainScalingAndPosition attribute specifies the initial checked state of the Retain Scaling and Position command.
InitialPageRetainRotationMirroringAndInvert optional xsd:boolean
The InitialPageRetainRotationMirroringAndInvert attribute specifies the initial checked state of the Retain Rotation, Mirroring, and Invert command.
InitialPageRetainQualitySettings optional xsd:boolean
The InitialPageRetainQualitySettings attribute specifies the initial checked state of the Retain Quality Settings command.
InitialShowAnnotations optional xsd:boolean
The InitialShowAnnotations attribute specifies the initial checked state of the Show Annotations command.
InitialEditAnnotations optional xsd:boolean
The InitialEditAnnotations attribute specifies the initial checked state of the Edit Annotations command.
AnnotateFromInternet optional xsd:boolean
The AnnotateFromInternet attribute value specifies whether annotations are retrieved and saved from the web. This value overrides the Load Annotations From a Web Server user preference.
AnnotateFromLocal optional xsd:boolean
The AnnotateFromLocal attribute value specifies whether annotations are retrieved and saved from the local file system. This value overrides the Load Annotations From Local/Network Files user preference.
AnnotateImportEmbedded optional xsd:boolean
The AnnotateImportEmbedded attribute value specifies whether annotations that are embedded in the source image file are loaded. This value overrides the Load Annotations From Embedded in PDF or TIFF files user preference.
InitialStatusText optional xsd:string
The InitialStatusText attribute specifies the initial value of the Status Text property.
Title optional xsd:string
The Title element contains the title for the list file. When a legacy list file is converted, its title is stored here. The title is available for the listfile creator to store the name of Prizm Viewer list files if desired. This title is not currently being displayed.
FontList optional fontlisttype Complex Type
The FontList element contains a list of fonts that are referenced by name from other parts of the list file.
Sequence 1..∞
Font fonttype Complex Type
A font list contains only Font elements.
Name required xsd:NCName
The name attribute is used to associate a font with an attribute specifying a font.
FaceName required xsd:string
The FaceName attribute is the name of the font face.
Size required xsd:integer
The Size attribute is the size of the font in points.
Weight required xsd:integer
The Weight attribute is the weight of the font. 400 is normal, and 700 is bold.
CharSet optional xsd:integer
The CharSet attribute is the type of character set used. This value is normally 1.
Italic optional xsd:boolean
This Italic attribute will draw the font in italics if true.
Underline optional xsd:boolean
The Underline attribute will draw the font with an underline if true.
StrikeThrough optional xsd:boolean
The Strikethrough attribute will draw the font with a strikethrough if true.
AnnotationDefaults optional annotationdefaultstype Complex Type
The AnnotationDefaults element contains annotation defaults to override those in the user's preferences.
InitialNewRectangleAnnotationBorderColor optional colortype Simple Type
The InitialNewRectangleAnnotationBorderColor attribute specifies the default rectangle border color.
InitialNewRectangleAnnotationBorderWidth optional xsd:decimal
The InitialNewRectangleAnnotationBorderWidth attribute specifies the default rectangle border with, in image pixels.
InitialNewRectangleAnnotationFillColor optional colortype Simple Type
The InitialNewRectangleAnnotationFillColor attribute specifies the default rectangle fill color.
InitialNewRectangleAnnotationFill optional filltype Simple Type
The InitialNewRectangleAnnotationFill attribute specifies the default rectangle fill type.
InitialNewEllipseAnnotationBorderColor optional colortype Simple Type
The InitialNewEllipseAnnotationBorderColor attribute specifies the default ellipse border color.
InitialNewEllipseAnnotationBorderWidth optional xsd:decimal
The InitialNewEllipseAnnotationBorderWidth attribute specifies the default ellipse border width, in image pixels.
InitialNewEllipseAnnotationFillColor optional colortype Simple Type
The InitialNewEllipseAnnotationFillColor attribute specifies the default ellipse fill color.
InitialNewEllipseAnnotationFill optional filltype Simple Type
The InitialNewEllipseAnnotationFill attribute specifies the default ellipse fill type.
InitialNewPolygonAnnotationBorderColor optional colortype Simple Type
The InitialNewPolygonAnnotationBorderColor attribute specifies the default polygon border color.
InitialNewPolygonAnnotationBorderWidth optional xsd:decimal
The InitialNewPolygonAnnotationBorderWidth attribute specifies the default polygon border width, in image pixels.
InitialNewPolygonAnnotationFillColor optional colortype Simple Type
The InitialNewPolygonAnnotationFillColor attribute specifies the default polygon fill color.
InitialNewPolygonAnnotationFill optional filltype Simple Type
The InitialNewPolygonAnnotationFill attribute specifies the default polygon fill type.
InitialNewHighlightAnnotationFillColor optional colortype Simple Type
The InitialNewHighlightAnnotationFillColor attribute specifies the default highlight fill color.
InitialNewNoteAnnotationText optional xsd:string
The InitialNewNoteAnnotationText attribute specifies the default note annotation text. This value has on corresponding user preference.
InitialNewStampAnnotationText optional xsd:string
The InitialNewStampAnnotationText attribute specifies the default stamp annotation text.
InitialNewStampAnnotationTextFontName optional xsd:NCName
The InitialNewStampAnnotationTextFontName attribute specifies the default stamp annotation font. The specified name must be in the FontList.
InitialNewStampAnnotationTextColor optional colortype Simple Type
The InitialNewStampAnnotationTextColor attribute specifies the default text color.
InitialNewStampAnnotationBorderColor optional colortype Simple Type
The InitialNewStampAnnotationBorderColor attribute specifies the default border color.
InitialNewStampAnnotationBorderWidth optional xsd:decimal
The InitialNewStampAnnotationBorderWidth attribute specifies the default border width, in image pixels.
InitialNewStampAnnotationFillColor optional colortype Simple Type
The InitialNewStampAnnotationFillColor attribute specifies the default fill color.
InitialNewStampAnnotationFill optional filltype Simple Type
The InitialNewStampAnnotationFill attribute specifies the default fill type.
InitialNewTextAnnotationTextFontName optional xsd:NCName
The InitialNewTextAnnotationTextFontName attribute specifies the default text font. The specified name must be in the FontList.
InitialNewTextAnnotationTextColor optional colortype Simple Type
The InitialNewTextAnnotationTextColor attribute specifies the default text color.
InitialNewTextAnnotationBackgroundColor optional colortype Simple Type
The InitialNewTextAnnotationBackgroundColor attribute specifies the default background (fill) color.
InitialNewTextAnnotationBackground optional filltype Simple Type
The InitialNewTextAnnotationBackground attribute specifies the default background (fill) type.
InitialNewLineAnnotationColor optional colortype Simple Type
The InitialNewLineAnnotationColor attribute specifies the default line color.
InitialNewLineAnnotationWidth optional xsd:decimal
The InitialNewLineAnnotationWidth attribute specifies the default line width, in pixels.
InitialNewLineAnnotationArrowhead optional xsd:boolean
The InitialNewLineAnnotationArrowhead attribute specifies the default line arrowhead setting. Arrows are drawn at the second point of the line.
InitialNewPolylineAnnotationColor optional colortype Simple Type
The InitialNewPolylineAnnotationColor attribute specifies the default polyline line color.
InitialNewPolylineAnnotationWidth optional xsd:decimal
The InitialNewPolylineAnnotationWidth attribute specifies the default polyline line width, in image pixels.
InitialNewFreehandAnnotationColor optional colortype Simple Type
The InitialNewFreehandAnnotationColor attribute specifies the default freehand line color.
InitialNewFreehandAnnotationWidth optional xsd:decimal
The InitialNewFreehandAnnotationWidth attribute specifies the default freehand line width, in image pixels.
PrintDefaults optional printdefaultstype Complex Type
The PrintDefaults element contains print job dialog defaults to override those set by the user in the print job dialog.
AutoOrient optional Restriction of xsd:string
The AutoOrient attribute specifies how images are to be re-orientated to best fit on the selected paper size.
ShowPrintDialog optional xsd:boolean
This attribute suppresses the print job dialog and uses defaults to complete the print job. All the pages in the list file are printed.
PosterPaperOrientation optional Restriction of xsd:string
The attribute value is set by using the following orientations.
PrintAnnotations optional xsd:boolean
The PrintAnnotations attribute will cause annotations to be included when printing if set to true.
BitonalImage optional printedimagetype Simple Type
The BitonalImage attribute specifies whether or not bitonal images can be printed as posters in addition to printing as single pages.
BitonalImageFit optional printedimagefittype Simple Type
The BitonalImageFit attribute specifies how a bitonal image is fitted to a single page.
ColorImage optional printedimagetype Simple Type
The ColorImage attribute specifies whether or not color images can be printed as posters in addition to printing as single pages.
ColorImageFit optional printedimagefittype Simple Type
The ColorImageFit attribute specifies how a color image is fitted to a single page.
PDFImage optional printedimagetype Simple Type
The PDFImage attribute specifies whether or not PDF pages can be printed as posters in addition to printing as single pages.
PDFImageFit optional printedimagefittype Simple Type
The PDFImageFit attribute specifies how a PDF page is fitted to a single page.
CADImage optional printedimagetype Simple Type
The CADImage attribute specifies whether or not CAD drawings can be printed as posters in addition to printing as single pages.
CADImageFit optional printedimagefittype Simple Type
The CADImageFit attribute specifies how a CAD drawing is fitted to a single page.
PosterShrinkToFitAcross optional xsd:nonNegativeInteger
The PosterShrinkToFitAcross attribute limits the number of horizontal pages a poster can use. Set to zero for an unlimitied number of pages.
PosterShrinkToFitDown optional xsd:nonNegativeInteger
>The PosterShrinkToFitDownattribute limits the number of vertical pages a poster can use. Set to zero for an unlimitied number of pages.
PosterMinWider optional Restriction of xsd:decimal
The PosterMinWider attribute specifies how many inches wider the image must be than the width of the currently selected paper. If the image is not this much wider, it is printed as a single sheet.
PosterMinTaller optional Restriction of xsd:decimal
The PosterMinTaller attribute specifies how many inches taller the image must be than the height of the currently selected paper. If the image is not this much heigher, it is printed as a single sheet.
PosterOverlapAcross optional Restriction of xsd:decimal
The PosterOverlapAcross attribute specifies how many inches the printer poster pages will overlap each other horizontally.
PosterOverlapDown optional Restriction of xsd:decimal
The PosterOverlapDown attribute specifies how many inches the printer poster pages will overlap each other vertically.
PosterOverlapFill optional xsd:boolean
The PosterOverlapFill attribute specifies whether or not the last poster page in the row(s) and/or column(s) will fill with image instead of being blank.
PosterOverlapUnscaled optional xsd:boolean
The PosterOverlapUnscaled attribute causes the overlap between poster pages to be in image inches instead of paper inches.
PosterSheetOrderFirst optional Restriction of xsd:string
The attribute value is set by using one of the following starting corners.
PosterSheetOrderDirection optional Restriction of xsd:string
The PosterSheetOrderDirection attribute specifies whether rows or columns are colated together.
CadUnitScale optional Restriction of xsd:decimal
The CadUnitScale specifies to how many inches each cad unit will scale, regardless of the type of cad unit.
ExportDefaults optional exportdefaultstype Complex Type
The ExportDefaults element contains export dialog defaults to override those set by the user in the export dialog.
ExportFileType optional Restriction of xsd:string
The ExportFileType attribute specifies the default file type when displaying the export dialog.
ListFileName optional xsd:string
This filename will be used as the default file name in the export dialog. If a file with this name already exists, a unique number will be appended to the file name.
ImageFileName optional xsd:string
This filename will be used to name the original image files that are exported. If a file with this name already exists, a unique number will be appended to the file name.
ImageFileNameFirstIndex optional xsd:nonNegativeInteger
This number will be used as the first unique number appended to a file name.
ErrorAction optional Restriction of xsd:string
The ErrorAction attribute specifies what happens if any image can't be retrieved during exporting.
SetImageFileNameExtension optional xsd:boolean
The SetImageFileNameExtension is reserved.
Annotations optional Restriction of xsd:string
The Annotations attribute specifies the default for how annotations are handled when exporting. Not all values are applicable to all exported image types.
IncludeTOCInPDFFile optional xsd:boolean
The IncludeTOCInPDFFile attribute causes any defined table of contents to be generated for an exported PDF document.
ImageSettingsList optional imagesettingslisttype Complex Type
The ImageSettingsList element contains a list of image settings that are referenced by name from an image page, a range of image pages, or an image file.
Sequence 1..∞
ImageSettings imagesettingstype Complex Type
An image settings list contains only ImageSettings elements.
Name required xsd:NCName
The Nameattribute is used to associate image settings with an image page, page range, or image file.
InitialImageScalingFactor optional xsd:decimal
The InitialImageScalingFactor attribute is used to set the image scaling factor. If this attribute is defined, the scaling method for the page is set to use this attribute.
InitialImageScalingRatio optional xsd:decimal
The InitialImageScalingRatio attribute is used to set the image scaling ratio. If this attribute is defined, the scaling method for the page is set to use this attribute.
InitialImageLocation optional Restriction of xsd:string
The InitialImageLocation attribute is used to set the image point location. If this attribute is defined, the scaling method for the page is set to use this attribute.
InitialImageRectangle optional Restriction of xsd:string
The InitialImageRectangle attribute is used to set the image rectangle location. If this attribute is defined, the scaling method for the page is set to use this attribute.
ImageZoomToFit optional Restriction of xsd:string
The ImageZoomToFit attribute is used to set the image fit. If this attribute is defined, the scaling method for the page is set to use this attribute.
InitialImageRotation optional Restriction of xsd:string
The InitialImageRotation attribute is used to set the initial image rotation.
InitialImageMirrorHorizontal optional xsd:boolean
The InitialImageMirrorHorizontal attribute is used to set the initial image horizontal mirroring.
InitialImageMirrorVertical optional xsd:boolean
The InitialImageMirrorVertical attribute is used to set the initial image vertical mirroring.
InitialImageInvertColors optional xsd:boolean
The InitialImageInvertColors attribute is used to set the initial image invert colors.
InitialImageSmooth optional xsd:boolean
The InitialImageSmooth attribute is used to set the initial image smoothing. This will only be applied to color images.
InitialImageBrightness optional xsd:integer
The InitialImageBrightness attribute is used to set the initial brightness. This will only be applied to color images.
InitialImageContrast optional xsd:integer
The InitialImageContrast attribute is used to set the initial image contrast. This will only be applied to color images.
InitialImageLinePreservation optional xsd:boolean
The InitialImageLinePreservation attribute is used to set the initial line preservation. This will only be applied to bitonal images.
IntrinsicImageRectangle optional Restriction of xsd:string
The IntrinsicImageRectangle attribute is used to crop the image to the specified rectangle.
IntrinsicImageRotation optional Restriction of xsd:string
The IntrinsicImageRotation attribute is used to rotate the image independent of other rotation settings. This is useful for correcting the orientation of an incorrectly orientated image pages.
IntrinsicImageMirrorHorizontal optional xsd:boolean
The IntrinsicImageMirrorHorizontal attribute is used to horizontally mirror the image independent of other mirror settings.
IntrinsicImageMirrorVertical optional xsd:boolean
The IntrinsicImageMirrorVertical attribute is used to vertically mirror the image independent of other mirror settings.
IntrinsicImageInvertColors optional xsd:boolean
The IntrinsicImageInvertColors attribute is used to invert the image's colors independent of other invert color settings. This is useful for correcting microfilm scans.
PageSettingsList optional pagesettingslisttype Complex Type
The PageSettingsList element contains a list of page settings that are referenced by name from an image page, a range of image pages, or an image file.
Sequence 1..∞
PageSettings pagesettingstype Complex Type
A page settings list contains only PageSettings elements.
Name required xsd:NCName
The Name attribute is used to associate page settings with an image page, page range, or image file.
InitialImageWindowBackgroundColor optional colortype Simple Type
The InitialImageWindowBackgroundColor attribute is used to specify the background color for the image window.
SelectionRectangle optional Restriction of xsd:string
The SelectionRectangle attribute is used to specify an initial selection on the page.
PrintSettingsList optional printsettingslisttype Complex Type
The PrintSettingsListelement contains a list of page settings that are referenced by name from an image page, a range of image pages, or an image file.
Sequence 1..∞
PrintSettings printsettingstype Complex Type
A print settings list contains only PrintSettings elements.
Name required xsd:NCName
The Name attribute is used to associate print settings with an image page, page range, or image file.
PrintTextHeader1 optional xsd:string
The PrintTextHeader1 attribute specifies the first line of the header printed on a page. This setting overrides user preferences.
PrintTextHeader2 optional xsd:string
The PrintTextHeader2 attribute specifies the second line of the header printed on a page. This setting overrides user preferences.
PrintTextHeader3 optional xsd:string
The PrintTextHeader3 attribute specifies the third line of the header printed on a page. This setting overrides user preferences.
PrintTextFooter1 optional xsd:string
The PrintTextFooter1 attribute specifies the first line of the footer printed on a page. This setting overrides user preferences.
PrintTextFooter2 optional xsd:string
The PrintTextFooter2 attribute specifies the second line of the footer printed on a page. This setting overrides user preferences.
PrintTextFooter3 optional xsd:string
The PrintTextFooter3 attribute specifies the third line of the footer printed on a page. This setting overrides user preferences.
PrintTextSize optional xsd:decimal
The x attribute specifies the size (in points) of the font used to render the header and footer. This setting overrides user preferences.
PrintMultipage optional Restriction of xsd:string
The PrintMultipage attribute causes ANSI B and C sized paper to be treated as 2 or 4 letter sized pieces of paper, respectively. Only the headers and footers on the first page are printed.
AnnotationServerList optional annotationserverlisttype Complex Type
The AnnotationServerList element contains a list of pairings of image servers and annotation servers.
Sequence 0..∞
AnnotationServer annotationservertype Complex Type
An annotation server list contains only AnnotationServer elements.
ImageHostName required xsd:anyURI
The ImageHostName attribute specifies the host server for the annotated images.
AnnotationServerURL required xsd:anyURI
The AnnotationServerURL attribute specifies the annotation server URL relative to the image being annotated.
ScriptList optional scriptlisttype Complex Type
The ScriptList element contains a list of script descriptions for scripts that can be triggered in the current HTML page.
Sequence 1..∞
Script scripttype Complex Type
An script list contains only Script elements.
Bitmap optional xsd:base64Binary
A custom bitmap can be defined for the menu and toolbar button. It must meet certain requirements.
Index required xsd:positiveInteger
The index is sent to the script event as a parameter when a script is executed. The index must be between 1 and 9 inclusive. Each index can be defined only once.
Title xsd:string
The title element is the text that is placed in the menu and used for the toolbar button tooltip.
ImageFileList imagefilelisttype Complex Type
The ImageFileList element contains a list of image files and the pages from those image files to display. This element is required.
AnnotationServerURL optional xsd:anyURI
This annotation server will be used for all images in the image file list, unless an image file or page has an image file server specified below this level.
ImageSettingsName optional xsd:NCName
This named entry in the image settings list will be used for all images in the image file list, unless an image file or page has an image settings name specified below this level.
PageSettingsName optional xsd:NCName
This named entry in the page settings list will be used for all images in the image file list, unless an image file or page has an page settings name specified below this level.
PrintSettingsName optional xsd:NCName
This named entry in the print settings list will be used for all images in the image file list, unless an image file or page has an print settings name specified below this level.
Sequence 1..∞
ImageFile imagefiletype Complex Type
An image file list can contain only ImageFile elements.
Name optional xsd:NCName
The Name attribute gives the first page in the image file a name that can be used in the table of contents or the initial page name.
FileURL required xsd:anyURI
The URI for the image file.
ValidationHash optional xsd:string
The ValidationHash attribute contains a hash string that is used to validate the contents of the image file. If the ValidationHash attribute is defined and does not match the contents of the image file, an error message will be displayed instead of the pages from the image file.
AnnotationServerURL optional xsd:anyURI
This annotation server will be used for all images in the image file, unless a page has an image file server specified below this level.
ExportErrorAction optional Restriction of xsd:string
The ExportErrorAction attribute specifies what happens if an image can't be retrieved during exporting.
ExportImageFileName optional xsd:string
This filename template will be used to name this file if exported.
ImageSettingsName optional xsd:NCName
This named entry in the image settings list will be used for all images in the image file, unless a page has an image settings name specified below this level.
PageSettingsName optional xsd:NCName
This named entry in the page settings list will be used for all images in the image file, unless a page has an page settings name specified below this level.
PrintSettingsName optional xsd:NCName
This named entry in the print settings list will be used for all images in the image file, unless a page has an print settings name specified below this level.
PDFFileType optional xsd:boolean
This specifies that the image file is a PDF file. This is reserved for future use and should not be specified even if the file is a PDF file.
PDFPassword optional xsd:string
This password will be used to open the image file if the image file is a password protected PDF file.
Choice optional
PageCount pagecounttype Complex Type
A PageCount element specifies the number of pages to use from an image file.
Count required xsd:positiveInteger
The page count is an integer greater than or equal to 1.
PageRange 1..∞ pagerangetype Complex Type
A PageRange element specified a list of specific pages to use from an image file.
Range required Restriction of xsd:string
The page range is represented as a set of continuous page ranges, with each continuous page range either increasing or decreasing.
Name optional xsd:NCName
The Name attribute gives the first page in the range a name that can be used in the table of contents or the initial page name
AnnotationFileURL optional xsd:anyURI
This annotation file will be used by all images in the page range. This URL must be for a file and not a server!
AnnotationServerURL optional xsd:anyURI
This annotation server will be used for all images in the page range.
ImageSettingsName optional xsd:NCName
This named entry in the image settings list will be used for all images in the page range.
PageSettingsName optional xsd:NCName
This named entry in the page settings list will be used for all images in the page range.
PrintSettingsName optional xsd:NCName
This named entry in the print settings list will be used for all images in the page range.
Page 1..∞ pagetype Complex Type
A Page element specified a specific page to use from an image file.
Name optional xsd:NCName
The Name attribute gives this page a name that can be used in the table of contents or the initial page name.
PageNumber required xsd:positiveInteger
The page number to use from the image file. If this page is outside the range of pages in the image file, this page will be added as an error page.
ThumbnailBitmap optional xsd:base64Binary
AnnotationFileURL optional xsd:anyURI
This annotation file will be used by the image page. This URL must be for a file and not a server!
AnnotationServerURL optional xsd:anyURI
This annotation server will be used for this page.
ImageSettingsName optional xsd:NCName
This named entry in the image settings list will be used for this page.
PageSettingsName optional xsd:NCName
This named entry in the page settings list will be used for this page.
PrintSettingsName optional xsd:NCName
This named entry in the print settings list will be used for this page.
TableOfContents optional tableofcontentstype Complex Type
The TableOfContents element contains a table of contents to associate with the list file.
Sequence 1..∞
TOCEntry optional tocentrytype Complex Type
A normal TOC entry represents a single line in the table of contents.
PageName optional xsd:NCName
The PageName attribute is the referenced list file image page.
PageOffset optional xsd:nonNegativeInteger
The PageOffset attribute is the referenced page by offset from either the beginning of the list file images or, if defined, the page indicated by PageName.
Title optional xsd:string
This title string is the string displayed in the table of contents for this entry.
Sequence 1..∞
TOCEntry optional tocentrytype Complex Type
A TOC entry element can contain another TOC entry element as a child.
PageName optional xsd:NCName
The PageName attribute is the referenced list file image page.
PageOffset optional xsd:nonNegativeInteger
The PageOffset attribute is the referenced page by offset from either the beginning of the list file images or, if defined, the page indicated by PageName.
Title optional xsd:string
This title string is the string displayed in the table of contents for this entry.
Sequence 1..∞
TOCEntry optional tocentrytype Complex Type
A TOC entry element can contain another TOC entry element as a child.
PDFTOCEntry optional pdftocentrytype Complex Type
A TOC entry element can contain a PDF TOC entry element as a child.
ImageFileName required xsd:NCName
The name of an entry in the image file list. The named file must be a PDF file. If the file is not a PDF file, or the PDF file has no TOC, this entry is removed from the TOC tree.
PruneMissingTargets optional xsd:boolean
The PruneMissingTargets attribute, if true, removed TOC entries that do not point to pages included in the named image file entry. Otherwise, these TOC entries will be non-functional.
CADTOCEntry optional cadtocentrytype Complex Type
A TOC entry element can contain a CAD TOC entry element as a child.
ImageFileName required xsd:NCName
The name of an entry in the image file list. The named file must be a CAD file. If the file is not a CAD file, this entry is removed from the TOC tree.
PruneMissingTargets optional xsd:boolean
The PruneMissingTargets attribute, if true, removed TOC entries that do not point to pages included in the named image file entry. Otherwise, these TOC entries will be non-functional.
PDFTOCEntry optional pdftocentrytype Complex Type
A TOC entry element can contain a PDF TOC entry element as a child.
ImageFileName required xsd:NCName
The name of an entry in the image file list. The named file must be a PDF file. If the file is not a PDF file, or the PDF file has no TOC, this entry is removed from the TOC tree.
PruneMissingTargets optional xsd:boolean
The PruneMissingTargets attribute, if true, removed TOC entries that do not point to pages included in the named image file entry. Otherwise, these TOC entries will be non-functional.
CADTOCEntry optional cadtocentrytype Complex Type
A TOC entry element can contain a CAD TOC entry element as a child.
ImageFileName required xsd:NCName
The name of an entry in the image file list. The named file must be a CAD file. If the file is not a CAD file, this entry is removed from the TOC tree.
PruneMissingTargets optional xsd:boolean
The PruneMissingTargets attribute, if true, removed TOC entries that do not point to pages included in the named image file entry. Otherwise, these TOC entries will be non-functional.
PDFTOCEntry optional pdftocentrytype Complex Type
A PDF TOC entry is a placeholder for a table of contents extracted from a PDF file.
ImageFileName required xsd:NCName
The name of an entry in the image file list. The named file must be a PDF file. If the file is not a PDF file, or the PDF file has no TOC, this entry is removed from the TOC tree.
PruneMissingTargets optional xsd:boolean
The PruneMissingTargets attribute, if true, removed TOC entries that do not point to pages included in the named image file entry. Otherwise, these TOC entries will be non-functional.
CADTOCEntry optional cadtocentrytype Complex Type
A CAD TOC entry is a placeholder for a flat list of image view names in a CAD file.
ImageFileName required xsd:NCName
The name of an entry in the image file list. The named file must be a CAD file. If the file is not a CAD file, this entry is removed from the TOC tree.
PruneMissingTargets optional xsd:boolean
The PruneMissingTargets attribute, if true, removed TOC entries that do not point to pages included in the named image file entry. Otherwise, these TOC entries will be non-functional.


WebKeyxsd:stringoptional  The WebKey attribute contains a web key to use while accessing the list file.
LocalKeyxsd:stringoptional  The LocalKey attribute, combined with the WebKey attribute, produces a key to use while accessing a specific local list file.
ArrangeMenuxsd:stringoptional  The ArrangeMenu attribute contains a list of menu items to display while accessing the list file.
ArrangeToolbarsxsd:stringoptional  The ArrangeToolbars attribute contains a list of toolbars and toolbar buttons to display while accessing the list file.
ArrangeDockingWindowsxsd:stringoptional  The ArrangeDockingWindows attribute contains a list of docking window to initially display or hide while accessing the list file.
RestrictedCommandsxsd:stringoptional  The RestrictCommands attribute removes commands from the toolbar, menu, and scripting.
RestrictedDialogPanesxsd:stringoptional  The RestrictedDialogPanes attribute disables entire panes in the preferences, print, and export dialogs.
RestrictUserInterfacexsd:booleanoptional  The RestrictUserInterfaceattribute locks the toolbar from user modification if set to true.
ModeRestriction of xsd:stringoptional  The Mode attribute controls how Prizm Viewer behaves after loading.
EndURLxsd:anyURIoptional  The EndURL attribute specifies a web page to visit in the current window after printing or exporting in Print or Export mode.
InitialPageNamexsd:NCNameoptional  This attribute specifies the initial page by name.
InitialPageOffsetxsd:nonNegativeIntegeroptional  This attribute specifies the initial page by offset from either the beginning of the list file images or, if defined, the page indicated by InitialPageName.
InitialMouseToolRestriction of xsd:stringoptional  This attribute specifies the initially selected mouse tool. If an annotation mouse tool is specified and annotation edit mode is disabled, another non-annotation tool will be selected instead.
InitialPageRetainScalingAndPositionxsd:booleanoptional  The InitialPageRetainScalingAndPosition attribute specifies the initial checked state of the Retain Scaling and Position command.
InitialPageRetainRotationMirroringAndInvertxsd:booleanoptional  The InitialPageRetainRotationMirroringAndInvert attribute specifies the initial checked state of the Retain Rotation, Mirroring, and Invert command.
InitialPageRetainQualitySettingsxsd:booleanoptional  The InitialPageRetainQualitySettings attribute specifies the initial checked state of the Retain Quality Settings command.
InitialShowAnnotationsxsd:booleanoptional  The InitialShowAnnotations attribute specifies the initial checked state of the Show Annotations command.
InitialEditAnnotationsxsd:booleanoptional  The InitialEditAnnotations attribute specifies the initial checked state of the Edit Annotations command.
AnnotateFromInternetxsd:booleanoptional  The AnnotateFromInternet attribute value specifies whether annotations are retrieved and saved from the web. This value overrides the Load Annotations From a Web Server user preference.
AnnotateFromLocalxsd:booleanoptional  The AnnotateFromLocal attribute value specifies whether annotations are retrieved and saved from the local file system. This value overrides the Load Annotations From Local/Network Files user preference.
AnnotateImportEmbeddedxsd:booleanoptional  The AnnotateImportEmbedded attribute value specifies whether annotations that are embedded in the source image file are loaded. This value overrides the Load Annotations From Embedded in PDF or TIFF files user preference.
InitialStatusTextxsd:stringoptional  The InitialStatusText attribute specifies the initial value of the Status Text property.


<xsd:element name="PrizmViewerListFile" xmlns:xsd="">
    <xsd:documentation>The PrizmViewerListFile element contains the list of images to display, which pages of those images to display, and references to the external image files.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:documentation>This element contains several optional elements and one required element, the ImageFileList element.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:documentation>The contained elements can only be declared once.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="Title" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation>The Title element contains the title for the list file. When a legacy list file is converted, its title is stored here. The title is available for the listfile creator to store the name of Prizm Viewer list files if desired. This title is not currently being displayed.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="FontList" type="fontlisttype" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation>The FontList element contains a list of fonts that are referenced by name from other parts of the list file.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="AnnotationDefaults" type="annotationdefaultstype" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation>The AnnotationDefaults element contains annotation defaults to override those in the user's preferences.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="PrintDefaults" type="printdefaultstype" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation>The PrintDefaults element contains print job dialog defaults to override those set by the user in the print job dialog.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="ExportDefaults" type="exportdefaultstype" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation>The ExportDefaults element contains export dialog defaults to override those set by the user in the export dialog.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="ImageSettingsList" type="imagesettingslisttype" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation>The ImageSettingsList element contains a list of image settings that are referenced by name from an image page, a range of image pages, or an image file.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="PageSettingsList" type="pagesettingslisttype" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation>The PageSettingsList element contains a list of page settings that are referenced by name from an image page, a range of image pages, or an image file.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="PrintSettingsList" type="printsettingslisttype" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation>The PrintSettingsListelement contains a list of page settings that are referenced by name from an image page, a range of image pages, or an image file.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="AnnotationServerList" type="annotationserverlisttype" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation>The AnnotationServerList element contains a list of pairings of image servers and annotation servers.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="ScriptList" type="scriptlisttype" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation>The ScriptList element contains a list of script descriptions for scripts that can be triggered in the current HTML page.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="ImageFileList" type="imagefilelisttype">
          <xsd:documentation>The ImageFileList element contains a list of image files and the pages from those image files to display. This element is required.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="TableOfContents" type="tableofcontentstype" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation>The TableOfContents element contains a table of contents to associate with the list file.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="WebKey" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The WebKey attribute contains a web key to use while accessing the list file.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="LocalKey" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The LocalKey attribute, combined with the WebKey attribute, produces a key to use while accessing a specific local list file.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="ArrangeMenu" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The ArrangeMenu attribute contains a list of menu items to display while accessing the list file.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="ArrangeToolbars" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The ArrangeToolbars attribute contains a list of toolbars and toolbar buttons to display while accessing the list file.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="ArrangeDockingWindows" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The ArrangeDockingWindows attribute contains a list of docking window to initially display or hide while accessing the list file.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="RestrictedCommands" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The RestrictCommands attribute removes commands from the toolbar, menu, and scripting.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="RestrictedDialogPanes" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The RestrictedDialogPanes attribute disables entire panes in the preferences, print, and export dialogs.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="RestrictUserInterface" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The RestrictUserInterfaceattribute locks the toolbar from user modification if set to true.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Mode" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The Mode attribute controls how Prizm Viewer behaves after loading.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:documentation>The attribute value is set by using one of the following mode names.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
            <xsd:documentation>The attribute value must be one of these names.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="View">
              <xsd:documentation>View mode (default) allows the user to view the images in the list file.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Print">
              <xsd:documentation>Print mode allows the user to print the images in the list file and then stops.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="Export">
              <xsd:documentation>Export mode allow the user to export the images in the list file and then stops.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="EndURL" type="xsd:anyURI" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The EndURL attribute specifies a web page to visit in the current window after printing or exporting in Print or Export mode.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="InitialPageName" type="xsd:NCName" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>This attribute specifies the initial page by name.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="InitialPageOffset" type="xsd:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>This attribute specifies the initial page by offset from either the beginning of the list file images or, if defined, the page indicated by InitialPageName.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="InitialMouseTool" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>This attribute specifies the initially selected mouse tool. If an annotation mouse tool is specified and annotation edit mode is disabled, another non-annotation tool will be selected instead.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:documentation>The attribute value is set by using one of the following mouse tool names.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
            <xsd:documentation>The attribute value must be one of these names.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="PanTool">
              <xsd:documentation>The PanTool value specifies the hand pan tool.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="AreaSelectionTool">
              <xsd:documentation>The AreaSelectionTool value specifies the selection tool</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="ZoomRectangleTool">
              <xsd:documentation>The ZoomRectangleTool value specifies the zoom rectangle tool.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="FlyingMagnifierTool">
              <xsd:documentation>The FlyingMagnifierTool value specifies the flying magnifier tool.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="SelectAnnotation">
              <xsd:documentation>The SelectAnnotation value specifies the annotation selection tool.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="RectangleAnnotation">
              <xsd:documentation>The RectangleAnnotation value specifies the create rectangle annotation tool.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="EllipseAnnotation">
              <xsd:documentation>The EllipseAnnotation value specifies the create ellipse annotation tool.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="HighlightAnnotation">
              <xsd:documentation>The HighlightAnnotation value specifies the create highlight annotation tool.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="LineAnnotation">
              <xsd:documentation>The LineAnnotation value specifies the create line annotation tool.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="NoteAnnotation">
              <xsd:documentation>The NoteAnnotation value specifies the create note annotation tool.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="StampAnnotation">
              <xsd:documentation>The StampAnnotation value specifies the create stamp annotation tool.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="TextAnnotation">
              <xsd:documentation>The TextAnnotation value specifies the create text annotation tool.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="PolylineAnnotation">
              <xsd:documentation>The PolylineAnnotation value specifies the create polyline annotation tool.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="PolygonAnnotation">
              <xsd:documentation>The PolygonAnnotation value specifies the create polygon annotation tool.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="FreehandAnnotation">
              <xsd:documentation>The FreehandAnnotation value specifies the create freehand annotation tool.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="InitialPageRetainScalingAndPosition" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The InitialPageRetainScalingAndPosition attribute specifies the initial checked state of the Retain Scaling and Position command.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="InitialPageRetainRotationMirroringAndInvert" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The InitialPageRetainRotationMirroringAndInvert attribute specifies the initial checked state of the Retain Rotation, Mirroring, and Invert command.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="InitialPageRetainQualitySettings" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The InitialPageRetainQualitySettings attribute specifies the initial checked state of the Retain Quality Settings command.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="InitialShowAnnotations" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The InitialShowAnnotations attribute specifies the initial checked state of the Show Annotations command.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="InitialEditAnnotations" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The InitialEditAnnotations attribute specifies the initial checked state of the Edit Annotations command.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="AnnotateFromInternet" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The AnnotateFromInternet attribute value specifies whether annotations are retrieved and saved from the web. This value overrides the Load Annotations From a Web Server user preference.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="AnnotateFromLocal" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The AnnotateFromLocal attribute value specifies whether annotations are retrieved and saved from the local file system. This value overrides the Load Annotations From Local/Network Files user preference.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="AnnotateImportEmbedded" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The AnnotateImportEmbedded attribute value specifies whether annotations that are embedded in the source image file are loaded. This value overrides the Load Annotations From Embedded in PDF or TIFF files user preference.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="InitialStatusText" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The InitialStatusText attribute specifies the initial value of the Status Text property.</xsd:documentation>

See Also

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