Accusoft Prizm Viewer List File Schema Schema
CADTOCEntry Element
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Accusoft Prizm Viewer List File Schema Schema > tocentrytype Complex Type : CADTOCEntry Element

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A TOC entry element can contain a CAD TOC entry element as a child.
Namespace (none)



CADTOCEntry Element


CADTOCEntry optional cadtocentrytype Complex Type
A TOC entry element can contain a CAD TOC entry element as a child.
ImageFileName required xsd:NCName
The name of an entry in the image file list. The named file must be a CAD file. If the file is not a CAD file, this entry is removed from the TOC tree.
PruneMissingTargets optional xsd:boolean
The PruneMissingTargets attribute, if true, removed TOC entries that do not point to pages included in the named image file entry. Otherwise, these TOC entries will be non-functional.


<xsd:element name="CADTOCEntry" type="cadtocentrytype" minOccurs="0" xmlns:xsd="">
    <xsd:documentation>A TOC entry element can contain a CAD TOC entry element as a child.</xsd:documentation>

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