Accusoft Prizm Viewer List File Schema Schema
tableofcontentstype Complex Type
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Accusoft Prizm Viewer List File Schema Schema : tableofcontentstype Complex Type

Glossary Item Box


A TableOfContents element consists of a tree composed of table of content entry elements. There are elements for normal entries, inserted PDF entries, and Cad image list entries.
Namespace (none)


CADTOCEntry Element PDFTOCEntry Element CADTOCEntry Element PDFTOCEntry Element Sequence TOCEntry Element Sequence Title Element Sequence TOCEntry Element Sequence tableofcontentstype Complex Type


A TableOfContents element consists of a tree composed of table of content entry elements. There are elements for normal entries, inserted PDF entries, and Cad image list entries.
Sequence 1..∞
TOCEntry optional tocentrytype Complex Type
A normal TOC entry represents a single line in the table of contents.
PageName optional xsd:NCName
The PageName attribute is the referenced list file image page.
PageOffset optional xsd:nonNegativeInteger
The PageOffset attribute is the referenced page by offset from either the beginning of the list file images or, if defined, the page indicated by PageName.
Title optional xsd:string
This title string is the string displayed in the table of contents for this entry.
Sequence 1..∞
TOCEntry optional tocentrytype Complex Type
A TOC entry element can contain another TOC entry element as a child.
PageName optional xsd:NCName
The PageName attribute is the referenced list file image page.
PageOffset optional xsd:nonNegativeInteger
The PageOffset attribute is the referenced page by offset from either the beginning of the list file images or, if defined, the page indicated by PageName.
Title optional xsd:string
This title string is the string displayed in the table of contents for this entry.
Sequence 1..∞
TOCEntry optional tocentrytype Complex Type
A TOC entry element can contain another TOC entry element as a child.
PDFTOCEntry optional pdftocentrytype Complex Type
A TOC entry element can contain a PDF TOC entry element as a child.
ImageFileName required xsd:NCName
The name of an entry in the image file list. The named file must be a PDF file. If the file is not a PDF file, or the PDF file has no TOC, this entry is removed from the TOC tree.
PruneMissingTargets optional xsd:boolean
The PruneMissingTargets attribute, if true, removed TOC entries that do not point to pages included in the named image file entry. Otherwise, these TOC entries will be non-functional.
CADTOCEntry optional cadtocentrytype Complex Type
A TOC entry element can contain a CAD TOC entry element as a child.
ImageFileName required xsd:NCName
The name of an entry in the image file list. The named file must be a CAD file. If the file is not a CAD file, this entry is removed from the TOC tree.
PruneMissingTargets optional xsd:boolean
The PruneMissingTargets attribute, if true, removed TOC entries that do not point to pages included in the named image file entry. Otherwise, these TOC entries will be non-functional.
PDFTOCEntry optional pdftocentrytype Complex Type
A TOC entry element can contain a PDF TOC entry element as a child.
ImageFileName required xsd:NCName
The name of an entry in the image file list. The named file must be a PDF file. If the file is not a PDF file, or the PDF file has no TOC, this entry is removed from the TOC tree.
PruneMissingTargets optional xsd:boolean
The PruneMissingTargets attribute, if true, removed TOC entries that do not point to pages included in the named image file entry. Otherwise, these TOC entries will be non-functional.
CADTOCEntry optional cadtocentrytype Complex Type
A TOC entry element can contain a CAD TOC entry element as a child.
ImageFileName required xsd:NCName
The name of an entry in the image file list. The named file must be a CAD file. If the file is not a CAD file, this entry is removed from the TOC tree.
PruneMissingTargets optional xsd:boolean
The PruneMissingTargets attribute, if true, removed TOC entries that do not point to pages included in the named image file entry. Otherwise, these TOC entries will be non-functional.
PDFTOCEntry optional pdftocentrytype Complex Type
A PDF TOC entry is a placeholder for a table of contents extracted from a PDF file.
ImageFileName required xsd:NCName
The name of an entry in the image file list. The named file must be a PDF file. If the file is not a PDF file, or the PDF file has no TOC, this entry is removed from the TOC tree.
PruneMissingTargets optional xsd:boolean
The PruneMissingTargets attribute, if true, removed TOC entries that do not point to pages included in the named image file entry. Otherwise, these TOC entries will be non-functional.
CADTOCEntry optional cadtocentrytype Complex Type
A CAD TOC entry is a placeholder for a flat list of image view names in a CAD file.
ImageFileName required xsd:NCName
The name of an entry in the image file list. The named file must be a CAD file. If the file is not a CAD file, this entry is removed from the TOC tree.
PruneMissingTargets optional xsd:boolean
The PruneMissingTargets attribute, if true, removed TOC entries that do not point to pages included in the named image file entry. Otherwise, these TOC entries will be non-functional.

Used By


<xsd:complexType name="tableofcontentstype" xmlns:xsd="">
    <xsd:documentation>A TableOfContents element consists of a tree composed of table of content entry elements. There are elements for normal entries, inserted PDF entries, and Cad image list entries.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:documentation>A TableOfContents element contains any number of TOCEntry, PDFTOCEntry, and CADTOCEntry elements.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="TOCEntry" type="tocentrytype" minOccurs="0">
        <xsd:documentation>A normal TOC entry represents a single line in the table of contents.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="PDFTOCEntry" type="pdftocentrytype" minOccurs="0">
        <xsd:documentation>A PDF TOC entry is a placeholder for a table of contents extracted from a PDF file.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="CADTOCEntry" type="cadtocentrytype" minOccurs="0">
        <xsd:documentation>A CAD TOC entry is a placeholder for a flat list of image view names in a CAD file.</xsd:documentation>

See Also

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