PrizmDoc Viewer v13.5 - Updated
Administrator Guide > Troubleshoot > Linux


This topic covers troubleshooting tips for PrizmDoc. Note that this topic does not cover issues related to custom web-tier implementations.

The Viewer isn’t Working (Check the PrizmDoc Server)

The following section contains basic troubleshooting steps limited to the PrizmDoc Server.

  1. Verify that the PrizmDoc Server is running. Check the health of the PrizmDoc Server:

    If you are using PrizmDoc v10.x or later, this can be found at:


    Your license status will be displayed at the top:

    alt text

    If you are using PrizmDoc v9.x, this can be found at:


    The health of the services will be displayed (which will display the same data in JSON format).

    NOTE: The "License Status" and "PCC Version" may differ on your system from the example above. Note that "OS" will be your version of Linux.

  2. Test a file outside of the Samples. Open a browser and navigate to:


    Where localhost is a hostname that points to the PrizmDoc Server.

    Attempt to open a known, good file using the Viewer. If the file works, then PrizmDoc is currently functioning. If not, continue troubleshooting.

  3. If you find that some of the services are unhealthy (and you have checked permissions, login and password of the service user, and are using a known valid license), there are two primary reasons for this:

The System has Limited Resources

The system resources for a machine running PrizmDoc are described in Sizing Servers. Please note that PrizmDoc will require at least a few gigabytes free while running and no conversions are taking place. If your system has PrizmDoc installed and idles with 1-2GB free RAM, then the services will run into stability issues.

The Cache is Corrupted or Inaccessible

A common problem is not running or installing PrizmDoc Server as the root user, which is a requirement for running PrizmDoc on a Linux server. Correcting this will solve permission related issues while accessing the cache. To clear a potentially corrupted cache manually, use the following steps:

  1. Run: /usr/share/prizm/scripts/ stop
  2. Delete the contents of: /usr/share/prizm/cache/
  3. Start up PrizmDoc Server: /usr/share/prizm/scripts/ start

Another common issue is that either PrizmDoc Application Services (PAS) or PrizmDoc Server isn't running.

To check that PAS is running:

  1. Navigate to: /usr/share/prizm/pas/pm2
  2. Run: ./ status

To check that the PrizmDoc Server is running:

  1. Navigate to: /usr/share/prizm/scripts
  2. Run: ./ status

If the steps above have been checked and the Admin page shows that PrizmDoc is unlicensed, then the license key will need to be verified by Accusoft Support at You can find the current license key in /usr/share/prizm/prizm-services-config.yml:

alt text

In the example above, the license key is "2.0.E6Aorkh8..." To locate your license key, copy everything after "license.key:" and send your full license key to Accusoft Support.

NOTE: Your solutionName and license key may differ from the example above.

If everything seems to be functioning, and a file is still not displayed in the Viewer, there may be an issue with the conversion of the specific file. If this is the case, send the file to for evaluation and submission to our engineering team.

My Documents are Loading Slowly


Why are my documents loading slowly in the Viewer when PrizmDoc Server is installed on a Windows 2016 server?


When Windows Defender is enabled for Real-Time scanning, this may impact performance. If you disable Windows Defender Real-Time scanning, the performance issue should resolve immediately.