PrizmDoc Viewer v13.5 - Updated January 18, 2019
Supported File Formats
PrizmDoc Viewer Overview > Supported File Formats

Supported File Formats

This section represents a reference for every document and image file format supported by PrizmDoc.

PrizmDoc detects most of the formats automatically, except the formats with poor signature or no signature at all. Such formats are detected by the file extension.

Document Formats

Format File Extension Supported by Microsoft Office renderer Auto Detection
Adobe Portable Document format *.pdf No Yes
Microsoft Word format *.doc, *.dot Yes Yes
Microsoft Word Open XML format *.docx, *.docm, *.dotx, *.dotm Yes Yes
Rich Text format *.rtf Yes Yes
Microsoft Excel format *.xls, *.xlt Yes Yes
Microsoft Excel Open XML format *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xltx, *.xltm Yes Yes
Microsoft PowerPoint format *.ppt, *.pot, *.pps Yes Yes
Microsoft PowerPoint Open XML format *.pptx, *.pptm, *.potx, *.potm, *.ppsx, *.ppsm Yes Yes
Microsoft Visio Drawing format *.vsd No Yes
Microsoft Visio XML Drawing format *.vsdx, *.vsdm, *.vdx No Yes
OpenDocument Text format *.odt, *.ott, *.fodt No Yes
OpenDocument Spreadsheet format *.ods, *.ots, *.fods No Yes
OpenDocument Presentation format *.odp, *.otp, *.fodp No Yes
OpenDocument Math Formula format *.odf No Yes
OpenDocument Drawing format *.odg, *.otg, *.fodg No Yes

CAD Formats

Format File Extension Auto Detection
AutoDesk AutoCAD format (version 2.5 through 2014) *.dwg, *.dxf Yes
AutoDesk Design Web format *.dwf Yes
MicroStation Drawing format (V7 and V8) *.dgn Yes

Web Formats

Format File Extension Auto Detection
HyperText Markup Language format *.html, *.htm Yes
Extensible HyperText Markup Language format *.xhtml, *.xhtm Yes

Most of the HTML files are auto-detected by searching for specific tags. Although html tags usually denote a web page, they neither guarantee that the file is a web page, nor they are required for rendering a file as a web page. Such incompliant files might not be recognized as HTML, but will still be rendered as HTML in case if they are identified as such by the file extension.

Email Formats

Format File Extension Auto Detection
Microsoft Outlook format *.msg Yes
Outlook Express Email format *.eml No

EML files are not auto-detected, but identified by file extension because EML is a plain text in MIME format which does not allow reliable auto-detection.

Text Formats

Format File Extension Supported by Microsoft Office renderer Auto Detection
Text format *.txt No No
Comma-Separated Values format *.csv Yes No

Text and CSV files are not auto-detected, but identified by file extension because both are plain text formats with no file signature. These formats however assume different rendering style. While Text is rendered plain, the CSV is rendered like a spreadsheet. We distinguish them by file extension.

Medical Image Formats

Format Compression File Extension Auto Detection
Digital Imaging & Communication in Medicine format Uncompressed, JPEG, RLE *.dcm, *.dicom, *.dcim, *.dicm Yes

Currently PrizmDoc auto detects DICOM Specification Part 10 compliant files only. Autodetection of the legacy DICOM files (without DICOM File Meta Information) is not supported, therefore the legacy DICOM files are detected by the file extension. Currently PrizmDoc does not support conversion of DICOM format to SVG.

Image Formats

Format Compression File Extension Auto Detection
Tagged Image File Format Uncompressed, PackBits, Huffman, CCITT G3, CCITT G4, CCITT G32D, JPEG, Deflate, LZW *.tif, *.tiff Yes
JPEG File Interchange Format JPEG *.jpg, *.jpeg Yes
JPEG 2000 File Format and Code Stream JPEG 2000 *.jp2, *.jpc Yes
Graphics Interchange Format LZW *.gif Yes
Portable Network Graphics format Deflate *.png Yes
Adobe Photoshop format Uncompressed, Deflate, RLE *.psd, *.psb Yes
Microsoft Windows Bitmap format Uncompressed, RLE *.bmp, *.dib Yes
Macintosh Metafile format Uncompressed, RLE, JPEG *.pct, *.pic, *.pict Yes
Windows Metafile format (Windows only) Uncompressed, RLE *.wmf Yes
Enhanced Metafile format (Windows only) Uncompressed, RLE *.emf Yes
ZSoft Paintbrush PCX format Uncompressed, RLE *.pcx Yes
ZSoft Paintbrush DCX format Uncompressed, RLE *.dcx Yes
Sun Raster Data format Uncompressed, RLE *.ras Yes
Kodak Photo CD format Uncompressed, Huffman *.pcd Yes
Truevision Targa format Uncompressed, RLE *.tga, *.tpic Yes
Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support format CCITT G4 *.cal, *.cals Yes
Icon Resource format Uncompressed, RLE *.ico Yes
Windows Cursor format Uncompressed, RLE *.cur Yes
NCR Image format Uncompressed, CCITT G4 *.ncr Yes
X Window Dump format Uncompressed *.xwd Yes
Silicon Graphics Image format Uncompressed, RLE *.sgi Yes
Wireless Bitmap format Uncompressed *.wbmp Yes
Scitex Color Tone format Uncompressed *.sct Yes
WordPerfect Graphics Metafile format RLE *.wpg Yes
X Bitmap format Uncompressed *.xbm Yes
Portable Bitmap format Uncompressed *.pbm Yes
Portable Graymap format Uncompressed *.pgm Yes
Portable Pixmap format Uncompressed *.ppm Yes
Xerox 9700 Graphic format Uncompressed *.img Yes
Dr. Halo format RLE *.cut No

Currently Windows Metafile and Enhanced Metafile formats are only supported by PrizmDoc Server running on Windows platforms. These formats are not supported on Linux platforms. Dr. Halo (CUT) format cannot be reliably auto-detected due to its poor file signature, therefore it is identified by file extension. Currently PrizmDoc does not support conversion of CAL/CALS, CUR, DCX, IMG, PCT/PIC/PICT, PSD/PSB, RAS, TGA/TPIC and XWD formats to SVG.