To uninstall PrizmDoc from your Linux system, perform the following steps:
# /usr/share/prizm/scripts/ stop
# sudo apt-get remove prizm-services.*
Red Hat/CentOS:
# yum remove prizm-services*
This will not properly execute if run in a directory with files matching the wildcard, for example, the /usr/share/prizm/ directory or the directory where the downloaded Prizm services .deb or .rpm files are located.Generic Package:
Remove symbolic links to the fonts directory and update system fonts cache.
# rm /etc/fonts/conf.d/99-accusoft_prizm_fonts.conf
# fc-cache -fThis will also remove PrizmDoc Viewer if it is installed.
# rm -Rf /usr/share/prizm
# rm -Rf /usr/share/prizm