PrizmDoc® Viewer v13.27 Release - Updated
PrizmDoc Viewer / Troubleshooting / Windows Installation & Upgrade Issues
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    Windows Installation & Upgrade Issues
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    This section outlines how to troubleshoot cached or partially cached components identified during an installation on Windows.

    PrizmDoc Server Fails to Install and Immediately Rolls Back

    When the PrizmDoc Windows Installer runs in UI mode, it attempts to start PrizmDoc as part of the installation process. If this fails for some reason (e.g. due to antiviral software running on the system), the installer rolls back.

    In this case, follow the Unattended Install process. This will avoid the rollback and allow you or the Accusoft Support Team to track down the specific issue more easily.

    PrizmDoc Server Fails to Install, Reports the Presence of Cached Components on Windows

    There may have been an issue with uninstalling the previous version of PrizmDoc as the PrizmDoc Server Installer identifies some of its components as "Cached" or "Partially cached", and refuses to install them, causing the overall installer to fail.

    We have some recommendations to prevent cached components, avoid breaking the environment, or uninstalling the product when you have a broken environment.

    NOTE: Substitute the PrizmDoc version you want to uninstall and install in the code examples below. For example, if you want to uninstall PrizmDoc v13.23 and v13.24 and then reinstall v13.24, you will first specify "13.23" and then "13.24" for the "\<previousversion>" when using the uninstall parameter, and finally specify "13.24" for the "\<latestversion>" to perform a clean install.

    To perform a clean install of PrizmDoc, use the following steps:

    1. Disable any virus scanner as it could be interfering with the package caching.

    2. Run the PrizmDoc previous version of the installer with the uninstall parameter and specify the version number to uninstall:

      start-process -Wait -FilePath .\PrizmDocServer-<previousversion>.exe -ArgumentList "-uninstall -s -l uninstall-<previousversion>.log"

    3. Reboot your machine.

    4. Run the latest version of the installer with the uninstall parameter and specify the current/latest version number to uninstall (before you perform a clean reinstall):

      start-process -Wait -FilePath .\PrizmDocServer-<latestversion>.exe -ArgumentList "-uninstall -s -l uninstall-<latestversion>.log"

    5. Reboot your machine.

    6. Try installing the latest version of PrizmDoc again:

      start-process -Wait -FilePath .\PrizmDocServer-<latestversion>.exe -ArgumentList "ServiceUser=IAD-WIN7\Administrator ServicePassword=<your password> -s -l install-<latestversion>.log"

    7. Try starting up PrizmDoc Server:

      net start prizm

    If this does not resolve the issue, please provide us with the logs from all 3 installer runs, as well a dump of the Windows Event logs.