PrizmDoc® Viewer v13.27 Release - Updated
PrizmDoc Viewer / Developer Guide / Get Started with Hybrid Viewing / License & Create PDF Viewing Packages
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    License & Create PDF Viewing Packages
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    The Hybrid Viewing and PDF Viewing Package creation features reduce the overall server usage by enabling document rendering in the Viewer and the creation of much smaller viewing packages.

    To take advantage of these features, PAS needs to be configured with a Metered License (you can use the same metered license to configure both PrizmDoc Server and PAS). If you do not want to use these features, you do not need to install a license key in PAS. For more information on how to set up the license in the PAS configuration, see PAS Licensing, or see below.

    NOTE: If you want to evaluate Hybrid Viewing, contact

    IMPORTANT: If you have OEM or another type of licensing and you want to use Hybrid Viewing, please contact us at

    Requirements & Considerations

    • You are required to use Metered Licensing with PAS to enable the creation of PDF-only Viewing Packages and view them client-side using the Hybrid Viewing feature. You will need to set up a database for both creating and viewing the Viewing Package and tracking your Metered License usage.

    • If you want to create the original, full Viewing Packages and view them with SVG viewing, then you do not need a Metered License for PAS. However, a database is still required.

    • If you want to only view a document with the Hybrid Viewing feature (not using Viewing Packages), then the Metered License on PrizmDoc server will enable that and again, no additional PAS licensing is required.

    • If you self-host PAS and use PrizmDoc Cloud as the back-end, you will need a Metered License to use Hybrid Viewing.

    • If you are using the Hybrid Viewing feature and enabling a Content Security Policy, you will need to add the worker-src blob: parameter to the Content-Security-Policy tag.

    Get Started with PAS Licensing & PDF Viewing Package Creation

    Step 1: Set up the License

    NOTE: A Metered License is required for this feature.

    1. Edit your / pas.nix.yml
    2. Set the License Key and Solution Name:

      license.key: YOUR_LICENSE_KEY
      license.solutionName: YOUR_SOLUTION_NAME

    Step 2: Set up a Database

    1. Use the PAS Configuring a Database page to configure a connection to your database, which is required for the Viewing Package feature.
    2. Once you have set up the database, you should have something similar in your PAS config file as shown below:

      NOTE: The example below is for a MySQL database. Your code may look slightly different if you are using an SQL Server database.

      database.adapter: mysql
      database.connectionString: "mysql://dbUser:dbPassword@host.docker.internal:3306/dbName"
    3. Edit your / pas.nix.yml

    4. Enable the Viewing Package feature by adding a line in the config:

      feature.viewingPackages: "enabled"
    5. Use the Run Database Scripts topic to create the necessary tables in the database for the Viewing Package feature.

    6. Your PAS is now ready to create Viewing Packages. The following steps will help you verify that everything is functioning properly.

    Step 3: Verify that everything works by creating a Viewing Session from a Viewing Package

    1. Create a PDF Viewing Package from the viewingPackageCreators endpoint in PAS. Note the packageType of pdf is how you indicate to PAS that you want a PDF Viewing Package.

      Example Request

      POST http://localhost:3000/v2/viewingPackageCreators
      Content-Type: application/json
          "input": {
              "source": {
                  "type": "document",
                  "fileName": "PdfDemoSample.pdf",
                  "documentId": "test-id-1",
                  "packageType": "pdf"
              "viewingPackageLifetime": 2592000

      Example Response

      200 OK
      Content-Type: application/json
          "input": {
              "source": {
                  "documentId": "test-id-1",
                  "type": "document",
                  "packageType": "pdf",
                  "fileName": "PdfDemoSample.pdf"
              "viewingPackageLifetime": 2592000
          "expirationDateTime": "2022-11-14T20:39:31.000Z",
          "processId": "YOxF4JFiuaXjfsfNKga1iw",
          "state": "queued",
          "percentComplete": 0
    2. Wait for the viewing package creation to be complete by checking the percentComplete in the response to GET /v2/viewingPackageCreators.

      Example Request

      GET http://localhost:3000/v2/viewingPackageCreators/<your-process-id>

      Example Response

      200 OK
      Content-Type: application/json
          "input": {
              "source": {
                  "documentId": "test-id-1",
                  "type": "document",
                  "packageType": "pdf",
                  "fileName": "PdfDemoSample.pdf"
              "viewingPackageLifetime": 2592000
          "expirationDateTime": "2022-11-14T20:40:28.000Z",
          "processId": "YOxF4JFiuaXjfsfNKga1iw",
          "state": "processing",
          "percentComplete": 100
    3. Now create a Viewing Session using the documentId from the previous step, again setting the allowedClientFileFormats to ['pdf'] and packageType to pdf.

      Example Request

      POST http://localhost:3000/ViewingSession
      Content-Type: application/json
          "source": {
              "type": "upload",
              "displayName": "PdfDemoSample.pdf",
              "documentId": "test-id-1",
              "packageType": "pdf"
          "allowedClientFileFormats": ["pdf"]

      Example Response

      200 OK
      Content-Type: application/json

    Next Steps